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Everything posted by Dru

  1. making PDF available for free for a journal you hope people will pay money for, means you are reducing your own sales, no? cause some wont pay for what they can get for free just like with MP3s. i know that the online "news" component of magazines like Climbing, R&I, Gripped etc makes me less likely to want to buy them because I can read the good part for free. If the articles are sucky and you already know what the news is then there is no reason to buy the issue except to look at pictures of Rachel Babkirk in a sports bra not that there would be any of that in an alpine journal but you get my point right as for the advertisers - Beck is being wildly optimistic - big diff between a big, free, tabloid type paper that is just an excuse to wrap throw away articles around ads, and a climber journal, with a circulation of probably 2,000 or less, which is more about content than advertising... but then again Beck just likes to blab about his job, and throw chairs at people.
  2. especially a 16 page tabloid on newsprint
  3. If you wanted to call it something distinct from CAG, AAJ, etc you could call it the SNAFFLEHOUND ANNUAL or something like that. I notice that all the small monthly or bimonthly regionals like Boulderdash, the Mountain Yodel etc have gone out of business. I think going annual, journal style is the way to avoid that. Also people are more likely to put a lot of work into a published piece than they are in to a submitted online trip report in my experience. Especially the large fraction of people that still seem to climb a lot but dont have a computer or go online to spray wazup with that anyhow?
  4. Dru

    too weird

    i have a field full of sheep across the street baaaaa!
  5. It isn't really climber-specific, but given the popularity of caffeine and the Atkins diet amongst Seattleites, maybe you could do a story about this new German invention? Just a thought. I know it's hoping too much for a story about giant squid....
  6. Dru

    too weird

    Someone just drove by my office building in a restored Model T ford, open topped, and they were wearing a gorilla costume
  7. gold range is in the monashees not the selkirks
  8. It would be a stretch of the imagination to describe the Battle Range as chossy. "Snaffle-infested"?
  9. horsecock with caffeine should be extremely popular amongst members of the board!!! this topic should be STICKY!!! with the little thumbtack picture and all that!
  10. top
  11. it is all finished and needs like a day of editing to go to the printers.. sales of SS were supposedly disappointing and a source of discord between author and publisher with each blaming the other... it isnt 8 years overdue yet like the wadd guide was!
  12. not sure that an on line website journal is such a good idea for the following reasons: 1) financing. Jon and Tim pay for most of this site plus contributions. Nobody wants to pay you for banner ads much anymore. Bivouac.com had to start charging, memberships for money. For 20 bucks a year I'd rather get a physical journal than a website that could get turned off or crash at any time. 2) If you want long articles instead of bite sized spray it is easier and more pleasant to sit and read a book than scroll through an online article 3) website lifespan is short usually whereas once printed a journal is still there and can be read eg in 100 years time or whatever. I would think your ideal model would be something like the BC Mountaineer, or CMC Journal in Alberta, rather than a national pub. like AAJ or CAJ (note conflicting initials in Cdn vs Cascade Alp Journal). Or like the Scottish Mountaineering Club Journal in the UK. A regional publication with regional distribution and regional flavour. Gather submissions. Print up. sell for like 10 bucks a shot. Easy to self finance a journal this way rather than a website. Also you can focus on content rather than appearance. Appearance and format (size, color photo or BW etc) can be what ever you can afford to fit the content. You should focus on editorial policy and make it clear from the start what it is, as this has been divisive in the past eg. with Christian Beckwith as AAJ editor. You should make sure your editor is a good editor first and a good climber or whatever second. The recent BC Mountaineers have been full of spelling mistakes and reversed photos cause their editor has little editorial skill and a lack of knowledge of many parts of the local mountains.
  13. shivering is an extremely effective way to burn fat! wear shorts WITH NO POLYPRO all winter.
  14. all the snow in the wack mountains has melted by now. gimli is only about 9000' so if next week is warm it might be dry.
  15. its his page
  16. lotsa those old pin placements take small gear now. like fern said + zerocams!!! it doesnt have to be a 1:1 replacement either, like 4 fp's on horrors of ivan are now 2 bolts. cause bolts dont have to go in cracks like fp's do. so the placement can be more logical
  17. power sausage!!
  18. Dru

    Aron Ralston

    I think it's interesting that someone whose main claim to fame is getting in an accident and barely surviving, is a motivational speaker now. I guess its just like the Krakauer Eversest victims being more in demand than your joe-Average no epic successful summiter. Public wants to vicariously suffer epics in comfort. Do you think anyone will pay to hear me speak about the time cc.com was DOS'ed and I had to work with no spray for 2 whole hours? I nearly gnawed my arm off!!!
  19. Dru


    sex trap and spermcam
  20. 3 words: multi colored lycra
  21. Dru

    1337 h4x

    muslim hackers?
  22. if it was clinton he was probably going out onto the balcony to smoke a fatty or have a quickie with monica...
  23. Dru

    polish power

    what about justin stirrett?
  24. Dru

    To All Those Who Say

    something else distinctive about scotland, besides the kilts
  25. chinook jargon phrasebook
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