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Everything posted by pope
quote: Originally posted by Retrosaurus: quote:Originally posted by pope: Actually....we rotate, Dwaynella. Does that require a basket swing? You know about his basket swing? Bastard. He told me he got it for MY birthday. I suppose you also know about the silk scarf, the one with all of the knots?
I heard the same story from the same reliable source. Apparently the sheep are kind of snooty and aren't impressed with the tractor he's driving. The farmer reported being frustrated with the way the sheep always yell, "Char-ar-ar-ar-ar-lee-lee-lee!" while in the act. The Ellensburg eyewitness said the farmer is so ugly that his pooch won't give it up without ample liquor. Charlie's friend is disgusted by all of this and was heard to say, "That farmer's an abusive jerk. He doesn't know how to treat a retriever."
Bet you can get it on the cheap...just ask Dwayner about a "full-release massage".
quote: Originally posted by Charlie: That's not one of our crags. It is a canadian crag living in north bend with an expired visa. Please take it with you. The welcome sign specifically permits epoxy "stabilization" of holds (when I last read it, although it's been a couple of years.....I also remember reeding reel bad grammar and speling errers, which alway catch your eye when they appear on an expensive sign...."Welcome to our futuristic crag. Leave your brain and your conscience back in your car."
quote: Originally posted by Charlie: Man, those guys are lame. They're posting about routes with drilled pockets and glued on holds, and not taking down quickdraws that have been on a route for two years while some sporto works it. At least nobody's glueing on holds at our crags. That is something for which we can be thankful. A glimpse of how lost and immoral our Oregon neighbors have become reminds us of why we can be proud that we still have "natural" routes in our mighty Cascades. Wilderness and clean rock, forever and ever, amen.
quote: Originally posted by CraigA: "The Eiger Sanction". Good movie, a little slow in parts Which parts?
quote: Originally posted by ScottP: quote:Originally posted by pope: (snip)Rats are abundant at many cliffs, and they are great climbers. I killed one with a rock on the Big Honker one night. Where did you get a rock on Big Honker? They aren't exactly just laying around up there. This was in March of '86 or '87...I remember finding several. We waited until the fat boy came crawling up the crack near the east end of the ledge, then we blinded him with a headlamp and threw stones down into the crack. The third try nailed him soundly (he didn't return). I also remember a little plastic army man behind that memorial plaque. This was the only night I spent on that ledge (I was trying to find out if I could handle a night out in March without a bag or down coat--really stupid idea).
Dwayner, do we get a review?
Unky Tricky, dude you are hard! I thought Chouinard was a stud for eating cat food in order to perpetuate his climbing "profession". Rats are abundant at many cliffs, and they are great climbers. I killed one with a rock on the Big Honker one night. Charlie, whatever you do, don't poison the little fellas. If they are living in your home, they will likely crawl into your wall and then stink for about three weeks. The odor is worse than anything (even) you have ever smelled.
Nice to hear from somebody who is entertained instead of offended ("....it's too negative.....it's too sexual.....it's...it's....pardon me while I pull my thumb out of my ass.....it's all too fantastic to belong on a mountaineering message board"). Now, it might be a little premature for assembling these ridiculous bits. In fact Dwayner and I just spoke this morning, and we've some special adventures planned which are certain to make our already cumbrously proportioned alpine balls all the larger. And if any of our alpine sisters want to buy us drinks and shows us their twins , we'll be sure to edit these anecdotes in such a way that they are palatable for a wider audience.
Big Lou and Ira Spring I've been keeping this secret....I wanted Big Lou all to myself. I think you can understand that.
quote: Originally posted by Dwayner: Hey Peter! Quit flirting with my girlfriend! pope's my woman! Actually....we rotate, Dwaynella.
quote: Originally posted by Dwayner: So there's a bar called "The Back Door", eh? Hey, pope! Do you think your old girlfriend "Suzy Starfish" works there. Dat's nasty, Mr. Dwayner.
I love you, man. Are you still where I think you are?
quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: Ok Put a collection up so that Pope and I can go off to the Met. (or other establishment) and we'll enjoy a tastey meal and a good bottle of wine. We could see a show too. I think Saturday is the last night for Hair and I'd see that again (provided I'm sponsored).
quote: Originally posted by chucK: quote:Originally posted by pope: Let it be known that I'm doing my best to kiss and make up. Pope, Why must you make everything sexual? I think that's just an expression, but if it makes your nipples hard...just kidding. Hey, that TRASK fellow is the perv around here!
And here is the PM to which Peter was responding (I feel so naked doing this) in a message title, "Bitch Fight". Let it be known that I'm doing my best to kiss and make up. "How much enjoyment do you get out what we put each other through? It is occasionally amusing, and you're certainly one of the more capable cyber-scrappers on this site, but I think we both look kind of silly. I'll take responsibility for no small part of it, but you and I can't be the assholes we've made each other out to be. What do you say? I'll abstain from personal attacks on you....in fact, I'll do my best to ignore any you make against me. It might even be fun to make our relationship evolve in a cordial direction...unless this is a great source of entertainment for you. In this case, I could try to keep up with it."
