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Everything posted by To_The_Top

  1. Gosh, this is terrible RIP Rod.
  2. and sum it up better than I could, going on a route that is notorious for rockfall with a partner who promised to bring one shows up without one---much discussion I decided to not do the route with him because I didn't want to go through the deal with a partner with a head injury--we talked to a party that were coming out from the day before and said that there was a rockslide the day before. I don't always wear a helmet depending on what I'm doing but on a potential rockfall heavy route and partner shows up without one after saying he would
  3. I will vote Willstrickland in 04! even though I climb with whitetrash. FW, really both stand to lose if we all argue the Vietnam thing.
  4. OK, but is it worth disputing things 30 years ago verses current issues? Veitnam was a troubling time for the US, and both sides have shit stuffed in the closets. I say that more current issues are far more pressing than something that both did in thier 20's, which could be debated adnausem, while more important current issue that may get ignored. PS: Holiday in Cambodia stuns.
  5. Yes it is one of the best places in Issaquah, watch for speeding and such on Front street/Newport way.
  6. The guy is a Jackass. I was stuck in Europe at that time and I had on approach shoes and the Euros where like "what kind of shoes are these? do these have a telephone?". Let him rot....
  7. Shit! Glad you made it back.
  8. Could this be related? click here
  9. My list too...more like a early season ski/climb/hike tour. BTW good job on getting out and doing trail work.
  10. Tonight!
  11. Cascade river road open all the way (just linking the other post to the road closure/now open thread.
  12. Cfire, I think I talked to you or some in your party..... Sounded like you had a full day. Congrats
  13. To_The_Top

    F/ 911

  14. Gu!
  15. It should be still in. Rangers have the best beta, check with them or the website before you go, and weather too. TTT
  16. Ditto for me, after a fast climb on Rainier in tight boots, I had numbness for months and some minor toe damage (time would heal). Pretty normal from what I hear from Mt Rescue friends. TTT
  17. Right on, thats grabbing the moment What chelle said
  18. Nice I was on the mountain saturday too and those storms sure looked scary, but they missed us for the most part. TTT
  19. Now Emmons...
  20. Truely the buy of the decade. Case around $36 Here in WA, but then again in CA they have endcaps at the grocery stores with rum AND coke....
  21. Yo, Petter is where its at.
  22. Sounds like you guys had a great adventure and improvised to make it work. That's what I like about alpine, any pics and what level was the snow falling ?(old news by now I'm sure)
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