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Everything posted by Dru

  1. funny how much JoshK sounds like MiloshK i have no avatars gave em all to trask and muffy
  2. "To make a border guard they first take a failed cop; drill a hole through the skull, suck out the brains, then pack the cavity with horse shit" - Geordie Smaill, "Squamish Hardcore on Cassin Ridge", CAJ 1976.
  3. Dru


    now we know how remsberg gets up those m9's yogic flying
  4. Tom Jones, the guy who gets all the panties thrown at him???
  5. is the pyramidal half-hidden peak on the left the one kennan harvey kayaked to and climbed a few years back? article was in climbing or R&I cant remember which one...
  6. Dru

    Heads In The Sand...

    why is it titled afghan missile when its obviously in india?
  7. Dru

    Chilkoot Trail

    speaking of the slide show Guy is giving it again tonight in Abbotsford as part of the BC tour...7 PM at Abbotsford arts center.
  8. barry blanchard put up a route called the pugilist at rest, which is named after the book of the same name by...
  9. USA From Harpers Weekly: A new poll found that President Bush would lose, 48 to 44 percent, against an unknown Democrat if the presidential election were held today. Another poll found that 42 percent of Americans believe that Saddam Hussein is personally responsible for September 11. Sixty-eight percent of Americans believe in the devil, but only 48 percent believe that God created the universe; 28 percent believe in evolution.
  10. steal one from a bar they break em all the time must have stacks of extras in the backroom
  11. i went down to leavenworth once with 3 guys a) a professional dope grower, b) an unemployed tree planter, c) a ski patroller... in the patroller's brother's Toyota van with a locked box on the top that we didnt have a key to. but they must have thought We werre so sketchy they never got around to asking us what was in the box... they let us go, when they found out i was a civil servant!!!
  12. look out for that ski sports guy i just read that he's a stalker
  13. ride your bike to the portland gym good training for goran Kropp style ascents which you will have to try without a car might take you 2 days to ride to smith.
  14. yeah! another sign! of sketchiness! is using! alot of!! exclamation marks!!!!!! i think there was a seinfeld about that once
  15. i have seen "lots" (3 or 4) of people lead climb 9trad) after climbing for about a week or so, maybe seconding and TRing about 20 routes in all... as long as you are a) confident in your own ability, b) able to walk the talk and actually BUILD anchors not just think you can build them, then you are probably ready to try leading Sport leading hell you could try that after a couple gym sessions if you think you got it. Not a whole hell of a lot of skill to learn there. Clip, go, clip, go, lower. Dont forget to read Chuck's link though to remind you of consequences...
  16. "american climber are suck" but OK for 8000m'er?
  17. when people are desperate for partners for them to call potential partners lame is not a good tactic when people are desperate for partners even for gyms is also a sign of general sketchiness usually. putting it bluntly, maybe the reason you are having trouble finding partners is a problem with YOU
  18. crack look at that camera tilt
  19. neil bentley was able to increase his ape index by +1 inch just from doing yoga stretches, leading to success on 2nd ascent equilibrium despite successfully sending only 1 time in 10 on TR
  20. there is nothing like the internet for elevating knowitalls to magazine fame, just look at john byrnes aka lord slime. if anyone ever offers me a magazine job based on the fact i spray, just shoot me...oh wait, jk already did!
  21. msg fnd in smt crn hlp lst! no fd n way dn scrd brs
  22. http://www.avalanche.ca/weather/bulletins/index.html highest its been all year I think. Hmmm, Coquihalla Pass got 165 cm of new over weekend. Now raining to 2000m elevation... excuse me Im gonna go buy a rubber raft and some hip waders so i can get home tonight.
  23. Dru


    "after being together for 50 years they are finally coming out to their families"... you gotta wonder what sis, etc. thought the two of them were doing living together all that time??? Hello??? Maybe cluelessness runs in the family or something.
  24. is dr. piton anything like "pass the pitons pete" zabrok of Ontario???
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