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Everything posted by specialed

  1. This subject is so ripe for a joke about giving the vegetarian chicks the old horsecock, or such. But I would never make such off color remarks. However, I am a proud member of PETA - People for the Eating of Tasty Animals.
  2. Fuck you Dru. Mike - your piece is more or less relatively brilliant. -Pete
  3. specialed


    Have you actually seen these gurls? Men here, even dirtbag slimeballs like most of us, might be doing them a favor by taking them climbing, or even calling them up.
  4. it wont be long now and every other weekend well be spent sending there. then i can learn all about bowl obstruction What's bowl obstruction? When your glass pipe gets needs to be cleaned?
  5. Yeah just in time for the fucking weekend. Classic.
  6. specialed

    The Ladies

    You mean one that doesn't shave?
  7. Tired of viewing your transexual midget porn collection already?
  8. specialed

    The Ladies

    I'll never sink that low, Minx. I'll spend atleast 20 dollars on a good crack whore.
  9. Unless l0930 is furry, has four legs, and goes "baaahh," Bob is not interested.
  10. specialed

    The Ladies

    Like anyone wants to know where you pick up your ten dollar crack whores.
  11. You actually think you can summit with a non-name brand $39 dollar softshell? How many NOLSE courses have you taken? Are you sure you're qualified to give an opinion on this matter?
  12. Index in February? You must be joking.
  13. Summit or Death - either way you will be looking stylish in your "burnt ash" colored Patagonia Houdini windshirt.
  14. Yeah some rope drag. Climbings easy though. Use long runners.
  15. True. This aint the season to be in the northwest. But its not like Colorado is some sort of fucking Valhalla.
  16. Its been a while since I did it but I know you can link the first two free pitches and the last two aid pitches. You can probably link some of the ones in the middle too.
  17. Someone looking for antiques? Hey, looks like the Grivels front bail only fit on a boot with a weld, correct?
  18. So that's why the goat was a boy.
  19. Ha Ha. Just read that Houdini thread. Too bad I missed it. That shits pretty rich.
  20. Moral of the story is that "mountain lions don't smoke marijuana." But what if it was just an extremely large housecat?
  21. You missed some decent climbing and an interesting discussion on how to ameliorate a bowel obstruction.
  22. There's always beer.
  23. Thanks for clearing all that up Colin, etc. I hope my post wasn't interpreted as trying to detract from any of you guys' effort. It just seems like there was a lot of confusion about this topic and I wanted some clarification.
  24. The horror.
  25. Hopefully even the Dem's aren't stupid enough to run Hillary.
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