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Everything posted by Dru

  1. tape is aid
  2. get intuition liners and boots will always be nice, dry.
  3. i bet he slammed em home with a sledge hammer and the scars are big enough for #4 tri cams.
  4. is that the texas talkin'
  5. Dru

    sprayin canadian

    i hope to start another job real quick and use that leverage to get niut range trip in in may and "secret destination trip" in in august.
  6. wrong thread whacko bone! you must be
  7. Dru

    sprayin canadian

    i am being let go at the end of the month along with 1/3 of our workforce, so i will def. try to hit 10 000 before then jk i think the 12.5 a day is avarage including spray and no-spray days but on spray days recently, i have been more like 40 posts than 12.5
  8. Dru

    sprayin canadian

    more effective would be to figure out what percentage of those posts were made from work and what i was effectively paid to make them.
  9. Dru

    Pub Club quiteness

  10. Dru

    Pub Club quiteness

    Maybe I'll be able to contribute to this discussion after I eventually attend the real deal... Until then, I am no help. Virtual, I vote for iain. For all his effort put forth for a studly avatar.... whats wrong with hello kitty huh???
  11. yeah but they're still a powerhouse g8 in the house y'all incidentally vancouver was recently ranked second best city in the world to live in behind, i think, basel. somewhere swiss anyways. seattle placed out of the top 100. i dunno if they considered proximity to squamish or not.....
  12. Dru


    maybe the cop was gay too but they were too clueless to figure out he was looking for support. they coulda been the bavarian village people... the cop, the candy maker, the lederhosen-wearing lumpenproletariat, youd also need a cuckoo clock maker and a transvestite apron girl.
  13. Dru

    Pub Club quiteness

    You're a brave pilgrim to post that Dru...I salute you I can't wait to figger out which ones you refer to... clue please i better stop now before my inbox is filled with PM's
  14. Dru

    Pub Club quiteness

    just like the real thing get drunk and spray except you dont go home with someone date for 3 weeks go on a road trip split up and spend the next year and a half sniping at each others abilities and predelictions online. NOTE THAT THE ABOVE STORY IS TOTALLY HYPOTHETICAL AND NOT BASED ON THE TRUE STORY OF 2 CC.COM SPRAYERS WHO ARE BOTH AT PUB CLUB TONIGHT GLARING AT EACH OTHER
  15. which neighbour? we had a sheep ranch on one side and a brothel on the other
  16. its jekyll and hyde, two avatars in one body.
  17. was the first training for the second or what
  18. Marshman have you asked if amber wants to go climbing yet?
  19. the cave is 10 feet off the ground, and at the lip he "caught a rope thrown to him and clipped into it, then continued up a 13c face above". Akira is a hard boulder problem taped onto a sport route for the sole purpose of claiming thje Worlds Hardest Route. its like doing a sit start to Chain Reaction to bump the grade up these new 15as are all legitimate routes, and guess what, aside from Orujo with fake hold, all are natural, take that Fred Drillmeister Rouhling! Maybe he should take up comp routesetting if he wants to sculpt hard contrived problems and gfraft them onto routes.
  20. maybe MiloshK will give Russian view??
  21. america inc makes hostile takeover of french assets. war is about control of oil supply. all other arguments demostrably false.
  22. www.robrob8.com/movies/bambi_and_godzilla.htm - 14k
  23. josh josh josh, the french are not out to diminish american power, the French are out to PROTECT THEIR INVESTMENT....
  24. Afriend of mine guides for NOLS and they did "it" as a 10 day trip.. didnt I read here that Colin Climzalot did "it" as a daytrip or something... or am I just staring yet another bogus colin rumour... "it" cause we all know it doesnt count if you dont tick all the summits!!! Which reportedly no one since the original party has done
  25. France does a lot of business with Iraq. I think that indicates that constructive engagement works, you know, like the USA is so big on with China, but refuses to do with Cuba.... compare relative human rights records as documented by Amnesty International and market sizes...
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