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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. Care to elaborate? rmi does this. i guess that way the rest of the party still gets a chance at the summit. i don't know how they decide when it's okay to do that as opposed to turning everybody back.
  2. i had a bad experience with jack up in squamish. i won't go anywhere near that bastard ever again!!!
  3. 13 hours? ouch. hope you enjoyed the climb anyway. i love that one!
  4. what a great week you must have had! super climbs. exasperator - YUM! i haven't done a bunch of those yet and i'm envious. nice work! squamish is the shit.
  5. sweet. i never actually look at mine. yahoo does a great job of filtering that crap into a bulk folder which i just scan for non-spam.
  6. i could swear someone told me to just use soap and water once. the toothbrush sounds like a good idea, though!
  7. thelawgoddess


    did they have blue? i remember liking blue.
  8. nice work, guys! i don't use the tr-enabled add-a-picture deal-y; i just link directly to the bigger pic in the gallery. it's a little more work but it's nicer to have bigger pics. not sure if there's an easier way.
  9. thelawgoddess


    never mind - did a google search. i loved those things when i was a kid!
  10. thelawgoddess


    wtf is an otterpop?
  11. isn't that kind of creepy?
  12. i saw one of those on my way back down to muir. i felt sorry for the person, just hanging there on a slope on the side of the mountain in a sleeping bag. it was quiet so i figured maybe it had passed out.
  13. hey peakbetty, i brought/ate the usual trail food up to camp muir and for while i was there (bars, jerky, candy). late afternoon/early evening i downed a 500 calorie chili mac meal (the only mountain house pro pak they had left at the alderwood rei the day i went). i tried to eat it close enough to the climb to still have time for it to digest. while on the climb i didn't feel like eating much of anything. not even my yummy snickers bar! luckily i had taken a couple of gu and a power shot. the gu were fabulous. the power shot not quite so much but still better than trying to get down something more solid. next time i will bring more gu. they say you should pop them every 45 minutes or so, but i'm not as big as the average guy so i can generally do with half a pack as often. i also drank water laced with gookinaid erg - just a drink or two (or three) every so often. the two gu and powergel got me to the top and i still felt energetic (all things considered). i don't think i ate anything on the way back to camp; just drank more gookinaid.
  14. skyhigh: yes, those are with the s410 and no tweaking afterwards except for the size. the big ones are about 40% of normal (at max size/res, which is how i take all of my pics). despite some limitations it really is a great camera for how small it is and i've been pretty happy with it. peakbetty: thanks! i really did try to be quick and quiet but i guess the quiet part is pretty much impossible. i hope you and your partner had a great climb, too! i wish i had taken some pics of the beautiful sunrise ...
  15. i've cut a 60m in half to share with a friend for gym leading. when i decided i didn't need mine anymore i gave it to a friend for her son to use at marymoor if he wanted.
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