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Everything posted by Dru

  1. quote: Originally posted by Son of Caveman: quote:Originally posted by Dru: DEVO IS NOT A DISCO BAND!!! They are New wave Admit it Dru, you like the Village People too, don't you? hahahahahaha i like Boney M a lot more.
  2. quote: Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman: Shit never saw Dru and Snafflehound online , or whillans I should name more I bought whillans off Adamson and sold that avatar to ############## for twice what I paid for it.... Snafflehound? Oh yeah right Snafflehound is my avatar Snafflehound...
  3. Flat area on top with snow can drip down the route until late June. "Speedway" aka Beckey route mistakenly retrobolted by Kelowna dudes, might be dry. Consider Yak Chek ahead of Yak Crack.
  4. cc.com cat fight... squealing, hair pulling $2,000 a ticket. jello vat and leather clothes $1,000 a ticket extra.
  5. Dru

    Muiron Saturday

    I see someone named "Muiron Saturday" signed the Rainier logbook on summitpose.com This way we all get our own page tops too!!! Tastes great - less filling I was working in this cabinet shop on Stock Island Listening to the new Aaron Neville tape. It was one of those sticky hot summer days. Suddenly I hear loud angry voices just outside the window. Kenny! Hold up! Dont do this! Kennys saying, That motherfucker says I cheated him! Kenny and his brother Vince come flying thru the window, Eyes blazing, out of control. Kennys running to the rear of the shop With Vince right behind him Screaming, Stop! Kenny, stop! Kenny crashes into the office and jumps on Franklin, Hes an electrician we share shop space with. Theyre all screaming. Vince physically restrains his brother And they both leave the office. Kennys beside himself with anger. Vince says Next time, Im gonna let him kick Franklins ass. Kenny is still hot and punches out a couple of cabinets. Vince takes Kenny for a ride in his pickup to cool him off. Halfhour later, Franklins getting into his stepvan when Kenny walks up and begins to apologize for going off earlier. Vince and I are watching from about 30 feet away Out in the hot, tropical sun. I cant hear what Kennys saying But I can tell by his body language that hes getting upset. Franklin starts saying, Fuck you, Kenny, fuck you. Franklin lets the clutch out a bit and pulls up a few feet And then says Fuck you, Kenny, fuck you! I say to Vince, Why dont he just drive on away? Kenny reaches up in Franklins truck, grabs him by the shirt, And Franklins still saying, Fuck you, Kenny! And Kenny pulls Franklin outta his truck And slams him down in the dirt, And Kenny blasts Franklin Three or four very hard hooks to the head, And Franklins getting up but Kenny throws an upper cut That has hospital written all over it. Yeah, it had hospital written all over it! Kenny stops and realizes how bad all this is And says, Fuck this shit and gets in his truck and leaves. And Franklin, his face is starting to swell up Like an eggplant. And he walks past me and Vince and says, Thanks a lot, you dickheads. I still cant figure out why he didnt just drive on away? So I get some ice for Franklins face And he calls the cops And we all have to give statements And I wasnt proud of any of us.
  6. ....looking out the window, the snow on north facing slopes is at about 1000m. Foley Creek road has a landslide below Airplane you will need 4x4 to get past. The road up to Williamson Lake is probably not gated but probably has snow before the top of the road. Looking out my window looks like still some significant snow patches on the S ridge of Welch so be prepared for same and remember the former BCMC hut at the lake was wiped out by a spring avalanche in 1974... Glissade down the Welch Foley gully probably in good shape right now.
  7. Isnt AlpinOxeK an anti pimple cream?
  8. quote: Originally posted by Charlie: I just wanted to take a moment to kindly request that all of you eat my ass. I am through with college and the town of Ellensburg as of 20 minutes ago. How many kids are you leaving behind in E burg fatherless?
  9. Accidents in Cc.com Mountaineering!!!! If there were no good rappel anchors what was your belayer using? Not second guessing just curious...
  10. No site yet for peregrine vs. mud falcon but here is a black bear/grizzly bear shoot to kill test. you need to get 80% to pass which means you can kill one grizzly wrongly for every 4 you correctly identify.... bear shooting test in Montana
  11. quote: Originally posted by Stefan: Badandy or danielpatricksmith. Matterhorn. I need Beta. I plan on doing it this summer. I see you have done it badandy, but what about you danielpatricksmith? Email me. By the way I will be scrambling some peaks on Friday afternoon just east of Mt. Rainier. Let me know if you are interested. (Seymour/Dewey) peaks. There used to be a strip club called Dewey, Seymour and Howe.
  12. Dru

