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Everything posted by To_The_Top

  1. Some more.. cc.comers on Outerspace:
  2. Use the "upload" button to upload pics: I usually just close the upload window after uploading the pics, and then click the camera again and just click on the uploaded pictures to add them:
  3. Thanks again
  4. poll
  5. Was at sunrise last weekend and looked really broken up and rangers said it was icy on the Emmons. http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/plab/showphoto.php?photo=21911&sort=1&cat=509&page=1
  6. you answered your own question. uggh! spanaway...home of bowling alleys and chevy novas with plenty of bondo. Seems like a lot of high speed car chases start out of Spanaway
  7. You have electric trains up your way??
  8. Was a good show complete with a fight between one of the Ramones and someone in the crowd TTT
  9. 3 keg bivi?
  10. How many there Oily?
  11. There is a Disappointment Peak cleaver route on Glacier peak. Nice photos TTT
  12. Nice get out, good TR on a rarely written up peak. TTT
  13. More likely family friendly..... http://www.cascadeclimbers.com/threadz/showflat.php/Cat/0/Number/593863/an/0/page/1#593863
  14. Saw one crossing the road at dusk on Baker highway a few years ago.
  15. Drinking club with a climbing problem..
  16. Of the two choices, with this weekends weather Coleman-Deming TTT
  17. RE: Road Yes open to cold springs, hundereds of people up there last weekend.
  18. Great TR. The weather gods were certainly on their own in the mountains this weekend.
  19. Proof that Dome is doable as a two dayer When we did it a few years ago that brush in batchlor creek was very thick in later season. Thanks for the TR. TTT
  20. Dang!
  21. Looks nice up there. Thanks TTT
  22. Good job, got stormed off that route awhile back. TTT
  23. West Seattle bridge?? Watch it there Oly....
  24. One suggestion if he is considering soloing it is to climb with a team like a week before, taking note of the route and noting any potential dangers, depending on the route. TTT
  25. Updated in header-thanks Neoday. TTT
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