well ... i took lots of german in school (and some in college) and i was never taught "firnspiegl." i also met a number of germans through sailing at the uw who spoke excellent "everyday" english, but didn't know much when it came to sailing terminology.
like dogs, different breeds of cats have different looks, personalities and mannerisms. sometimes the differences are "big" and sometimes ... well, not so much.
yeah; i think i'm going. i'm not really into the whole freaky people subculture thing (whatever that is), but a friend who knows me pretty well said i would love it and has been trying to get me to go for years. the art cars and structures are supposed to be amazing, and i'm looking forward to seeing some of the results of unleashed creativity. i'm only going for a few days. i think i can handle a few days in the desert ... even if i am surrounded by a bunch of naked weirdos.
well, they're from a year ago, but thanks! that is such a beautiful place. i only skied when i went, but i'd definitely like to go back and do some climbing some time. sounds like you guys had an adventure!
the only time i do that is if i'm using the pick for balance -- like on a steeper slope or next to a snow ledge of some sort. while walking i carry it adze-forward.
that's about it. there's a reason most people around here don't have a/c - 'cause we don't generally need it except for maybe a handful of days every summer. this summer has sure seemed like it's had many more "hot" days than is typical.
hey now. i work a regular full-time job where i stare at spreadsheets all day. seeing cool pics from fun things people do really helps relieve some of the eyestrain ...