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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    To All Those Who Say

    since we are talking about seals now " no, it's just ice cream"
  2. Dru

    To All Those Who Say

    it reminds me of clubbing baby seals on the newfoundland ice floes
  3. Dru


    was her name lena by any chance
  4. Dru

    To All Those Who Say

    the only part i like about fishing is clubbing them on the head
  5. Dru

    Giant Snaffle!!

  6. well now there is also a song that goes The War of 1812 Oh come back proud Canadians To before you had TV. No "Hockey Night" in Canada - There was no CBC. In 1812 - Madison was MAD He was the President you know, He thought he'd tell the British Where they ought to go. He thought he'd invade Canada. He thought that he was tough. Instead we went to Washington.... And burned down all his stuff! And the Whitehouse burned burned burned And we're the ones that did it! It burned burned burned While the president ran and cried! It burned burned burned And things were very historical! And Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies "Wah! Wah! Wah!" In the War of 1812! Now Hillbillies from Kentucky, Dressed in green and red, Let home to fight in Canada, But they returned home dead. It's the only war the Yankees lost... Except for Vietnam.... And also - The Alamo.... And the bay of...Ham! The Loser was America. The Winner was ourselves. So join right in and gloat about The War of 1812! And the Whitehouse burned burned burned And we're the ones that did it! It burned burned burned While the president ran and cried! It burned burned burned And things were very historical! And Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies "Wah! Wah! Wah!" In the War of 1812! segway into Johnny Horton remix In 1812 we were just sittin' around Mindin' our own business Puttin crops into the ground We heard the soldiers coming And we didn't like that sound. So we took a boat to Washington And burned it to the ground! Oh we fired our guns But the Yankees kept a comin'! There wasn't quite as many as there was a while ago. We fired once more And the Yankees started runnin' Down the Mississippi to the Gulf of Mexico! Oh they ran through the snow And they ran through the forest They ran through the bushes where a beaver wouldn't go! They ran so fast They forgot to take their culture Back to America.... (and golf and Texaco) So if you go to Washington, It's building clean and nice, Bring a pack of matches..... And we'll Burn the Whitehouse Twice!!!! And the Whitehouse burned burned burned And we're the ones that did it! It burned burned burned While the president ran and cried! It burned burned burned I bet that made them MAD! And Americans ran and cried like a bunch of little babies "Wah! Wah! Wah!" In the War of 1812! "wah wah wah"
  7. Dru

    waste time

    hello kitty!!!! waaaaa!!! Kawaii!!!!
  8. Dru

    waste time

    i find this so much harder than the trogdor game
  9. Dru

    movies that suck.

    Probably because it was based on a good novel of the same name by David Brin, I recommend it. Boundary Dam up in the NE corner of the state made a guest appearance in the movie, I thought that was the high point... omfg i can't believe you called a crappy david brin novel "good" have you no taste?
  10. Dru

    movies that suck.

    hey gosford park was good! open range sucked bad. total unforgiven wannabe. clint yay. kevin boo.
  11. there are african serval cats runnin wild in surrey now
  12. One hint of violence and I'm sure you'll run like the scared little bitch you are. we will send the squamish teenagers down there to commit mayhem. they know how to beat up Americans apparently.
  13. do you have a reference, besides a canadian drinking song, that canadian troops were among the british troops who actually did burn washington dc? i recall trying to look this up a while back and not finding any evidense that canadians where there, just brits. um those "British" troops were Canadians, EH! Canada was technically part of Britain then. You can look it up.
  14. Yeah he's been working on it for a while now. Hey jordan how much of a bribe are you gonna offer up to get him to put BoB Buttress in
  15. who burned down the white house in the war of 1812, huh? CANADIAN TROOPS IS WHO!!! dont piss us off or we might come down there and hand out more ass whuppin.
  16. i think you can make mr potato head into a person of colour by putting the plastic parts onto an eggplant potatohead
  17. skjyzkzywski's limestone experience is keeping him alive on the granite now. "ya dude - it's bomber"
  18. No it is spelled Baba Ganouche. WTF do you know, are you Turkish or something?
  19. Dru

    For Dru

    what ever gave you guys the idea i am some sort of pothead that stuff makes you dumb and is more carcinogenic than nicotine i just say "no"
  20. how dare you name and report these routes without scrubbing them or bolting the cracks
  21. baba ganoush
  22. Dru

    White Trash A Go-Go

    surrey is so cool - wild pussy story the hello kitty shirt is the crowning touch
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