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Everything posted by Dru

  1. did you find a partner yet?
  2. hey chirp check the attachment
  3. yeah i aided it!
  4. i have 3 or 4... they are good for glacier travel and such like. won't hold a big leader fall on vertical WI but will hold someone jugging out of a crevasse, or rapping off from a spot where you can't get a V thread in like slothrop said. main advantage is they are super light so you dont mind lugging them into the alpine just on the off chance you need them. comprende?
  5. this two syllable - #1 fish #2 body part clue from Stefan is not helping matters !! even with my green Beckey open nothing seems to fit. unless its Finney? fish fin - knee?
  6. Dru

    The "Banned" List

    the increase in PNW worker productivity mught give the economists the wrong idea!
  7. i think you already did i might be on a work trip to look at a cave on vancouver islad nov 4-5. don't plan your slide show around me.
  8. Did Mikeadam send you any presents back with him?
  9. Isn't Zima an aphrodisiac?
  10. I was told by the IT guy at my old job, that a 35mm slide has the resolution of a 40MB digital image.
  11. Dru


    is Nader running this time around?
  12. and now for the answer you have all been waiting for sorry to those who picked the RURP as more bomber. it came out when funked with a shoulder pull on a 3 foot sling. the ring pin was more solid and required 3 or 4 blows with the hammer to loosen sufficiently to pull out. maybe the lesson in this is pins are better than nothing in broken muddy choss but only just. and that the deeper you drive it the better it gets under such circumstances (unlike normally)
  13. Dru

    The "Banned" List

  14. Dru

    The "Banned" List

    i fell off the banned wagon Darin where were you at the Hamster pubclub and sausage fest?
  15. ever since twight started quoting industrial music lyrics all the alpinist wannabes have been secret goths oh wait am I wrecking Necro's wonderful thread with spray MY BAD!
  16. [chestbeating]i didn't have to look it up [/chestbeating] makes good honey.
  17. but you beat me to it natty goth!
  18. Dru

    Spray Opinion

    I got banned! In fact I can't post this right now!
  19. its called fireweed and the seeds are even worse when dewy or wet from rain cause they stick to you like glue and you get the tarred and feathered look.
  20. in high school we used to carry creamer packets and when someone tailgated you flick em outthe window. if you hit the winshield the creamer explodesand the cream makes an opaque screen on their windshield so they have to brake and then turn on the wipers to get rid of it. of course that is a type of escalation and can lead to you getting beat up so only do it in a car full of rugby players.
  21. i like to slow down next to a semi and make sure that tailgater dude just cant pass no matter what... and let em stew for about 10 minutes.... but only if i'm driving a bigger truck than them. or randomly tap brakes till they back off. but i guess in the usa i could get shot for doing that kind of thing.
  22. Dru


    isn't this like the 10th time trask has been "gone for good"
  23. is there beer for slide showers? i want to see Lowell Skoog show us pictures of every unclimbed route in the Cascades
  24. Dru

    Spray Opinion

    Robobobobob it's more like this 1) some moderator gets upset either by a sarcastic or critical comment or by a whiny PM "blowing the whistle" - or by something possibly legitimate (worth moderating) like trask posting some porn; or by their boss at work or whatever 2) said moderator does not like having to work so they vent their anger on the active posters on this site with some random moderation and deleting and banning 3) then anyone who comments on the random acts of moderation is labelled a whiner and randomly moderated some more until we shut up and pretend everything is all well and good. It's the parenting school of "Shut up kid or I'll give you something to REALLY cry about - Mommy is hungover and doesnt need to hear you right now" 4) Moderators seem to REALLY dislike the little eye rolling graemlin 5) The best way to never be moderated on, is to just post quickly agreeing with anything the moderator says, and PM them constantly telling them what a good job they are doing, and how evil and rotten certain other posters are. PS: AlpineK, gapertimmy, mattp, erik, snoboy, jon, Peter Puget, iceguy, off_white, et al ARE DOING A WONDERFUL JOB!!! YOU GUYS ROCK!! KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! * *
  25. who's gonna present? 3 hours is a long way to go if its just trask showing pictures of his boat (to take a silly example)
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