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Everything posted by Stefan

  1. Thanks! Are there diamond tipped drill bits out there that people buy?
  2. Since I don't bolt, I am just wondering--becuase I am ignorant on this issue. On AVERAGE or a RANGE, (yes it depends on the line), how much does it cost ($$) to bolt 150 feet of rock properly?
  3. Whether you know it or not, you may very well have sold out. Typically when we do that, when we sell out, the things we abandon first are the things that matter only to ourselves. Dr. Phil sooooooo not a climber.
  4. Stefan

    Best PNW town

    Chelan. Small, but not too small becuase it has all the amenities. It has a big lake to swim in. Sun is there for over 300 days a year. Warm too. Not too far from climbing opportunities also. And by the way, great fruit available too!
  5. I don't have answers. Maybe an analogy. In the old days of mountaineering, no one had route information. Now we do. I guess if it weren't for the Beckey books I wouldn't be climbing. Beckey books are like the bolts....
  6. I don't think you argue for bolts. I believe you think there are appropriate places for bolts and there are appropriate places to leave an area totally clean. I think you arguing for style. I can't climb 5.9 and above. Nor do I have the desire to climb higher grades--it's just not me. So when I am climbing 5.8 and below there are usually lots of opportunities to place pro. So I thought to myself: I have seen routes that are bolted that could have been toproped. I thought a rope was there ONLY to catch a climber if they should fall--a backup mechanism. Why would a person NOT want to toprope if given the opportunity? Why would you want to fall 5-10 feet from a bolt? You could twist an ankle spanking a rock. Won't you still be falling off a difficult route if you toproped it? Why fall 5-10 feet when you could fall 1-2 feet? I don't understand the logic of placing bolts when a person can toprope. I don't understand becuase I do not like falling and putting all my trust into rope, harness, the bolt, or for even that matter, a bomber anchor.
  7. Peter Puget. I am not trying to inflict an argument--my writing skills suck so I would lose hand down. I just to know. Really. And maybe you have answered this question before....but I do not know. If there was a new 5.12 route that you saw with little or no places for protection, but you could have it toproped, would you toprope it or would you put bolts in?
  8. I have intercourse with the mountains, so yes, I cheat on my wife too. Yes, I spend the time in the mountains other than with my children. Have I been caught in precarious positions without regard to the future of my children without having a father? Yes. But I have always thought I knew what I was doing. Hell, I almost died last October. This is a hobby. And yes, it is selfish. Balance? Whatever you decide is a balance. At the time you make a decision you will always believe that is the best decision. Why would you ever decide to make a wrong decision? Nice trip report.
  9. Maybe your mutual friends need and want you at the memorial service to help them grieve. Some people don't want to be alone but desire to have others around.
  10. People use bolts becuase they are afraid of falling too far. People hangdog becuase they are afraid of falling too far. I wish more class 4 sections were bolted because I am afraid of falling too far on those sections.
  11. I would take hangdogging over falls anyday. I just couldn't handle the thought of all that stress on my rope...
  12. Stefan


    I love you trask. And you can't take that away from me. Dr. Phil says, "It is always about being there for you, about being your own best friend."
  13. Passion, excitement, and confidence are the important medicines that you need every day. Dr. Phil is the Buddha reincarnate
  14. Stefan


    Everybody, please listen to what Dr. Phil says. Please.
  15. WORST RAPPEL By far the Bedayn couloir off of Goode. Don't do it. Jim Nelson's book makes a bad recommendation.
  16. My recommendation: Go to the memorial. Then go climbing. At the memorial you will probably hear other people talk about your friend in the same manner as you thought of him--those are nice thoughts.
  17. I've met the owner of Nunatuk. Nice guy. He dropped the ball on this one. He admits it. Glad he took ownership of dropping the ball. Not many Americans these days take responsibility for the actions that are taken....always want to blame it on somebody else. I don't mind if it was posted here on the internet. You think the quality of cc.com and all its spray postings will detract the market from choosing Nunatak gear in the future? I don't think so. Many of you have responded quality things about Nunatak in previous postings. Those quality postings are currently outweigh the negative postings.
  18. You're a sick climber. You are definitely trying tough stuff in my opinion.
  20. Stefan

    The Mall

    The SPRAY section of CASCADECLIMBERS.COM is exactly like the mall. Believe me. It is the same--it just looks different. YOU ALL JUST A BUNCH OF MALL(CC.COM) RATS LIKE ME!
  21. I just want to know why some parks are free and others are not. Logistics makes sense. I think the White House is also part of the NPS but not sure, and I don't know if they charge for the tour there also. Dwayner....you know as well as I do, that if you enter MRNP park BEFORE 7:00a.m. and AFTER 6:00p.m. THEN IT'S FREE!
  22. Did you see a helicopter in the Logan area on Saturday or Sunday?
  23. Stefan

    climbing question

    Good for you! I have always thought that climbing one slight grade above what you can do until you feel comfortable with that grade would be the best way to improve. Of course jumping several grades up and then doing what you did works too! P.S. This should not be in spray. This is a legit climbing question.
  24. I found the Dolomites one of the most picturesque places I have ever been to. The climbing looked great, but the access to beautiful women, good cheese, awesome bread, and no bushwacking just enhanced the experience.
  25. I can decipher between Mike the Ranger and Mike the Sprayer. Mike the Ranger wears a uniform and does not know anything about the website cc.com...... Thanks for the info. I might contact them.
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