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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    Alp 1

    I am going to practice with my Elephant Balls before Kirov IWC...
  2. Big shaft is like holding a sloper Small shaft is like holding a jug. Should be easier to do even with big hands?
  3. Dru

    Alp 1

    Damn so much for claiming First Leashless Ascent of my driveway!
  4. Dru

    Man and Global Temps

    They used the airplane shutdown after 9/11 to measure effects of contrails on solar radiation in the US SW. They found that contrails on an average day of regularly scheduled flights reduce direct insolation to the ground under the most used flightpaths by 3-7%.
  5. Hey Allison when you say try a woman's sleeping bag for warmth, do you mean with the woman in it that sounds like a real good idea on keeping warm at night! Oh yeah
  6. Dru

    Alp 1

    A WI1 is an ice rink or frozen lake, what the hell is M0/M1? Like when you have to put snow tires on your car, is that M0?
  7. Most people do SE face? Everyone I know who's climbed it has either climbed or descended full S ridge....
  8. Fried pizza!
  9. Molson Ice? I prefer my ice in the gully and my beer dark and in the pub afterwards
  10. mmmmmm donut
  11. Dru


    Loren says Bigfoot not dead
  12. Toad Addict Crime Spree
  13. Itd be like Bowling For Ski Bunnies I bet I could get a strike easily on some of the runs at Blackcomb.
  14. there is one crag of OK quartzite (like Skaha but low friction) and a whole bunch of lame limestone. even the good limestone routes would be called choss in squamish. In fact even well trodden Yam routes have mobile death blocks on them.
  15. ya cuz mr albrecher is in vancouver bc.... long way for oregoners to go for a free movie unless yu are coming up anyways for some good canadian freshiez.
  16. Post deleted by Courtenay
  17. which vancouver Wa or BC? stefan I will happily get in to see LOTR for free which theatre do you work at?
  18. Someone at Squamish once called in a rescue on the Chief on my buddy Luc's haulbag which he had left as his highpoint while taking a day off from putting up Under The Gun. They told the officer they had been watching a climber and felt they need a rescue as they were not moving. Lucs response was to sew a shirt and pants on his haulbag so it looked more like a person. Also that way, when he hauled it the arms and legs flopped around spasmodically exciting the gapers more And oh yes:
  19. hes gonna hang it off his tongue ring and amphalang
  20. but then you would have to climb on choss for the 4 months of the year without ice.
  21. Even more impressive, Big Willy Gadd won the Canmore Open Mens bouldering comp on Sunday after doing this route Thursday and Friday. Rest days, what are those? Must be the Red Bull elixir at work .
  22. Dru


    Yup some guys I work with caught a rotor tip and flipped off the pad and upside down on take-off. Everyone Ok but the chopper! Good story to tell no doubt but might make you a bit antsy before next flight.
  23. Dru


    Maybe walking in is cool after all?
  24. trip report
  25. Yes, two or three. Maybe developed by next week.
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