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Everything posted by Dru

  1. It would be a bush thrash getting into the gully and probably some slush and rock at the top. But I would imagine that some (not all) people could climb it. I dont know you so have no idea of your skill set. i will say that at this time of year there are probably funner routes to do on the mountain.
  2. Ewwwwww.....
  3. quote: Originally posted by Wopper: Don't forget the crystal light because iodine makes the water taste like ass crack. Isn't asscrack the 39th flavour at Baskin Robbins?
  4. Sheeit y'all know what happens to a bird Wing or a plane Wing when they fly into a Hurricane...it aint pretty.
  5. quote: Originally posted by Figger Eight: quote: 8am - AMS I am hurting real bad. Tom and I are in the back of the group, going slow but steady. I note the fact that I must be suffering from AMS, but try and think about other things, but I can hardly breath. 5 steps, breath for 5 minutes. Again and again and again. I almost feel like I am going to have a panic attack. Jesus Christ Scott...it's friggin' Mt. Adams. It was really that bad?!? He was still scared of the cougars. MEOW MEOW!!!!
  6. Dru

    Peace Arch

    Why are they closing it?
  7. quote: Originally posted by scot'teryx: Went up last weekend on the slog Long approach right now, so be aware. Here's my trip report: http://www.nwog.org/reports/060202adams.htm I saw Dru up there smoking in the summit hut, wanking off like a gaper That was a mirror you were looking in snot'teryx.
  8. It isnt getting thinner anymore, the screen is getting wider Oh well back to the spray wars.
  9. quote: Originally posted by fern: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by Greg W: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by fern: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: Dru, I think you could solve your problem if you just used tape. TAPE IS AID!!!! It seem that you really don't want advice as much as you would rather rag on other peoples's answers.Except that I only rag on the stupid ones just wanted to see more nested quotes Like this??Or this? Eventually that middle quote is gonna get stretched pretty thin maybe we can get it down to one word per line and it will look like a concrete poem Izzat what they write at Concrete High School in English class?
  10. quote: Originally posted by Greg W: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by fern: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: Dru, I think you could solve your problem if you just used tape. TAPE IS AID!!!! It seem that you really don't want advice as much as you would rather rag on other peoples's answers.Except that I only rag on the stupid ones just wanted to see more nested quotes Like this??Or this? Eventually that middle quote is gonna get stretched pretty thin
  11. So violent crime is statistically decreasing in North America every year these days... but public perception is that crime is increasing and the public feels less safe... Maybe same thing here? Less stupid climbers per capita, but with more people out there, more overall stupid climbers in absolute numbers, so everyone sees them? I dunno. Im not saying all climbers who have accidents are stupid either. Far from it. But you must separate perception from whats actually happening. ANAM numbers of accidents reported per year, and some estimate of the total number of climbers, might be a good place to start. If your article gets published my cut of your payment for contributing this valuable suggestion is 1.07%
  12. quote: Originally posted by fern: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: Dru, I think you could solve your problem if you just used tape. TAPE IS AID!!!! It seem that you really don't want advice as much as you would rather rag on other peoples's answers.Except that I only rag on the stupid ones just wanted to see more nested quotes Like this??
  13. quote: Originally posted by chucK: quote:Originally posted by Dru: quote:Originally posted by chucK: Dru, I think you could solve your problem if you just used tape. TAPE IS AID!!!! It seem that you really don't want advice as much as you would rather rag on other peoples's answers.Except that I only rag on the stupid ones
  14. quote: Originally posted by chucK: Dru, I think you could solve your problem if you just used tape. TAPE IS AID!!!!
  15. quote: Originally posted by Crackbolter: Dru, I am the Gaper. I am the one who tried to give insight who really doesn't want any. It seem that you really don't want advice as much as you would rather rag on other peoples's answers. Your talk of no more unclimbed peaks is the biggest bullshit ever. If you are not willing to bend over and take it in the ass like my little prison bitch I'll have to track you down and ...... well, you know. You have just boared me. Yes, did you know the word "gullible" is not in the dictionary?
  16. quote: Originally posted by ryland moore: Sorry Dru, I will be sure to use as less "magniloquent" phrase the next time. You might do better grading the new sections of the verbal SAT than sitting behind your computer all day like ODDTODD.com and spraying everyone else to make yourself feel better about your life. On top of that, you still didn't even attempt to give your own perspective, which I have actually admired from time to time on this site. Why don't you actually deal with some of the realities that are facing you as a climber. Who knows, maybe that could have been you below the climbers who fell on Hood? The reality facing me as a climber is that I still haven't sent Royal Flush stupid rock If only tape was not aid. Dude if you are going to tell us all how you are a professional writer maybe you should expect some comment on your verbiage cause it makes you sound like you are spraying if you say you are a pro while demonstrating you dont have the skillz. Anyhow has Climbing agreed to print your article yet or is it going on the slush pile?
