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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. mount constance (olympic peninsula) was my first baker was my second
  2. not true! you can change the jug any time you want by changing how you use the tool. i usually hold mine the same way, but sometimes i will hold one further up on the shaft ... and sometimes i will pull up on one by grabbing the head. the ergo-type tools give you even more choices. you learn not to overgrip pretty quick and it's super easy to get a quick shake out when you don't have your tool attached to your wrist.
  3. i am so jealous!!!
  4. hey, i started it! and oh (to keep this on topic) i will be skiing telluride this weekend () ... but this time on my brand new fat skis.
  5. telluride just got wi-fi at "baked in telluride" - free, ad-less, and you don't even need to buy a donut. now if i just had a laptop ...
  6. lynn hill is an ueberclimber!
  7. shut up, you phobe. it's all about spreading the love. doesn't matter what kind.
  8. hey e-rock, it's gay ski week here in telluride. come rip some turns and find yourself some hotties!
  9. dmm makes great cams that are light and relatively inexpensive. (not to mention colorful. ) the only drawback i've found is that they are easy to overcam (= get stuck), but if you know that ahead of time and are good with your placements it's not likely to be an issue. at pro mountain sports, if you buy 10 you can get the 11th free.
  10. hey snoboy, i think he meant "best offer" ... not "body odor" - or at least i hope that's what he meant! you never know around there, though ...
  11. yeah, i've heard that stuff in chamonix is pure crap.
  12. damn, he's sexy!
  13. supertopo has a good map of the slabs. quite a few people do this route in a long day. (that's definitely how i want to do it!) just be solid with your "easy" ow/chimneys. and have fun!
  14. a little more snow and you could ski that chute!
  15. when i left park city this morning it was starting to snow, but man is it warm there right now. too warm!!! hope it chills down for 'em some.
  16. what erock said is what i know as chord center. probably doesn't matter what you use to measure as long you get it taut and it doesn't stretch on you.
  17. i didn't say pile it up in a bundle on the floor - geez. guess i should have been more specific for those of you that take things literally ... i always hang mine to dry. and - btw - clothes dry faster that way, too. leaving them in the basket all wet will take a long time and might make them mold.
  18. yummers! somebody's gonna get lucky ...
  19. great stories!
  20. i hope you told him you're married! sounds like good times. i haven't seen a beach in ages ... can someone tell me where the nearest beach is?
  21. apparently they're headed for utah right now. just in time for me to go back to colorado.
  22. ah, yes ... thank you, snoboy, for the well put quit-your-bitchin message. lookin' forward to making some turns today!!!
  23. it's not the size that matters.
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