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Everything posted by Dru

  1. its a good weekend to Goran Kropp it by biking in the rain from your house to the crag and aid solo some choss pile then ride home and drink aquavit.
  2. Dru


    i thought it was Greg Collum or somethin' like that but can't really remember the details
  3. Dru, why don't you just lay down, kick your feet, and have a good cry. You'll feel better afterwards. WHERE'S MY SNAFFLEHOUND! more like " my entire validation of my existance is being questioned because someone posted a picture of a snafflehound on this thread and someone might actually realize that it is 10 pages of bullshit but perhaps if I moderate away the offending rodent picture no one else will realize "
  4. i saw a spoon geocached in the big pocket on Toxic once.
  5. HX is a radical treatment to extend the life of your HC
  6. Ive got news for you Matt, that whole thread is spray, only Gator didnt know it when he posted it. What sort of "mystery evidence" do you think is gonna come forward now? The Lone Gunmen?? Your attempts to moderate it are arbitrary, and absurd. That is what draws my scorn. If you had ballz and stood by the principles you have expressed you'd delete the whole thing.
  7. when it does avalanche in the trees, and you get carried into tree well and buried, must be extra special suck way of dying.
  8. Or when you render infected sheep and add the fat to cow feed as a high protein supplement.
  9. North Korea shows how to make the U.S. temper its actions Jonathan Manthorpe Vancouver Sun Wednesday, March 12, 2003 Vincent Yu, Associated Press / With tensions running high because of North Korea's increasing belligerence, South Korean soldiers train on Tuesday with the U.S. Army near the demilitarized zone between the Koreas. If one of the messages of the impending war against Iraq is to deter other countries that lust for weapons of mass destruction, it doesn't seem to be getting through. Even before Saddam Hussein has been subjected to the full rigour of regime change, Washington's lesson to the world has been diluted by its very different response to provocations from North Korea. In North Korea, the "Dear Leader" Kim Jong-il probably has at least two nuclear weapons and two weeks ago stoked up his reprocessing plant at Yongbyon to produce plutonium for more. Kim also has the missiles to deliver these weapons at least to Japan. A new longer range model capable of hitting the United States is nearly ready for testing. Because Kim is a real military threat and has neighbours -- China, Japan and South Korea -- of importance to the U.S., Washington has chosen to negotiate rather than attack. Saddam, on the other hand, has no nuclear weapons and might or might not be able to account for biological and chemical weapons stocks he might or might not have had. As one veteran observer put it: "The Americans want to go to war on the basis of Iraqi bad bookkeeping." Any country suspicious of Washington's unipolar power -- for example, Iran, the third leg of president George W. Bush's "axis of evil" -- can draw an easy conclusion from this situation. Once you have nuclear weapons Washington will treat you with caution. So better get the bomb quick. Reports in the last few days say Iran is racing ahead with the development of a new nuclear power plant capable of producing weapons-grade material. So the way the U.S. administration has handled the Iraq-North Korea dichotomy can be seen as promoting weapons proliferation rather than containing it. There are, of course, a few countries that fear they might be on Bush's list for police action once Saddam has been regime-changed and which have the capacity to acquire nuclear weapons. And France already has the bomb. Iran would be high on the list, but other regimes in the Middle East such as Egypt and Saudi Arabia must be looking at the potential regional dislocation of a prolonged U.S. occupation and democratic reconstruction of Iraq and wondering how to secure their own futures. It's not necessary to be on Washington's hit list to feel that in an increasingly uncertain world having a nice fat bomb stored in the basement might be a good idea. North Korea's neighbours, Japan, South Korea and even Taiwan, undoubtedly have the technical capacity to make nuclear bombs, but have chosen not to. Those decisions could be reversed, however, if the always unpredictable Kim is seen to have crossed the line from his usual garrulous brinkmanship into a much more dangerous area. A week ago, the director of Japan's Defence Agency, Shigeru Ishiba, made an astounding statement for a high official in a country with an avowedly pacifist constitution. If Japan received information, he said, indicating that North Korea was preparing to attack, the Tokyo government would have the legal right, despite the constitutional prohibitions, to launch a preemptive strike against Pyongyang's facilities. An arms race in Asia is, of course, most likely to happen if Washington's allies feel the U.S. cannot be depended upon to support its friends as it has for the last half century. That development seems unlikely now, but who can tell what mood America will be in after its Iraqi adventure? Even without a spate of proliferation in Asia, the situation between the U.S. and North Korea is dangerous enough. In the last three weeks, North Korea has twice tested anti-ship missiles in a provocative manner. Last week, its fighter aircraft buzzed an American spy plane, apparently with the intention of forcing it to land the way China did, with impunity, two years ago. The U.S. has responded by moving more heavy bombers to the Pacific Ocean island of Guam within striking distance of North Korea. What Washington does not seem to have grasped with sufficient clarity is that Kim's North Korean regime is not house-trained. More than half a century of self-imposed isolation has bred institutional suspicion, paranoia and sheer ignorance about how the world works. Kim's paranoia roared forth when Bush declared a strategy of "pre-emptive attack" on any country deemed a future risk to America. Washington discovered Kim's secret nuclear research last year, confirming its view that he could not be trusted. When confronted with the evidence, Kim's regime expelled United Nations inspectors, said it would reactivate its nuclear power plants and even threatened to abandon the truce with South Korea that halted the 1950-53 civil war. This might, of course, be just more brattish brinkmanship, but with Kim you never know. jmanthorpe@png.canwest.com
  10. lemme get this straight you are taking a *course* on how to use a frickin compass and read a map, which is all orienteering is, and your a SAR, my god what do they teach you??? i won a whole watermelon once in an orienteering open competition.
  11. Dru