  17. Anyone can write and submit but few get printed.
  18. definitely some goodies there
  19. look around on www.tamiknight.com for more on WPB.... (hint look at the acronym)
  20. quote: Originally posted by freeclimb9: quote:Originally posted by Sleeveless: Statistically, Mt Blanc is the deadliest Mtn in the world, given the Massive numbers I think pecentage-wise K2 is the deadliest. Perhaps you meant Mt Blanc is has the highest toll of deaths? if you are talking % fatalities per successful summiter it is annapurna that is the deadliest not K2. but those Himalayan stats are bogus because they compare deaths from all attempts, to successful summiters. so if you die in basecamp, before ever setting foot on the mountain, you still count as a fatality. they should compare the fatalities to # attempts not # of successful summiters. that would reduce the %death by about a factor of 10. you can find the table of the bogus stats, on the Desnivel website, and lots of other places. [ 06-07-2002, 10:55 AM: Message edited by: Dru ]
  21. quote: Originally posted by freeclimb9: Check out the July 2002 issue of Adventure Magazine by National Geographic (on the table at the dentist's office?). There's an article outlining research by Robert Rockwell which poses the question of whether "reports of giardia in the wild have been greatly exaggerated". BTW, I carry and use Potable Aqua, or SweetWater ViralStop Solution. I've drank untreated water many times without ill effect, but I wouldn't reccomend doing the same. And I don't drink untreated, or unfiltered, water around where I live: too many beaver, cows, and sheep. It's just shit. Yes beware of drinking downstream of livestock. Beavers, I think may have a bad rep. Incidentally N. american beaver population is skyrocketing right now. no one traps them anymore. pesky little beasts. On giardia, I see the tests Health ministry does on these watersheds...almost all tests report at least 1 cyst per sample but a large proportion of those cysts are non-viable. For instance, giardia is known to be present in Vancouvers watersheds, Vancouver does not filter their water (chlorination doesnt kill giardia, nor does iodine...you need to filter) but few, if any, Vancouver people become sick from giardia...non viable cysts.
  22. quote: Originally posted by Matt: Great car. I think Dru is jealous b/c he knows a 4Runner can go where his Subaru won't! Thanks Mr. Amateur Psychologist Yeah I know lots o people with 4Players...my comments based accordingly...for instance after driving back from Manning Park holding a sheet of wet cardboard over the back hatch after the stupid slide-down glass slid down and locked down in a snow/rain storm....would never happen in a Subaru... but you are right, cant get in to the Chehalis so good with Subaru either right now...
  23. quote: Originally posted by Stefan: Dru, There are only certain places on 8000 meter peaks on the traditional routes where there are fixed lines. There is never a continual fixed line from base camp to the summit on any 8000 meter peak, and yet people still decide to go unroped. And what about West Pole Brand then Mr. Veisturs?
  24. quote: Originally posted by ryland moore: It bodes the question, Are there too many climbers in the mountains with too little experience or is it just as Sleeveless states, that it is just a numbers game? I am writing an article for Climbing magazine on this very topic. With the easy access to Mtns. like Hood and Rainier and others around the world like Mt. Blanc and Aconcogua coupled with large urban areas and the glorification that the mainstream media has placed on all aspects of climbing, is it that people do not realize the danger of stepping onto a glacier, even if it is a dogleg route like the SOuth Side route of Hood. I am not some Mark Twight scoffing down upon the peopns of the climbing world, just your average weekend warrior who has invested a great deal of time and effort into improving all of my climbing skills, safety and technical. Maybe people do not understand the inherent dangers when it is a bluebird day and the lights of their city can be seen while they chat to their friends on a caell phone. Maybe the proximity of these mountains to major city does not remove one less experienced in climbing from the comfort and security blanket that the city affords and they feel they are still in that environment. What are your thoughts? I am not asking for regulations, but it may be necessary for the general public to learn that this endeavor is a serious committment. Sure, we all have a good time up in the mountains, but most of us are constantly aware of the dangers that are around us. Thoughts? Am I totally off here? I am just going on my 5 years of experience in the Cascades and my two years in the Tetons. I have also seen huge differences between mountains like Aconcogua the numbers of people up there who appeared to have little to no experience and then spending some time in the Cordillera Blanca and seeing practically no one for weeks. So, I agree with Sleeveless that it is a numbers game, but with those numbers come more less-experienced "recreational darwinists". Thoughts? If you start off a post with "it bodes the question" I pity your editor at Climbing Mag. (that sinking ship). Hint look up "bodes" in the dictionary before you practice your magniloquence next time.
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