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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. Great job "soloing" the mountain. Come back when you do something worth talking about. Everyone please congratulate me on numberous solo approaches to monkey face including the direct approach through asterik pass. All totally SOLO.
  2. Whatever dude. Do it prussik style!!!
  3. Whatever happened to the caveman?
  4. I have a set of real RPs that I have never used. I believe one size out of the set is missing. PM me if your interested
  5. He should take notes from bigwaller and head to the valley and start climbing walls and swilling Old E
  6. Only if you promise a horsecock in every pot and a complimentary FA reference for a Toof variation
  7. Summit or Die could be a good slogan for one of layton's t-shirts
  8. Tell him to go do it. Some people learn from others experience and others must see it for themselves. The school of hard knocks may be right for your friend.
  9. I went for a few days just before christmas too. Enjoy a few pics from my new digital camera.
  10. Perhaps its the new fees whatever the reason I won't be complaining about it.
  11. Canadian Rednecks scoping out where climbers leave bikes on the Slesse descent Peaks that Fred Beckey didn't get an FA on snafflehounds carrying children away
  12. As soon as Beacon opens up Joseph is going to need volunteers to help clean the routes there
  13. I have it too, checked you el cap, hood, rainier, everest just last week
  14. True greek, My point however was that if you are experienced enough then you can keep yourself out of situations where "fucking up" would cause serious bodily harm. In other words you can perceive the dangers before they happen.
  15. What Dru's getting for X-mas
  16. Dear Santa, In light of previous years I have been relatively good this year and so am asking for a few things. - New set of Hybrid aliens - A new rope - Less political banter to wade through on CC.com - plane ticket to argentina - new partners for Vegas - body of my early 20's - girl friend to score a great job (& achieve sugarmomma status) - enlightenment to the intricacies of 1 inch rachet jams - mini-swage crimper (for replacing alien trigger wires) - getting a chance to climb at beacon again
  17. good point - I stand corrected
  18. -irrelevent photos of ourselves sending our proj's at "The Creek" -a project? I rarely project, this was no exception, in fact it was an onsite if your into that sort of thing -irrelevant? Ruby's Cafe=small gear, my pic=small gear OK-helmets might not be just for paranoids (I even wear them in certain situations) I feel that if you progress at a rational pace, know your abilities, place gear correctly, and watch where the rope is in relation to your feet there are rarely situations in which you will need a helmet while cragging. Just for you DH - another irrelevant, helmetless photo
  19. Funny, I had forgotten about this. I don't know what some of my above posts were about. Some sort of inside joke on the old cc.com I suppose. The sk bike was never found.
  20. Nice job but it hardly looks like WI4 or WI5
  21. There are alot of dumbasses on this site that either don't climb or are paranoid safety freaks (they probably climb with helmets too) I was just at Indian Creek over the thanksgiving break. I have noticed since the new guidebook came out last year there has been a marked increase in the numbers at IC and the numbers of people at previously seldom visited cliffs. We will probably see alot more of these "decking" stories as more inexperienced people show up at the creek. I don't think I drove past the donelly/supercrack area when there weren't 20 cars there. In my opinion the rock is softer in some places but properly placed cams should still hold well in the creeks parallel sides. As for the "slip" marks on the overclimbed supercrack buttress climbs I think those are likely also caused by incorrectly placed cams as well. Gosolo's Indian Creek and the one I knew even a few years ago was a different place. It was a time where you would walk up and down a cliff and find a crack that "looked good." Sometimes it would be a gem and sometimes you would get your ass kicked. The picture I saw a few weeks ago was one typical to Smith where climbers with shiny new cams stared into the guide and tried to find particular climbs to tick off. It is understandable that a place with such clean cracks and beauty would eventually have a guidebook. Perhaps the desert will have the last laugh though as it spits out those not schooled at the University of Indian Creek. I am glad the dumbass didn't get hurt. Ruby's cafe is a quite difficult climb. Here's a fine desert climb called Deseret Moon. I have nothing bigger than green alien/ blue tcu in while pulling the crux. No helmet, no nuts, no tricams, no falls. The crack on the face above goes for about 60ft at perfect hands size.
  22. I live in vegas and will be back in town around the 27th. I am not sure yet but am probably headed down to J-tree between x-mas and new years.
  23. Doesn't the lower wall have some A5 stuff on it, bw
  24. This looks suspiciously like a Weapon of Mass Destruction. . . . Mr Cheney I hear the ANWAR oilfields run into Canada. . . .
  25. Sorry Dru, the name was changed to protect the innocent.
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