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Everything posted by Dru

  1. here's a great solution - why don't you all pull on some skin tight lycra and clip bolts like its 1987?
  2. The leader is wearing 100% softshell...not gorts
  3. once upon a time erik and i were planning a shirtless "bare breasts on bear's breast" ascent of these slabs but some unnamed wise Cascades legend PM'ed me with a horrifying tale of loose rock on the slabs and we modified our plans
  4. TWEAVE is better than any of the SCHOELLER fabrics
  5. Snoboy and I climbed this. Also today I got to play belay bunny. I had fun
  6. shit dude if the chiefs too small head to the eldred
  7. Dru


    private property rights do not extend to permissible infringement on others property rights.. for instance building codes prevent u from building giant shit pile on your property and thus diminishing neighbours property values through visual pollution and stench, not to mention groundwater contamination and attraction of coprophiles to previously pervert-free neighbourhood so- society can thus regulate your property in as much as is required to maintain the commons - this may include habitat of endangered species, eg salmon streams flowing through your property etc. not a stretch to extend this to wetlands housing endangered species. see also agricultural land regulation (BC) keeps farmland as farmland, prevents from being sold to developers for condomundo crackerboxes
  8. Dru


    no what I stand for is Work Abit Spray Plenty
  9. Dru


    When Asked, Say Poland
  10. Dru

    cams and nuts

    up in northern bc once i saw this guy pop out his glass eye and open a beer in his socket!
  11. too bad it wasn't a toad
  12. Dru


    Want Any Sex Possible
  13. Dru


    you fool you forgot to tilt the camera!
  14. Dru


    We Always Sucked, Positively Warning Ass Sounding Punk-Metal
  15. i bet a falcon grabbed it out of the sky before it hit dirt
  16. At Cost Monster Sports I'm not surprised by any ignorance in their staff... I expect it.
  17. seen in the who's online what othe reason does a logged in user have for registering a new user? do we expect a lot more new user names to suddenly pop up in the dishman bolting debate?
  18. dont you need to heal up pretty fast in order to go into the tchaikazan?
  19. http://weatheroffice.ec.gc.ca/forecast/city_e.html?YGE
  20. beware of falling s
  21. bush biking, wtf the guy can't even get on a segway without falling off
  22. the only thing i can see it revolutionizing is crack-jumarring, but send me a free one to test and maybe i will change my mind
  23. stfu mister "i have 2 months vacation every summer" sitting at home on a sunny day
  24. the finns are related to the hungarians... magyar and finnish share a non-indoeuropean root language the icelandic are also scandinavian like BJORK
  25. w00t thenodderohmygod spray bla bla gear bla bla forbidden bla bla politics bla
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