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Everything posted by thelawgoddess

  1. yeah, is this even happening? and would that be today (wednesday) or tomorrow (6/12)? and what time? huh? huh?
  2. somebody needs to get their mouth washed out with soap!
  3. you got it, babe!
  4. thelawgoddess


    “He wrote better than Yeats. He wrote better than Shakespeare. He totally intoxicated you with his feelings: ‘Oh, baby, I want to tell you how much I miss you.’ ..." intoxicating? any guy that's writes "oh, baby" to me isn't going to get anywhere but laughed at!
  5. thelawgoddess


    well, i don't know if they "rule" but they are pretty danged awesome!
  6. buttons are not really "good" or "bad" per se ... a lot of it has to do with timing.
  7. you hit a huge nail on the head with this one. i've met a lot of "men" that have more of a problem having sex outside of a *relationship* than the woman. the "men" totally freak out and can't deal. go figure!
  8. and, erik, you are still ... nope; i'm not gonna say it.
  9. i'm with minx on this one. and if you don't "get it" it's because you're obviously not "gettin' it". and thanks so much, but you guys are too kind. i've got fat. just not enough to be outlawed from wearing lycra.
  10. yeah, lummox, get your f'ing head out of the gutter!
  11. there's never enough time ... and NO.
  12. what a brash generalization! maybe *ALL* women don't know how but this is so not true. some women just don't *want* to ... but some women certainly can!!!
  13. yeah, i totally didn't believe the one from mariah carey and thought the others were fairly dubious as well. funny, though.
  14. hey minx, i don't think any of us are saying sex is bad in any particular form ... except for trask. trask said relationships ruin sex and with that i beg to differ. sometimes it does, but it usually makes it better. btw, stefan, what's *your* definition of "satisfying"? if you're hot but can't deliver you're probably not going to be in many relationships ...
  15. what's your dad do? work at a sex shop or see clients with fucked up marriages? gonna make a difference there, yo ...
  16. pretty nice, but my friend got a brand new land rover when he graduated. back on track, though -- that's not a bad price for a super lightweight epic bag.
  17. it's you, dude.
  18. thelawgoddess

    clear link

  19. we're not all cheaters. and good relationships make sex better. maybe YOU just suck!
  20. get the smaller one ... unless you're bringing your dog. or a midget.
  21. that's not entirely true. i know some het guys who will and do. they're that comfortable with themselves and are able to appreciate even another man's beauty. i had several het guys tell me they thought my last bf was good looking.
  22. someone already started that thread: go here. and we're still waiting for somebody to give us the goods ...
  23. scott backes just says NO to down.
  24. björk
  25. climbing?
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