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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. at least they're out there doing something ... and hopefully - if nothing else - they learn from it.
  2. hey, it was a "winter survival camping" trip. they picked the perfect spot and i'm sure they'll all get badges. (on a more serious note, i know what you mean and i think they are pretty f'ing lucky.)
  3. interesting read. somewhow - even if i had spurs - i don't think i would EVER find an m10 "too easy".
  4. i always liked "col. von spanker" ...
  5. so's the law of gravity.
  6. i got the impression the cornice was formed as they were baking cookies and sleeping.
  7. thelawgoddess


    nice hunk of rock, but that doesn't prove anything. i want to see sweat, scars, and a date stamp!
  8. i don't see how liking the secretary has anything to do with not liking lost in translation. if you didn't like it, you just didn't like it. imho, it's better to go into a film not expecting anything. unless you expect the worst, it seems like it's always worse than you expect.
  9. thelawgoddess


    yeah; whatever. your evidence sucks.
  10. can anybody give me actual lengths for the yates zipper, shorty, and regular screamers? also, when you use the shorty, do you ever find them TOO short?
  11. after some testing, i'm sure i'd step up on it.
  12. now there's an idea. let us know how you like those!
  13. i don't think leashless climbing is any harder than climbing with leashes; it's just different. (i actually think it's easier, but i'm just a little biased.)
  14. a most EXCELLENT tale!!!
  15. crystal rocks.
  16. i know one of the dudes that helps run that place. nice guy. they're pretty serious about customer service and definitely have some good prices.
  17. sweet, guys - you've really helped!
  18. come ski telluride.
  19. well, when you put it THAT way ... but really, there are way cool people in pc - you just gotta avoid the hype.
  20. the ice has NOT melted! it is in and fat.
  21. pc's not that lame. not as lame as slc anyway!
  22. hey, stop that! i'm not ready for summer yet; it'll be here soon enough. i'm still jonesing for my snow and ice!!!
  23. i really, really, really want to go. how's late april/early may up there?
  24. k44, i hate that "shit" so much that i listen to it here in telluride sometimes. e-rock gets me.
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