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Everything posted by texplorer

  1. . . . make comments about solo ascents of rainier
  2. Have fun. The climbing is mostly at tough grades but if you have never climbed limestone you may like it. Also, it has been quite pleasant climbing in the canyons up until now. I did prince of darkness on monday and it was a bit chilly climbing in shade.
  3. First Ascent of Dubious Flirtations, Red Rocks, Las Vegas. It lies to the left of Johnny Vegas if you know where that is. The rock was kinda crappy below me in the pic but stellar in the fingercrack above. We actually continued climbing up for 5 more pitches but we made those part of another climb since they are of a much easier grade and style than this pitch. If your curious about this pitch and the other climb go here: Mountain Project or here Sunburn Buttress
  4. Why would you want to climb the limestone?
  5. Spring - put up new routes Summer - try not to get burned up, maybe an A4 wall in the valley
  6. If its chossy you could always change it to souvenir crag - the crag where you can take a piece of your climbs home with you.
  7. It has been months since I got on anything over 5.9, I am getting married, going on a vacation to a nonclimbing destination, have a dog, and am not going to indian creek this spring. The end times must be near.
  8. You can get some decent info and pics of routes here- Mountain Project - Joshua Tree
  9. A few notes 1) your going to freeze your asses off 2) Yosemite grades are burlier than Smith -be ready 3) You have a huge party, I suggest breaking into smaller groups 4) your going to be psyched on the beauty of the place
  10. I have climbed with the caveman. Pretty cool dude in real life. He was the original mega-poster on the site and one of the popularizers of horsecock and snafflehounds. The new generation of posters probably don't even know what those things are. Probably as well. I still check back here to rain on peoples parades but most of my time now is spent over at mountainproject.com
  11. If its your first time you should know that the park closes at 6 or 7 in the evening. They will give you a ticket and the minimum is $100!!!!!!!! If you know your going to be late then you can call a number and get some kind of pass. I have had some narrow misses and even got a ticket a few years back. Check out this site for good route info, pics, and other stuff (including the ranger station number) Mountain Project
  12. You only are climbing 5.11 if your female and climbing solo Mwwwhahahahahahahahahah
  13. I hear that the trip is a pretty crappy route. That is not to say you can't have fun on it. Nevertheless, I doubt you'll have to do much nailing on it. That that you do have to nail on won't be too tough and a "trial by fire" method should serve you well. Take whatever the supertopo recommends for pins and you'll probably have 2x too much gear. You should probably be able to do it without nailing. From what I hear its the most popular east face route now that Zodiac has been cleaned of fixed mank. Take pics and enjoy. That's a cool section of wall.
  14. The columns are probably not a great place to hammer pins. The area sees pretty heavy traffic. I agree with Ryland about visiting Mike at Backcountry Sports. There are lots of crags to the east of Eugene that have great hammering opportunities. Talk to Mike about some of those too. Oh Ryland, I'm living in Vegas now.
  15. Another Soloist
  16. Is her name Hannah Howitz?
  17. Perhaps I should start another thread but you keep taunting me here.
  18. Where were all the congratulations for Chad on this climb.. . also solo, in winter, up technical terrain, complete with photos for his Alpinist expose. Reid Headwall TR
  19. I use an unmodified grigri and its has gotten me up 30 pitches and held 4 falls no problem.
  20. Dirty Harry, you must be the pride of dental floss ranch
  21. Anyone can dog my TR's. I have nothing against TR's. If Hannah had even posted a TR about a solo ascent of the Toof I would have not said anything. I like reading TR's because you get an idea of the excitement the climber felt. Even if the climb would be easy for me I can still understand and appreciate the fears, joys, and obstacles faced. Whether you are pulling hard on non-existent holds or doing the south side of Mt. Hood I feel like the true essence of climbing is the adventure. Anyway, Hannah hasn't even posted here yet and people were giving her the "were not worthy" crap. I give credit where credit is due.
  22. I forgot about the fact that it is still winter up there. That makes the climb a more noteable ascent. I also went to Gautier's website and checked out what he said. I am not too proud to admit that I was wrong about her ascent being a noteworthy one. So, . . . Congrats Hannah. What is moronic is that all my posts, while in disagreement with the trend of the posts, were not derogatory toward her and used civil language. In response to the attacks on me- None of my posts degraded Hannah. I have only degraded the kiss-asses. In fact I believe I said that it may be a noteworthy ascent for her. In actuallity I agree that it is cool that she did a possible first winter ascent. Still, some of you have alot of testosterone flowing.
  23. A woman actually does something that many men do every year and hordes of 5.7 sprayers bow down to kiss the her crampons. Hannah is probably a cool girl just doing what she likes but we don't have to kiss everygirl's ass that actually does something above gumby status. Yes, I do have a mild case of the Yosemite Mentality. I generally think that walk-up routes on mountains are more about determination than advanced skills or physical ability. Basically if you go when conditions are good and can keep yourself out a crevass your good. There are hard mountain routes that require high commitment and skill but the nisqually is not one of them. So in short, while Hanna's ascent may be a great personal achievement we don't need to hear about it here. Perhaps a nice TR could be helpful to some posters but shameless kiss-assing is ridiculous. Yes Offwhite, The vegas winter is really getting me down. I mean temps in the 70's with sunshine everyday can be a drag.
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