Robobobobob it's more like this
1) some moderator gets upset either by a sarcastic or critical comment or by a whiny PM "blowing the whistle" - or by something possibly legitimate (worth moderating) like trask posting some porn; or by their boss at work or whatever
2) said moderator does not like having to work so they vent their anger on the active posters on this site with some random moderation and deleting and banning
3) then anyone who comments on the random acts of moderation is labelled a whiner and randomly moderated some more until we shut up and pretend everything is all well and good. It's the parenting school of "Shut up kid or I'll give you something to REALLY cry about - Mommy is hungover and doesnt need to hear you right now"
4) Moderators seem to REALLY dislike the little eye rolling graemlin
5) The best way to never be moderated on, is to just post quickly agreeing with anything the moderator says, and PM them constantly telling them what a good job they are doing, and how evil and rotten certain other posters are.
PS: AlpineK, gapertimmy, mattp, erik, snoboy, jon, Peter Puget, iceguy, off_white, et al ARE DOING A WONDERFUL JOB!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! *