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Everything posted by Dru

  1. The worlds largest exposed ophiolite is in Newfoundland and a relict of the closing of the ocean which preceded the Atlantic, IIRC. But honestly, just because we live on coastlines we thinbk they are common as mud...we dont know how lucky we have it. I bet there are literally thousands of disadvantaged geologists out there who have never seen an ophiolite. I will trade some to them for a chunk of nepheline syenite.
  2. The Mog does not have to go fast - if you jacked up the rear wheel and spun it it could work up to super high RPMs CHAIN REACTION
  3. Mmmmm I love beating Iain to Pagetops it iain. too slow!
  4. do eat salt off roads?
  5. if chain broke on the unimog and flew off and went through a windshield you could kill a whole VWfull of trustafarians
  6. There are other ultramafic rocks than olivine, they are just rarer, and only found in...ophiolites. But hey: check out this website for an explanation: interesting website
  7. I like TG's new User Title.
  8. Ultramafic rock. Sort of like Twin Sisters range.
  9. Grivel Rambo or Charlet Axar
  10. I didnt think you needed to train to snowshoe just put em on your feet and go....
  11. salt is much higher than chalk on the mohs scale though
  12. you're screwed, i'd say. time for a new tool. this time buy something real not that cassin junk.
  13. I wondere what a huge cliff of rock salt would be like to ice climb (dry tool) on.
  14. do you think crank sloper knows g spotter?
  15. quote: Joe McKay, November 23 '02 Rogers Pass: Hey skiers, I usually don’t cater to your type as I barley consider you a life form but the pass sucks at the moment so don’t even think about. Rain to mountain top!!!
  16. Tier der Oberseite der Seite [ 11-25-2002, 01:12 PM: Message edited by: Dru ]
  17. Jordan have you even bought ice tools yet or are you gonna send your secret projects using ski poles?
  18. Did Trask corrupt muffy or was it the other way around?
  19. I hear the bears in that valley never hibernate either but are ferociously bloodthirsty all year round.
  20. Yeah that area bites and I dont plan to go there sometime soon.
  21. UniMOg was recovering from being a snowcat on Saturday
  22. www.nmog.org
  23. Dru

    Avvy beacon

    lives under the snow in burrows, avalanche goes overhead..... goat cant burrow, avalanche hits it... Moral?
  24. Dru


    404 not found error trask this can help you immensely im sure
  25. Dru

    I wish I was

    I was TRYING to use them today, I skiied uphill but was to scared to ski down icy snowmobile track
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