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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Ive never nailed a mosque or a synagogue and have not free soloed a stupa but I have buildered a few cghurches and anyone else who likes buildering would do the same so dont spew that you wouldnt climb on a Church BS. Churches were made for climbing on...look at all the gargoyles etc on some of the medieval cathedrals that you can barely see unless you climb up on them. I also point at Mt Tatlow every time I go by
  2. bring out the waaaahmbulance? who cares about no deductable anyways. the gapers will kick off all the ice in a week and it will be back to rock. if you need to drytool that bad go repeat gunghai fat choi or one of the seton weeps.
  3. Lyle sez there were 3 cars in the parking lot on Sun (incl. Garry Brace) and a solid sheet of ice from Icy Bc to Dihedral thanks to the ice farmers. 3rd pitch icy Bc was still open and spewing. But I bet it all falls down again now with the warm rain.
  4. Dru

    Personality Matters

    INTJ but only about 20% in all categories? whatever that means. this test is bunk anyways. you should score yourself on a scale from 0-100 instead of yes or no to each question.
  5. Climbed it from Charles Creek road. Steep tree hiking/bushwack/scramble to some 4th class rock on the SE ridge. Fun peak with good views. saw the Brocken Spectre from the summit!
  6. Pontiac Asstek the perfect climbers roadtrip mobile and also 4wd for those steep gravel roads. YA RIGHT! Getting caught in an Asstek is about the most embarrasing situation I can imagine. What a piece of shit vehicle those things are.
  7. I have decided to put on some body fat in preparation for a 2 week ice climbing trip that will involve a lot of sleeping outside in -20 C and stuff like that. On previous trips I have found that I burn up body fat quickly under such conditions and shiver constantly during the enmd of the trip. Currently I am 5' 11 1/2" and weigh approx. 160 lbs ( dont have a scale). I figure since I am climbing regularily and get some moderate exercise on the weekdays like hiking/walking (average 5km/day) and bouldering a bit that rather than stop exercising, the best thing to do is just increase calorie intake and eat more fat for the 2 weeks prior to my departure. So what Im trying is just eating more waffles, bacon, etc instead of oatmeal for breakfast, and more meat and oil in the dinner choices. Also upgraded to a dark beer per night (more calories). I figure if I can put on about 5 lbs in 2 weeks that will last me thru 2 weeks of cold weather and high exertion and should add as much warmth as wearing a light fleece for the first week or so and keep me at normal warmth the second week. Does anyone have experience with adding on temporary body fat, how successful were you and did it work ?
  8. Maybe it is Jon and Timmy's gumnutblender? Can you run it of your Met5 jacket battery?
  9. i wouldnt mind gettin into those pants but getting caught could be bad news i bet TLG would never so obviously pose after being winched up onto a roof like that.
  10. Eh, that's Yale, BC, the little village south of Spuzzum. Not Yale University!
  11. Dru


    What a load of BS, there were Sasquatch tales and sitings long before some Californan dumbass may or may not have carved fake feet. But I like the concept of claiming responsibility long afterwards, when you are dead and can't be interviewed. When I'm offed, in my will I will claim that I was responsible for faking the moon landings!
  12. No offense Tim but i liked the old gallery better.... IMHO if it wasnt broke why change it?
  13. fly over the pickets with a digital camera and post some pictures here.
  14. Dru

    Projects for 2003

    I am sooo sorry I missed this whole thread. Um...projects This One That One, the one up that road and the other secret one...whatever. Why not just say I plan to beat my chest and so im already doing it even if i dont succeed. like those guys who get climbing grants then never make it out of basecamp, suddenly next year they talk shit and get another grant. I guess I would like to climb in the Bugaboos more or maybe on Baffin if I move there. Do more in the Valhallas, climb Judge Howay, yada yada. Anyone can dream on the keyboard but talk minus action is zero so I will tell you after I do it. Now go back to the squabbling.
  15. Dru


    just for you Jay B
  16. Apparently it is near Jordan River wherever the hell that is ( I thought it was on the Island but there must be one near the stoke too) and you need a copter or long ski in for access.
  17. I am still stuck in the 10s if you look at it that way, on the other hand there are plently of routes for me to do at that level and it is sufficient for the FAs I want to do so what is my motivation to improve? Basically low to non existant. However if I wanted to lead 11s regularily instead of my current standard I would 1) crag outside and climb in the gym more instead of trudging up alpine peaks, for a few months, to build up strength 2) TR 11's regularily and lead lots of hard 10's to build up a "route pyramid" 3) choose a couple of known-to-be-easy-sends 11s like the Black Streaker**, Clean Crack, Arrowroute, This Is The New Stuff*, for my first 11 leads. * In fact (chestbeater mode on) I TRed this one with only about 2 hangs this summer so I could probably redpoint it without the training steps mentioned above if i really wanted to... it might take me a week or so but the longest I have ever worked something is like 3 tries.... so 4) overcome fear of boredom when working routes. 5) hire, borrow or purchase a belay slave willing to put up with me working routes The last one is probably critical. I can't think of anything more boring than belaying a person while they give 10 burns on the same route so I usually dont even try to persuade belayers to do so. might help. ** Actually now that I think about it I lead the 10c pitch of this and fooled the 11a clean so if I wanted to send an 11 this would be my first choice. But climbing 11a slab does not guarantee success on 11 crack.....
  18. trip report
  19. Yeah that is the one. Look how almost all the FAs were done since 2000.... hmmm, you kind of wonder why the hell people just drove by all those years. Stoke can get fat and no crowd scenes unlike Canmore area. That Urine Stain that Arbic soloed is a super cool looking flow of Yellow Ice just W of Rogers Pass near the mouth of Smart Creek, one of the only routes near the pass that aint in an avvy track. The other two routes near the pass are the ones Alex was gaping at I think. As Fern noted these can be howitzered sometimes so only climb when avvy danger is low to non existant or you might get shot.
  20. There is already a route at Squamish called Tools Of Moss Destruction.
  21. Osama Bin Leadin
  22. Whatever redneck. You love clearcuts because it makes it easier to shoot the spotted owls without trees in the way.
  23. Clearcuts but with trees left standing here and there. Eg. for habitat.
  24. Bush, Called Moron, Denies He Is Member Of LDS Church
  25. Extreme Snafflehounds I will wait until that movie is on a $2.50 double bill at the second-run theaters. %Then it will be
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