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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. See signature!!!!
  2. I didn't claim those as my ideas, hence the ones below I stated as my own. I even indicated where I pulled your responses from - so take a chill pill unless you have a patent on your phrases. here's another sticker idea for you: "not yours"
  3. Diddo on Red Alien Green/Yellow hybrid alien is a close second
  4. PS (for tori allen) -I'd rather be spanking my monkey
  5. I recently saw a few good ideas for helmet stickers in the "prayer" post. -god is aid. -pray for the strength to sack up. -satan sends Some of my own ideas (some suck) -Satan is my copilot -Sending for Jesus since 36AD -If you can read this, your flying -Climbing-when a Half rack is a bad thing -In case of rapture, can I have your rack -Warning: High Angle Porn Star at work -Hi my name is Sexual Chocolate -(for trad women) Stop staring at my rack -Dru is neither Mike Layton????
  6. 136 GU packs Canadian = 10 Gu packs american
  7. I say good luck on trying to make me pay out there. There are only about a million places for you to rogue camp if they change the bridger jacks to a paying campground. Maybe it'll be good for the environment. Then again they don't seem to have a problem with having a Jeep rally out there with every hick this side of the Mississippi destroying acres of cryptobiotic soil.
  8. cliff cabana or metolious bomb shelter.
  9. Maybe we should require SE corner patrons to pay homage to the Corner-tree by feeding her a nalgene of water as a toll for her services.
  10. Climbin el cap solo (with two hot chicas above me the whole time).
  11. I hope heaven has big mountains and good snow- -and so another NW legend is gone.
  12. Thanks bill, The sprayers can revel in their original derogatory comments. I didn't say that what I did was all that great, just listed it. So what if I am the 10,000th person to climb Zodiac or whatever route. For me it is really about expanding your own horizons and challenging yourself. Periodically I try to assess what I have done and push my comfort zone a little further. This year I have had a lot less time to push my free climbing limits so I focused a little more on aid. Admittedly, I was nervous heading up my first A4 wall, getting to know the sketchier aid paraphernalia, and soloing an el cap wall. Things were actually easier than I had imagined but it was still a fun and a good learning experience. I might add that bigwaller at the beginning of last summer hadn't ever been 400ft off the ground and by the end of this summer he was cranking out A5's and putting up FA's in the bugaboos. I especially loved his ascent of plastic surgery disaster where I think they hauled up more weight in beer than in gear. They also had some appropriate reading material for that ascent (porno-mags).
  13. I take it that noone is posting anything means they got no sex or climbed anything significant either.
  14. as far as my sexual escapades. . . well, what happens in vegas. . . .
  15. Summer Resume- -Moved to Vegas -Did first A4 pitch (South Seas to P.O. on el cap) -First el cap solo (Zodiac -4 days) -learned to make my own rivet hangers and copperheads -placed first RURP, piton, and copperheads (that I had made myself) -climbed in 105+ heat
  16. Ha ha, jake, I guess that is why you were selling your crampons. Anyway, looks like you'll be doing more snow than ice right now. If you want to get the most out of the climb you should wait awhile.
  17. Don't forget duct-tape, Old E, and RURPs
  18. I have put up a handful of routes here. This place has a very wild feel and we would like to keep it that way. There is a rabid no bolt ethic (not even for anchors). If you bolt here IT WILL BE CHOPPED! As Jim said Bill Soule found this place and enjoys showing visitors the place as long as they respect it. Mike South, at backcountry gear in Eugene, has also put up routes there and will probably know as much as anyone about the place too. If you like adventure it is a great place with some serious climbs. Bill would rather the info for this place not be sprayed over the internet so if you go there or are given info please respect this and keep it discreet.
  19. One of the best climbs at leavenworth. Do you need to protect a 5.8 chimney? Anyway, it takes small aliens on the righthand side. A great wide crack trainer (steck-salathe trainer)
  20. This could end up being an expensive sport for you.
  21. At least is was just boulder problems.
  22. a few offset aliens are really helpful in those first few feet of of FFS. Great attitude Scott! Good luck on your second ascent.
  23. Agree with the last post. wtf?
  24. texplorer


    Sounds like you actually do have fungus despite how they look. I hear there is some medication you can take orally but I also hear its pretty expensive.
  25. That is exactly what TR's are supposed to be like. Nice work, sounds like a fun day.
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