Yeah, I anticipated all of this. In fact, I just asked Mr. Puget through PM's if this was a wacky form of entertainment for him. I suggested we could quit jerking each other off on line, unless he thought it was fun or something. He responded that he thought Pope was an extremely negative element on this site (for 1-1/2 years) and that he "hates" attacking me. I've promised not to attack the man, and I've promised to ignore any future attacks. Scout's honor. Peter, do you have a sister? Erik, somebody....let's have a Pope survey. Is Pope a negative element on cc.com? Should Pope disappear?
quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: Wait dude! You forgot to mention that you had soloed it naked with a watermelon tied to your waist in the route description AND you did not drop any names about who you climbed it with or even the bunkhouse you stayed at. This sounded suspiciously close to accurate and intelligent beta. What gives? I climbed it with Big You Know Who. We left six tracks. My tracks looked like some guy with a wide stance was straddling one of those snowboarders' half-pipes. Big You Know Who's tracks were only that much more impressive. We stayed in the Muir Hut. We beat the shit out of some hippies blowing the meat doobie. The we found this guy named Blight enjoying the "alpine lights" and shoved a melon up his pooper. The end.
quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: Holy s%$#! First Dwayner starts moving my way and now Pope has stolen my line! Watch out Pope, I could sue you for plagiarism. PP And this is not taking credit for the suggestion about the validity of TR ascents? quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: After a year it is nice to see you come around and jump on the wagon. PP Again, check your calendar. I was contacting retrobolters before you promoted this. Given a diminishing resource is it fair for someone to put up a poorly bolted route just because he is first? Because he was on lead? I say no. The question has never been the sport way or the trad way. It is, as I have repeatedly stated ,the sharing of a limited resource by a diverse group of people. EVERYONE must give. No group is better or more deserving than another. PP Underlying this is the assumption that a “poorly” bolted route is one with too few bolts. Assuming this is true, your quote implies that such a route then will be enjoyed by a more exclusive group, that a more diverse group will somehow be unable to enjoy it. Therein lies your call for equal access. I apologize for putting you through these mental gymnastics. I assumed YOU wouldn’t be reading late at night. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: I have climbed both trad and sport my hardest traditional lead was in fact harder than Pope’s hardest sport lead. PP It was very juvenile of me to respond to this. I apologize for boasting. I think this must be the third time a sport boy like P.P. has come out with this “pope can’t climb hard” line of crap. Peter, this isn’t your original and clever line either, I’m afraid. quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: Pope: My guess is that over the last year I have removed more “offensive” bolts than you, Ray, Will or even Mitch. I choose to do so in a discrete manner. PP My guess is this about the third time you've reminded us that you too are a bolt chopper and a boy with trad routes. I have been on only one restorative mission so far and I haven't said anything about it on this message board. So, who's making a spectacle now? quote: Originally posted by Peter Puget: Pope: By the way congrats on Equinox you must have lady fingers. Cheers, PP Am I supposed to take that as a compliment? Peter, let's call the whole thing off. I don't have time to continually defend myself from your sophomoric stick-and-stone throwing. Why do you keep trying to get into my pants? (Dwayner has the same question) P.S. I ran into one of the DDD bolters this month. We had a nice chat, and I didn't get the impression he was overly angry with me. He probably read on this site how I criticized the original DDD restoration spectacle for being a little too sassy. He probably noticed that I reminded everybody that he and his partner are a couple of studs and deserve respect even though they made a poor choice. He might have even noticed when you called me a hypocrite for denouncing the DDD retrobolting while promising not to chop it since those guys are my buddies. Love ya babe. Mean it.
Forget the ropes altogether. Just go down to the Gunsmoke and get it really wired, then wait around for some little hotties to come by so you can demonstrate alpine excellence. They can provide a better education for you than any So. Cal. school that comes to mind. Also, if you do climb some pitches, you can save a lot of time by figuring out which routes face north (and east in the afternoon). Ask a local for good shady climbs. It will likely be too hot to climb in direct sun.
Now I know what I want Santa to bring me!
From the Narada Falls parking area, head up the left edge of the open slope above the restrooms. Meet with the road that leads to Reflection Lake. Follow this less than a mile to the second bend (where it begins to change from going south to east). Drop off the road and follow tree markings (or not) straight down to the valley below, then head down stream (west) and find Lane Peak. Choose your gully, then climb up. Pickets, flukes, screws (probably won't need these) and maybe a couple of nuts, maybe even pins depending on the route you choose. On the descent, follow slopes down to the notch east of Lane Peak, then sneak out of this hanging valley on its west edge (close to Lane Peak). Follow your tracks back out.
quote: Originally posted by Figger Eight: That must be one heckuva fake ID nacho... Figger Eight, you look Schmidt-faced!