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Everything posted by Dan_Harris
so why do those fuck heads from cali only know how to do 50 mph on I-5 when they get up here??? Last time I was up Seattle way, specifically between Centralia and Bellevue, the speed on I-5 never got over 45, both when I drove north and then again south. Drove me nuts. Most California drivers are clueless too! And Gov. Grayout Doofus just signed a bill to allow illegal aliens to get a CA drivers license.
That's like asking should the TP hang off the front or back of the roll.
that's because no one gives a shit enuf to fuck with a Mac And that's fine with me. Oh, and I can finally read, eat, and lose my lunch on cc.com. The techies say it the problem is finally fixed, the worm is dead.
Was it really O'Reilly who got FOX to sue? I haven't totally understood copyright suits. Obviusly the courts said FOX didn't have a leg to stand on. I agree. Yet have let McDonalds sue a small B&B along hiway 101 for using the McDonalds name. Just Like FOX, they said people might be confused. Ernest & Julio Gallo sued their brother Joseph saying he couldn't use the family name on his cheese, might confuse consumers. Gallo salami pays the winery for letting them use the name.
We have a virus in our network at work for the last week. Techies can't seem to clean it up. That means no cc.com at lunch. Before work, like now, and then I have to catch up on all my reading when I get home. BTW, no probs on my MAC.
I have too seen damaged habitat and trash from humans. Packed out my fair share of others garbage. But with humans you can talk to them and try to teach. I have talked to many a person about the results of their actions. Been told to fuck off, but have also been thanked and told the person didn't know or think about their actions. Try talking to a cow.
Maybe because they feel no one takes Franken seriously and he isn't worth wasting the time of day talking about.
Al Franken is a big fat idiot. I thought this the first time I saw him on Saturday Night Live and he has only gotten worse.
It's probably good for the cows, there, brainiac. Also, it allows ranchers to run larger herds than just their private holdings could handle - this allows more meat to be put to market, thus keeping the price of beef down. Doesn't this amount to a gov't subsidy to the beef industry. Seems I read somewhere that grazing fees on public lands are pretty low. Just like logging on NF land is cheaper than having to own and take care of your own forest. Should the Gummint be subsidizing industries? There is a whole different argument. I know there is a long history of grazing in the west. My original post was frustration. I want to get away to the hills and back country, see the native wildlife and instead I see and hear cows. I don't know how cattle affect deer and elk populations, just know that when I see cows i don't see the others. I've enjoyed reading everyones comments.
I know that there is mining and timber cutting on public lands in the PNW. These are bad enough (clear cuts and strip mining), but is there cattle grazing? I am getting tired of heading up to the hills here in CA and finding cows grazing and trampling the meadows on National Forest Land. But the cow shit all over the place is even more annoying. I've seen cow pies at over 10,000 ft. I haven't found any yet in areas that have fee demo, but I wouldn't be surprised. At State Parks in the east bay area I have been told that the grazing helps keep the grasses low thus reducing fire hazard. Pay entrance fees to hike around cows and their crap. They are now getting into the mop up stage of over 30,000 acres of lightening fires in the east bay hills. Did the grazing help reduce the hazard? Would these have been worse Any thoughts?
Heard it about a year ago, but it's still funny.
High tech stuff helps. I sure do not want to chance it with the stuff used by those back in the day. But knowledge and some luck sure comes in handy. Beck mentioned the Endurance expedition. What an epic and classic tale of survival. I read another story of John Muir getting caught in a freak summer snowstorm on Shasta. He and his partner Jerome Fay layed in the sulfer hot spring at the base of the summit pinnacle for 17 hours. It is not deep enough to cover them completely. They actually allowed the snow to build up on their chests hoping it would act as insulation against the wind. Would high tech stuff have helped them? Would they have thought to lay in the hot springs with all of that gear? With modern gear would they have tried to head down in the storm? I do not know. Food for thought. Knowledge and luck!
Alot of road kill and moron drivers, expecially the woman in Roseburg in a pickup pulling onto I-5 and dialing her cell phone at the same time. Drove from Central CA to McMinnville, OR and back.
Snow Shoe Thompson. He was hand carrying mail between Placerville and Carson City Nevada. Did it for many years, for free at first, except for meals and room and board at each end. A Scandanavian who just wanted a job so said give me the mail to carry when no one else would go due to the high snows.There is a monument to him at the top of Carson Pass on CA State Route 88. An amazing, or some would claim crazy, man.
Thanks for the link Anna. What a difference a day makes. Drove home yesterday and saw that the pass is open. The smokey skies were much better, only bad around Eugene. I'm beat, home to McMinnville and back in 43 hours.
Drove up to McMinnville yesterday. The air from Roseburg north to Salem is the worst I have ever seen it in Oregon. Could hardly see the hills. It looked like LA area air. I saw that Santiam Pass is still closed. What is Happening with the fire?
The following is from this site: http://www.shastaavalanche.org/reports.htm Clear Creek Trailhead: The trailhead is open and there is water running at the spring. The route is mostly scree. The routes on the East side are notorious for getting climbers disoriented on the descent. Pay close attention to what drainage you are supposed to descend, so you do not descend the wrong route. We recommend filtering, treating or boiling your water. Please camp at least 100’ away from the springs or creek and tread lightly by walking on the rocky areas avoiding fragile plants.
I went to a dinner party once where someone had blue potatos. No food coloring, said the spuds were naturally blue. They tasted like any other potato.
Incredible. Arguing over how you purify water. Who gives a damn as long as you keep hydrated. I've used tablets, sometimes a filter, and if I'm up where few people (or frikin' cows) go I usually just drink straight from the stream, no problems. Now everyone take a deep breath, let it out slowly and go climb a rock.
My moring coffee, chocolate covered espresso beans as a mid afternoon snack, coffee ice cream for dessert. mmmmm . . . who needs to sleep?
It's been 20 years since I been to Nome. I don't remember there being much. Low rolling hills in the immediate area. Alot of people camping along the shore. Sun should still be up a long time if you're up ther in early September. I was walking around and thought it was about 9 p.m. and it was midnight. Stuff's expensive. In 1982 a burger and fries was $10 and a can of Rainier beer was on sale for a $1.50 a can at The Last Vestige Vaudeville House and Saloon at the finish line to the Iditarod. Probably doen't help you much, but your post brought back memories
Someone tried it this weekend in LA http://www.modbee.com/state_wire/story/7339805p-8262177c.html
I hear your pain. Coming home through Yosemite last week and a touron and his family cruising at what seem like a fast walk. He pointing at all the pretty granite, lakes, and then trees. Meanwhile 15 cars were backed up behind him as he passed several turnouts and seemingly no clue as to what they were for.
See Erik's human beings are dumb thread first . I saw it first.
Then they get behind the wheel of a car and any intelligence they may have had completely leaves them.