    Muir on Saturday

    They can lock Muir on Saturday, but Muir on Saturday will never die. Page 49 here we come!!!
  13. quote: Originally posted by Terminal Gravity: I think this thread would easily place in the top three all time threads in a contest for the most average content per post. Not only that, sex and bowel movements are also discussed. Clearly, important parts of life. What more valuable way could we spend avoiding work then to read about climbers thoughts on life, death and risk; not to mention Pope's constipation. Funny pope does not mention shitting his sleeping bag on the Cirque expedition and splattering explosive mud falcons all over Donna Top Rope. As for Dennis Harmon your response does not hold. It is the easy stuff like Hood and Rainier that kills most of the climbers. Statistically speaking it is safer to climb hard than climb easy. So go soak your head some more and keep reading Andrew Todhunter. Maybe then you will remember how to spell "whillans" correctly. You are welcome to think climbing is all about risk if you prefer but here are two words to refute that: sport climbing.
  14. quote: Originally posted by Dan Larson: Yes you have Figure8 the morons have once again united Illetruts of the world untie.
  15. quote: Originally posted by erik: i hear you drul. the feeling of acomplishment is great and in some aspects that is what i climb for as well. though i think the best part of climbing is the entire experience. from the approach intial intoxicated shit talking, to the actual planning, to the slog all the way to the drive home. i try to always find the best part of it all and focus on that. certainly there is always difficult parts and scary parts, but they are only parts. if we all climbed solely for the sense of accomplishment then we might be let down more often and even leave a bad taste for it in our mouths..... i climb for fun and try to make it that way always. i like to make sure everyone i climb with is having fun as well..... so yes the sense of accomplishment is great, but haing fun regardless of your outcome is even better!! good topic!! Yeah... I like climbing not just for accomplishment but for being out in the fresh air sniffing nature, watching stars from bivi bag, talking shit in the pub, seeing peregrines kills songbirds, getting away from the crowds, meeting hot climber chix, all that. But I find that when I am back in the office after a weekend of climbing, the fun is over, but if I accomplisheed something it keeps me happy longer than if I didnt. But yeah if i couldnt talk or think about climbing except when doing it I would definitely go insane...maybe I am already.
  16. And of course who needs a hydration system bladder when you have a whole cows liver?
  17. I puit this out on its own instead of in a response to another thing about ropes or death or whatever.... Thinking about TGs response a bit about soloing Rainier. needs a head scratchin' gremlin though. You see I like climbing maybe most for the sense of accomplishment. Like you do a hard route or whatever and right away you get this warm glow of having done something significant. If you climb normally 10b and you do an 11a you know you are climbing strong. I you climb a big route on a big peak no problem then it means you are a compentent and lucky alpinist. Or maybe you just finally grabbed the hold with the blue tape in your home gym??? Whatever. But lately I am finding the accomplishment runs out faster and faster. Like I have wanted to solo Snake for years and I think if I had done it back in 1998 I would have been high about it for a month at least. But if I do it now it will be cool for maybe 2 days and then Im going to be wanting to do someything else cooler? So aside from giving up climbing altogether, which seems to bethe Buddhist answer, what should I do about this and does anyone else have the same problem? I have heard that you need to move away from the sucess/failure model to one where you just enjoy everything you do but somehow it sounds like a good excuse for failing to do much of anything to me, eg. "Oh i didnt summit but that is not the point Im just out there climbing for fun" and suddenly a summer goes by and you realize you did not succeed on anything....
  18. Do not take couscous on anything but a weekend trip or you will starve to death after the 2nd straight day of eating it...body revolts....will not place disgusting substance anywhere near mouth. What about good old BACON. Ed Abbey, in his books, is always cookin bacon for breakfast. You take a pound or so and fry it up good and you arent gonna get cold AT ALL during the day. Bacon taped over a blister will also heal it, and you can cut a slit in the bacon and put it over your eyes if you forgot your sunglasses....
  19. quote: Originally posted by fleblebleb: Crossing my fingers hoping Bronco doesn't run into Bug on the trail... heh... or rat...snafflehound...avypoodle...
  20. quote: Originally posted by Figger Eight: The most dangerous part of the climb is driving to the trailhead. - Figger Eight, still climbin' for the chicks. The most dangerous part of the climb can be going into the pub afterwards We climbed it ya We rock I think that girl is looking at me Heybabbe whatsyasign? Isszis your brother or your boyfriend?
  21. That gunsite was Fred and Ivan. I was at Squamish area playing with my new Ushba and Bosch. the north face of gunsight is crap, and the east face melts out too much. maybe in november if we get another fall like 2000.
  22. London Ontario, he's there for the Tim Horton's
  23. DEVO IS NOT A DISCO BAND!!! They are New wave
  24. Dru

    new to WA

    Centex notthat I ever did any climbing down there but you will find plenty of boulderable rock if you look for it. hint alpine = talus=big rocks for bouldering. or coast = headland = rocks for bouldering. i know there are sea cliffs you can traverse in the san juans... and gulf islands.. or victoria BC is a bouldering hotspot visit Fleming Beach, lotsa highballs... worse comes to worse head to the west coast and boulder on some of those beach rocks just like the guys in the metolius catalog do.
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