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Everything posted by To_The_Top

  1. I heard on the radio a pair got helo'd out today, sounded like good condition, said they were lost up there. TTT *haven't heard a confirmation...
  2. The Reagan era did spawn some really good music, thats for sure.
  3. On your stay the second night there are great spots below camp Hazard, as opposed to staying in camp Hazard, as a lot of stuff can rain down there from the icefall. Three days sounds good especially if you are getting there in the afternoon, it takes a fair amount of time and effort to get to the high camp in a day, and you would have time to look for another way like that rope you mention (I haven't heard of one, but we did go down on our own instead of up and around). TTT
  4. Right on
  5. Ya, theres atleast a foot or more out there today of heavy new snow very poorly bonded over the old snow above 5,000 feet (Alpine Lakes area).
  6. Haha FW, on to plan C here..... Possible interest in Ruth.....
  7. To_The_Top

    Peeve thread

    Two good ones, the second I think is a $500 fine. Some people think we are occupying their world
  8. More sounds like its on its way, atleast in WA
  9. Well said. Done the one dayers on both routes mentioned, snow seems to be better for skiing down the S side, the CD is more scenic but can have a more "varied" snow conditions.
  10. Water for an hour or less, Gatorade during longer training/ approaches, endurox after a LONG workout/approach/climb followed up with and TTT
  11. The approach is better than reported on the rangers site (call the ranger as the recording was more current). I believe you can go all the way to the trailhead now, as we went pretty close last weekend, like less than a mile from the trailhead (we were going somewhere else). Cars were driving up and it looked pretty clear ahead. There were some snow patches that scraped the car bottom a little, but it was open 5 or 6 miles past Beverly. TTT
  12. Terry asked to have the pics posted here. Stuart couloir Stuart couloir ice step ahead Stuart couloir past ice step Stuart west ridge Stuart-Sherpa glacier decent
  13. Yeah, check out the TR in the north cascades forum (accidentally posted it there). We climbed the ice cliff and skied the sherpa. awesome day! Moved to correct forum see it in Alpine lakes, good TRs from Josh and Terry. TTT
  14. Nice photos and TR. You would have posted a ton on the CD route on descent-more therapy.
  15. The GAO has been blocked by Cheney&co for years over this issue. Friends that work at the GAO (Government Accounting Office-a watchdog for reporting of info for the fed gov) have been left out in the cold on this major issue . Yes, under this scrutiny he should be required to release the info at this point-wonder what it says?..no time to squelch checks and balances.
  16. Still available.
  17. Ok, still have tags on them (and box) from the NF sale. I'll sell them for what I paid for them ($25+tax)+beer . They were the floor model, so some handling is visable on the left shoe. I don't want to see them on Ebay , they were too small for my wife. Prefer Seattle location pickup, don't want to deal with postage/problems like they dont fit. PM me. TTT
  18. Good points on being prepared for all possibilities. I would say make sure that you can atleast anchor a fallen partner, like Ivan said, and furthermore practice to assume you are the only one on the mountain. Even on the dog route you can run into trouble. Rockfall in the cleaver and snow bridges failing up on the mountain. I punched through with one leg on the dog route and looked down only to see the crevasse was huge below me and way overhung. Just space down below. Another time while on a snow block I stepped on it and it fell away crashing down this huge crevasse (jumped off it just in time). All I'm saying is that even if they put up a route don't assume it's totally safe. TTT
  19. To_The_Top

    knock knock

  20. ATA is by far the worst airline I've flown on. Like E said cramped seats, crappy service. The "food" we got on the flight was a bag of peanuts so small there were maybe 20 nuts in there and the drink (coke) was poured into a small dixie cup. People on the plane seemed to know what they were in for as they brought thier own food and a lot of kids throwing peanuts everywhere. Oh ya, once I got back the lost luggage it was beat to shit . Say no to ATA
  21. Seems like it happens almost every year there A few years ago we saw a sled barely power out of a collapsing bridge.
  22. That was a wild read and ride. FF the address is on the website:Ukraine 03187 Kiev-187 Zabolotnogo 20/A Post Box 25 Elena
  23. I have flown a bit lately and I check my altimeter watch in flight and on the planes I've been on it has been around 5600' on the watch, and it stays pretty steady, and it seems to lower in stages as the plane decends. TTT
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