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Everything posted by Dan_Harris

  1. After reading the thread on the climbers board it got me to thinking. When does ones actions in your risky vocation or avocation and its negative results belong under the heading of unfortunate accident, or the odds caught up with them, or just plain stupid. Tim Treadwell and the grizzleys, Roy Horn and his tigers, and the guy with the sharks have all been in the news lately. There have been others, vulcanologists David Johnston (Mt. St. Helens), the Krafts (caught in a pyroclastic flow from Mount Unzen), Dale Earnhardt and other race drivers, and too many others to mention. Any thoughts?
  2. I know I shouldn't laugh at other people's injuries, but . . .
  3. He was at Paulina Lake. The one I saw in August near Lake Tahoe was just as big, but jet black. He was ripping the crap out of an old log.
  4. This guy crashed our party in Oregon a few years back.
  5. Why don't you get to work? Entropy man, what's the use.
  6. Seen quite a few black bears in CA and OR and never had a problem. I have been lucky enough to see one Grizzley in Montana. I was fishing in in the St. Mary River when I heard a tremendous crashing and saw 4 deer bust out of the brush, across and upstream from me, and then run along the stream shore. Shortly after a large grizz ambled out and swam across the river, to my side of the stream. Quite fascinating, but I got out of there rather quickly since I could no longer see him due to the willows along the stream. To bad about Treadwell and Huguenard. That is definitely not a tape I would like to listen to.
  7. When you start to slide what needs to increase is the normal force in order to increse the force of friction, i.e. press harder perpendicular to the rock surface. Most people usually push along the rock in their struggle to stop slipping. Easier said than done.
  8. Dan_Harris

    The Sox

    A Cubs - Sox world Series would be awesome! The lovable losers vs. the curse of the Bambino Games at Wrigley (ivy covered walls and Waveland Ave.) and Fenway (the Green Monster) This would be a perfect Series. I wouldn't care who wins, it would be fun to watch while and
  9. Dan, what was the deal here? What was he thinking? There was all kinds of rhetoric about how they are already here and at least we will know they can safely drive etc. etc. Also to get a license you need to have proof of insurence, so the thinking was illegal aliens would now be insured because they can get a license. We also have motor-voter registration in CA. Get a license, register to vote at the same time at the DMV, no one checks citizenship as far as I know. Not sure how all this will work. With tuition, the argument was they can improve their lives with education and money would not be a barrier. That really pissed off hard working folk trying to save for their kid's education. The funny thing is, the hispanic voting bloc, traditionally democratic, voted for the recall and Arnold even though they had Cruz Bustamonte on the ballot. I think people saw that Cruz was the same as Davis.
  10. You can have all the paid petition gatherers you want and not get the signatures needed. The petitions were tried on several occasions in the history of CA and this was the only time they got enough signatures to get on the ballot. The people were pissed off. Grey Davis did it to himself. Lied about the budget, tripled the car tax, signed legislation to give illegal aliens the right to get a drivers license, advocated free tuiton for illegal aliens amongst other things. People said enough is enough. He probably would not have survived the general election if the republicans had put up someone worthwhile. Many people I know voted for Davis while holding their nose. Many who voted for Grey Davis the first time around left when given someone else they thought was maybe going to be effective.
  11. I thought that the beauty of the government in this country was that anyone can become a representaive of some kind. Sure it helps that you have a recognizable name. People who feel only politicians should run for office annoy me. FWIW, I voted for Tom McClintock not Ahhnold. Politics, Poly: many, tics: blood sucking parasites
  12. Rush makes BIG bucks selling his own tie line. For the most part, everyone of them that I have seen is ugly beyond belief. Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder. I have one Rush tie that was given to me as a gift. I think it is nice looking. It is bright and loud. With it I find out how close minded many libs are. Most people who see it say, "Nice tie, where did you get it?" When I show them the label they turn up there noses and now it is aweful. Incredible. I do not care for Jerry Garcia, but I do like his ties.
  13. Why are you yelling? To each his own as far as what you enjoy, but judging by your grammer and spelling, you must watch football.
  14. and this has what to do with his asinine comments about a football player? Just responing to the comment about being a sports broadcaster before political commentary. I was showing his connection to sports. He worked in the front office for the Royals. First I do listen to Rush occasionally. I agree with some stuff he says and disagree with some. I listen to get another perpective on issues. That being said, if he is racist, why are the two substitue hosts he use most often black? They are Thomas Sowell and Walter Williams. I find Williams very grating and wish he wasn't on, does that make me racist? Rush also can't say enough good stuff about Condoleeza Rice. Is it all window dressing? Spray on!
  15. And of course one doesn't have to use the gov't yard care service. One can still contract from the private sector for your work. But no tax credits!! True Dru, I thought Scandinavian homes were stacked together like cord wood, no room for yards.
  16. Today I caught up on alot of yard work. I hate yard work. I think we should have universal yard care. Think about all the people it would employ and neighborhoods would look so much nicer. Plus the added bonus of time available to head for the hills, crags, gym, wherever since the work will be taken care of.
  17. I think Limbaugh was a sports broadcaster before he got into the political realm. Limbaugh worked for the Kansas City Royals before getting heavily into political commentary. I watched several episode of ESPN's show and his prior comments showed a good knowledge of the game and most of the time the other guys agreed.
  18. How the hell do you guys find some of this stuff? I barely have time to read the stuff posted and post occasionally on a few sites, let alone surf the web looking up bizarre stuff about animal fart sniffers and baryard animal masturbators. Do you type animal flatulance in google or what?
  19. Minx, you got that right
  20. Dan_Harris

    Cool Story

    Some on this board have asked about volunteer work and others have talked about building climbing walls. Here is an cool use of a small wall that I bet some of you could help build in your area. Granted it is not the climbing walls we use, but the students at this schoolare developementally disabled. The kid in the top photo is the son of a colleague. Story: http://www.modbee.com/local/story/7521077p-8435312c.html
  21. My wife's a worrier. I usually call from the peak, especially if I'm going solo. Verizon has very good coverage in OR, WA, & CA. Both along the major highways and from mountain peaks.
  22. Or do you have just a little too much time on your hands?
  23. I can whistle very loudly and use it like a car would a horn. Gets drivers heads to turn, except those whose stereos are thumping so loudly they are shaking nearby buildings. No need for any obscenities. I also go out with the attitude that all the cars are out to get me.
  24. ehmmic, drive I-5 in the middle of the night. Very little traffic and you can't see the lots of boring nothing that it goes through between here and Redding. Drive safe.
  25. It's on past my bedtime. They showed part of it on the news here, but not the part you mentioned. I did see that he ripped Gary Coleman pretty good, saying he knows about Nat' Security, mall security, parking lot security. Man Pick on somebody your own size.
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