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Everything posted by klenke

  1. Sorry, right. I mis-read her post. Yes, centaur. Although a satyr sometimes is depicted with a horse's tail. Satyr & Centaur:
  2. It's called the satyr, Marie.
  3. At the moment, the hircocervus...because I used it in a trip report this week.
  4. How 'bout you, hon? You checked your post-a-meter lately?
  5. ...First signs that Dru is worried Oly will pass him in total useless post count. I give it five more months at Oly's torrid pace.
  6. I didn't go but I heard it went something like this: Blah blah blah angry angry angry blah blah blah told you so blah blah blah Bush idiot me genius misunderstood blah blah blah hate republicans blah blah blah I love me blah blah blah love my ego blah blah blah Bush dummy blah blah blah Chaney dummy blah blah blah Rove big teddy bear dummy blah blah blah you stupid blah blah blah thanks for your money must be going now.
  7. Or maybe I really did date a cockroach.
  8. The last time I saw a giant cockroach was when one my ex-girlfriends walked out the door for the last time. Happy birthday, Dave.
  9. I think it was a ploy all along.
  10. All I know is I like Sweet 'n Low better than Equal better than Splenda.
  11. Describe the difficulties climbing up PBS. It has the look of steepness from a distance but I suspect it's not that bad. Thanks.
  12. Darryl Cramer = Dairy Creamer?
  13. Yes. Red Pass next to Portal Peak. I was there a month ago. Very vibrant red and orange right now. It took me 7 hours to get from NF Sauk TH to White Chuck Glacier area (a half-mile SW of Glacier Gap). I was at the 6,000-ft trail junction (with PCT) below White Mountain in about 3:15 hours from the car (8 miles). From there it is another 30 minutes to Red Pass. From Red Pass it would take about 2 hours to get to somewhere below the WSW side of Glacier (below the Sitkum Glacier). So, say 6 hours to get there from the TH. But that's at Klenke speeds. When I was at the aforementioned junction I talked to some guys doing the entire PCT. Said they were doing the real PCT not the detour. I told them about the washouts but they didn't seem concerned. Either the washouts aren't as bad as reported or these guys were underprepared. Who knows how they fared. Maybe the washouts are beyond where one would cut off trail to get up to the Sitkum. Glacier from Portal Peak on 9/26. The Sitkum Glacier is that piddly one left of the summit:
  14. Watch out for this guy Dennis Smith though, archenemy. He'd be hot for anything remotely resembling the above.
  15. Test post to verify hotlinking to SP.org. Mt. Maude from Icebox (Pk 8112) on Ice Creek Ridge on 6/13/04. This is above the Carne Mountain High Route.
  16. Inside joke: That's two questions, Porter, and they are not burning questions you would ask if you only had 10 minutes left to live. So I'm sorry, none of us who were present can answer your question.
  17. The road is closed. There is/was talk of repairing it and reopening it. It might just be talk. I don't know how suitable it is for biking but I imagine it would fine until you get to a really big washout or a really big gap spanning a river where a bridge used to be. More info here.
  18. An oldy but a goody: 660 Approximate number of the Beast DCLXVI Roman numeral of the Beast 666.0000 Number of the High Precision Beast 0.666 Number of the Millibeast / 666 Beast Common Denominator (-666) ^ (1/2) Imaginary number of the Beast 6.66 e3 Floating point Beast 1010011010 Binary of the Beast 6, uh... what was that number again? Number of the Blonde Beast 1-666 Area code of the Beast 00666 Zip code of the Beast 666mph The speed limit of the Beast $665.95 Retail price of the Beast $699.25 Price of the Beast plus 5% state sales tax $769.95 Price of the Beast with all accessories and replacement soul $656.66 Walmart price of the Beast $646.66 Next week's Walmart price of the Beast Phillips 666 Gasoline of the Beast Route 666 Way of the Beast 666 F Oven temperature for roast Beast 666k Retirement plan of the Beast 666 mg Recommended Minimum Daily Requirement of Beast 6.66 % 5 year CD interest rate at First Beast of Hell National Bank, $666 minimum deposit. $666/hr Beast's lawyer's billing rate Lotus 6-6-6 Spreadsheet of the Beast Word 6.66 Word Processor of the Beast i66686 CPU of the Beast 665.9997856 The Number of the Beast on a Pentium 666i BMW of the Beast DSM-666 (revised) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the Beast 1232 Octal, Apt. 29A Beast's hexed address 668 Next-door neighbor of the Beast 333 The semi-Christ
  19. I think I'll probably go back to The Boxcar Alehouse to defend the Sub-Basics' trivial title. That is, if it is really going on again. Snugtop?
  20. you might know him by his other name on Broadway: olystroker.
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