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Everything posted by Dru

  1. you cant dehydrate alcohol, as there is no water in the alcohol part..altho if i remember correctly high school chem, alcohol+acid=ester+water so maybe there is some chem lab way of turning esters and water back into alcohol, you would then have to get the acid out somehow. the best you could do would be take 100% ethanol and mix it with powdered flavours and water but why bother trying to recreate the taste of beer when you can just put the ethanol shots in your gatorade or cytomax or hot cocoa or whatever.
  2. i resist and deconstruct your patriarchal attempts at ghettoization
  3. Dru

    New York Gully TR

    "You are suck" is a Poleglish marekism.
  4. Dru

    Pub Club 2/11

    the Alpine_Tom vs. AlpenTom brawl is scheduled for afters if you make it through the smokescreen with AlpineK. maybe we can get AlpineDave and any other posers who had to put Alpine or Mountain in their name so we know they are climbers to step up and have a steel cage match for exclusive rights to the title
  5. membership in that fan club is currently open only to eligible females. any Ms. Natural out there may apply....send photo of qualifications.
  6. Dru

    Pub Club 2/11

    Hey AlpineTom if you get him stoned first he will pass out, if you dont mind kicking sleeping people
  7. and what was the consensus re: "dogging the &@#*< out of it" and downgrading?
  8. Chix Of The North Cascades First ascents and hard roots By Fried "Kiss n Tell" Bakey. "This book makes my life feel like a gaping hole of need" - Oprah "If only I hadn't married that judge" - Vasiliki "He may be 80 but he has the stamina of a 50-year old" -unnamed cc.comette "They may call me Big Lou but next to Fred I'm Big Who?" - L. Whittaker
  9. " i have never worn out a jacket... I buy a new one when the color isn't fashionable anymore" Marc Twight.
  10. Dru

    New York Gully TR

    Spray contamination detected. Sterilization procedures commence immediately. If you have sprayed on this thread prepare for immediate sterilization. Our decontam procedure has only a 50% mortality rate when tested on so your chances of biting it are no worse than bc skiing right now or going on a date with Polish Bob.
  11. Dru


    glasgow kiss =headbutt
  12. yes i believe many of Freds accomplishments have been laid back, or back-to-back he hasn't yet written a book on that though i suspect it would be a bit like "Women" by Bukowski.
  13. Dru

    New York Gully TR

    alpine simulator experience "if this was the rockies that woulda been a 50 lb. chunk of choss not a little bottle... and it woulda been puking spindrift
  14. i once saw, someone trying to eat as frozen powerbra, and their tongue got stuck to it and froze, just like little kids who lick the swings in winter get told will happen to them it happened to me once (lip freeze to object) but i was trying to blow out an ice core not eat frozen chunks.
  15. Dru

    AlpineK in jail.

    word is at the halfway house the only thing he can climb will be the stairs, and the only thing he can shred will be dinner napkins
  16. Dru

    AlpineK in jail.

    ya i thought it was gonna be chipper mayhem like in fargo
  17. maybe Mike needs a milk truck
  18. did you do a search under "stocking caps" just like you cant find a "serviette" anywhere in the States... i bet you dont even know what item I'm talking about do ya??? any guesses?
  19. Do food threads go in Body Results? This stuff looks like the ultimate alpine food. Milk, sugar, dried fruit, rice, salt. Except it is supposed to take 3 hours to bake and we are currently on hour 4.... There's something to be said for buying the tub of KozyShack.
  20. shit dood those guys are euro alpinist speed climber extreme sport climbing boulder mixed masters. they can crank off multiple enchainments of remote snafflehunden burrows via parapente and still look good in pink goretex gaiters. some of em have probably won the pee-oh-laid-'hor multiple times!!! in fact i think the guy on the right is Zrgnovzckc Pzykatwskji who once said "Zis Marc Twight guy is suck. I pizz in his GUski. Amerikanschker sznaflhund!"
  21. but what about Polartec Powershield (Gamma SV, MEC Pamir) and Powershield Lite (Gamma MX)? oh technical regurgitator?
  22. Dru

    Spray Soundtrack

    advantages to ADSL enabling spray@home: listen to music while spraying (no music at work) on the CD drive now: GHOST DOG: WAY OF THE SAMURAI soundtrack by the RZA. what are you listening to while spraying?
  23. klar site wouldnt open 4 me here's a camo job for Carbon Gl. surveillance
  24. Them's good eatin'! i still have some 2 years old you want em you got em Dan D Pak vietnamese 7" sesame cookie good for frisbee or snaffle killing
  25. hmmmm: i make coffee at home and never see anyone at ther trailhead but you know, i definitely have an advantage over Squamish folks when it comes to doing "round trip from my house" ascents of Slesse.
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