Steve Harng and I went in to climb a big ice line that sometime forms up on NF Old Settler on Sat. but owing to an inversion layer it wasn't in. So we climbed pk. 6200 nearby, instead (this is the one Jordop drools over due to the contours and as a result Im not saying anything about what the rock is like, so he has to go and check it out himself ) and found out some guys from Yale had made the FA back in 1974. So we made the 2nd ascent of this peak which is apparently called "Mount Medissa". Also scouted out a great new approach which turns Urquhart into a day trip, seemingly. Some neat slabs etc in the area and great views of Urquhart and N& E faces of Old Settler. Also saw Canucks win 10th game in a row in the Pub afterwards