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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. i haven't done that route, but if i was going i would take more than 3 screws based on what i've read. won't hurt you to carry a couple/few more. also, not sure what your plan was, but when i was at paradise last weekend the rangers were saying NOT to camp at hazard. have a great climb and take pics please!
  2. canned food? are you nuts???
  3. thanks, chelle. i've come across one or two of those. i'm pretty conscientious but bikes move fast (and many don't stay in line in traffic) so it can be easy to miss them if they didn't happen to be where you were looking at the time.
  4. i'll have to look for those. probably 75% of the time i go to get the dried un-sugared un-sulphured mangoes they are out of those.
  5. i use a miniature wireless optical mouse at work when i'm not using the touchpad on my laptop. love that thing even though it eats batteries like a bear. it's got two buttons and a roller thingy in the middle. those three-button mice are rad!!!
  6. ouch; that sucks about your injury ... but the photos really are sweet!
  7. hey squid, an hrm is a great idea! i wish i had one myself and think i will get one if i decide to "train" to run again. before, i wondered why i could run so many miles every week and not lose any weight. it was annoying as all get out, and i'm pretty sure it's because i was running too hard (because i certainly wasn't eating any more or differently).
  8. or you can pay $10 for one car and one person one time ...
  9. trader joe's has some fancy flavored nuts. like coconut cashews ... YUM!
  10. the hilleberg akto might be worth looking at. not sure if you're looking for 1- or 2-person deals ...
  11. i'll 2nd the abc's. good fairly lightweight and affordable set of nuts for starting out with trad climbing. yes, you'll definitely end up getting 1 or 2 extras in some sizes. and then you'll start wanting fancier more expensive nuts ... but it's not like you'll ever ditch the abc's.
  12. fortunately that doesn't generally happen. i can totally envision that dude sitting there all decked out getting a tan!
  13. pringles. i'll have to remember that one. a bit bulky, though, no?
  14. depends how good your lawyer is. unfortunately i think it'd be pretty tough to prove he made you do it.
  15. i think it would really depend on the situation, but i probably wouldn't either.
  16. well, i don't think it's that simple. the first time i attempted rainier i got to the scree slope before ingraham and knew it wasn't going to happen for me. our rope leader wanted to get to ingraham and decide then. still no good. i told him i would go back by myself so the rest of them could continue but he wouldn't hear of it. i felt so shitty for ruining the other climbers' chances at reaching the summit. the guilt sucked. if he'd had a bag for me i would have happily snuggled up in it and gone to sleep while they pushed on ...
  17. what up with the gf? she doesn't climb? from your profile i would guess you're pretty self-sufficient. don't let her bully you out of what you want to do if she's not willing to go with you.
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