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Everything posted by Dan_Harris

  1. Oh yeah, those evil SUVs, they makes drivers even more stupid. Pulled up to red light once and saw a quite animated converstion in sign language from the car next to me. Do not know who was deaf, driver or passneger, but the conversation continued as we pulled away with the green light.
  2. Bring your own beer in an ice chest to the Barcroft Gate on White Mtn. Less expensive and no bears!
  3. White Mountain in CA. No permits needed unlike Whitney which are hard to come by. You can drive to over 11,000 ft., park and spend the night there. Then hike up the road / trail and spend another night at over 14,000 ft.
  4. Radians are for Mathematicians. Every Physicist and Physics teacher I know uses degrees escept for some rotational problems. Messes kids up all the time going from Calculus to Physics and forgetting to change their calculator.
  5. Just finished watching High Plains Drifter for the ?th time. Great flick. for those of you stuck at home Saturday night, Eiger Sanction will be on AMC. I should be in Yosemite.
  6. Best L'Amour book is The Lonesome Gods.
  7. Just finished Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury. Going to try to get back into Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Started it once before.
  8. the north facing chutes on paulina are some of the steepest shots in most of OR, folks ski them frequently and has an easy snomo aidied approach. have i skied them? nope, too steep for my puss ass as of yet, but they look wicked! Timmy, I am a wimp skier. I was thinking of coming up next spring for a snow camp and snow shoe hike up the peak. I am not real fond of hiking along with snowmobiles though. I know the Sisters would be better, Paulina was just a thought.
  9. I have more tomatos than I know what to with. Salads and start the BBQ for burgers with fresh tomatos.
  10. You would find them in Southern California, in reality, a completely different state. I would be alright with me if they fell off into the ocean.
  11. At least we finally passed a budget. Now Oregon is the only state left without one.
  12. When Enron was doing its thing, our Gov, Greyout Doofus sat on his thumbs and did nothing but negotiate long term contracts with energy companies at spot market prices. Excuse me, when he wasn't negotiating those contracts, Doofus was out raising tons of money to get re-elected and to hell with everything else. I know hard core democrats who say he is incompetant, but voted for him because of the other option. The dot com businesses going belly up didn't help things either. I do not know who I am going to vote for in the recall but I never have voted for Mr. Personality. Later, I've got a long drive to Portland ahead of me.
  13. I wish it was that cool. Come down this way. Mid 80s at 10:00. 18 days so far this month with daytime temps over 100. That is why I went up OR and WA way for the first half of July. Well to escape the heat, climb, hike and fish. Here's hoping it cools down for all of us.
  14. Forgot, North by Northwest (the best Hitchcock film IMHO) 12 O'clock High The Dirty Dozen and most Bogart films especially The Maltese Falcon and Casablanca
  15. Iain, sorry to get your hopes up. My daughter and I only dug down about a foot and half. You could try digging deeper.
  16. Camped at Paulina Lake a couple of weeks ago. No real climbing but a neat place. The article mentions magma a ways down. If you dig down in the sand along the north shore of Paulina Lake, the hole quickly fills with warm water. Was also wondering if anyone has skied or snowshoed in during the winter. Are there too many snowmobiles to make it worthwhile? How about a winter hike / ski up Paulina Peak?
  17. The Sting Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid Outlaw Josie Wales High Plains Drifter Young Frankenstein (Frau Bluher!!!) Blazing Saddles Shrek
  18. A pretty shitty attempt at sarcasm.
  19. what a crappy thread. It stinks! Needs to be blue bagged.
  20. ehmmic, how do you know where Salida is?
  21. Riverbank is the "city of action" to the east. who the hell gave that name to the town? Ripon is north of me, another happening place.
  22. All that friction in the tumbling rubs charge off one object causing one to be positive one to be negative and opposites attract sticking together. Pull them apart and charges try to go back to neutral, that's all the crackle you hear. Pull them apart in the dark and you can see the little blue sparks. What the hell am I doing? I'm on vacation and school doesn't start for another month. Aggghhh!!! Gotta get out.
  23. Kobe ain't taking Scott Peterson out of the headlines down her. There is something everyday even if they have to dredge up and recycle old stuff. If one of the attorneys blinks it is in the paper. I'm friggin getting tired of it.
  24. source of moisture huh? that must mean there aint no lightning in the desert? even stupid me knows that lightning has to do with electricity. charge separation is whats needed not fuckin moisture. and the yearly headcount for deaths at national parks is pretty high. sucks all the same tho. That charge speparation happens because the warm MOIST air rises rapidly with high temps. All those molecules rubbing together quickly causes the charges to separate. Lightning happens in the desert when you get a moist air flow over the hot dry desert. If you shuffle slowly in your stocking feet on your carpet, no shock. Do it quickly and you get a nice spark. Tumble dry clothes in a dryer and nothing. Tumble wet clothes in a very hot dryer and lots of static.
  25. Dan White, who was an SF councilmember, who murdered Councilman Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone used the Twinkie defense. He claimed diminished capacity due to his years of eating junk food. I thought we were trying to celebrate diversity in this country and having everyone accept everyone else and get along. Now gays want their own school to separate themselves from the rest the school system. Wasn't separate but equal outlawed with Brown v. Board of Education?
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