    dude, kamloops is closer to the duffy lake road peaks than white rock is. and to marble canyon and rogers pass and skaha and the stein valley and wells gray etc. but the cragging within citry limits is marginal lots of single pitch stuff but nowhere near destination sun peaks aka mt tod is an hour from town
  12. i thought he was already
  13. isnt it cold at smith and stuff?
  14. The present administration in Germany is better than the one that preceded it, as is the regime in Japan, as is the regime in Panama. You are referring to regimes that the US supported, rather than governments that the US directly installed after deposing the previous regimes by force. There is a difference, and the US's history is much more successful in this regard than you have acknowledged. Further, it would scarcely be possible for a worse regime than the present one to materialize in Iraq in any realistic scenario, which explains why the Iraqis who are free to speak on the matter declare themselves willing to take this risk. Pinochet? There is no way in the world, that the current powers that be, COULD, not even WOULD, install a government and fund it successfully (marshall plan style) enough to repeat the German-Japan type experience. Different geopolitics, different culture, no overall struggle with Soviets for control of swing countries.... I dont know if you are being deliberately obtuse, or just naive?
  15. Anmother option is Valhalla Pure. Lots of branches around. They have good stock and usually knowledegable staff altho it depends on the store a bit.... Or Climb-On in Squamish. although I basically never shop atr Coast I have bought lots of stuff from these latter 2 stores.
  16. i heard there are some at deception crags which is same deal.
  17. there are no witnesses left alive so its not a record anyways
  18. Yes 51 seconds for fast off the draw Matt Perkins to delete an innocent picture of a snafflehound. Some one has control issues and should have a beer and chill.
  19. Why does anyone sell out: Cause they want the money. When they say "its not about the money" you can bet it is. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $ucka$
  20. What about the religious conservatism that Shrubby goes on and on about? "Demostrate" how that is a "false" issue... Dude are you really asserting that Bush thinks he's crusading to Christianize the infidel???
  21. see, they fooled you!
  22. Your argument presupposes that whatever puppet the Americans install will be better than Hussein, yet you know that is not neccessarily the case, many despots installed by the US have been worse than what they replaced, why should this time be any different?? The Shah was installed by the US and Britain in Iran and look what that led to, Ayatollah Khoimeini. Claims that US puppet will be better than Hussein are possible but likely about as plausible as that US went into Kuwait to restore democracy in 91. 12 years later, where's the democracy??
  23. which one is that? Staender Ridge, you doofus! Like, duh! not Mount Tabor? majestic Gray Butte or whatever its called, everest of the smith rock group.
  24. No, some of it is natural rock walls, but some was the result of blasting for a railroad cut, some one hundred years ago. The weathering over the years has made it hard to tell exactly which faces were blasted and which were there already. its a safe bet the glued on river rocks weren't there originally.
  25. Dude how many times do I have to say I HAVE NO AVATARS If my car wheel gets fixed i might even go aid climbing in the rain or gym climbing in the dry. which one is less boring, its a tough call.
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