So, on the other hand I dropped a biner full of wired nuts off the South Face of Gladsheim last week, rapped the pitch, looked for it on the ledge below, couldn't find it. Basically I've now abandoned those nuts because I couldn't find them. They belong to whoever DOES find them. The same goes for any gear I have to retreat from. It belongs to whoever finds it. Likewise if the Quark had taken the big plunge and landed at the base of the face, none of us would have been able to retrieve it, I would have had to buy a new one when we got back to Vancouver, and 20 years later when someone makes the 3rd ascent of Quartz they might discover a historical relic... in none of these cases would I expect any gear back. However if somebody does find those nuts on Gladsheim, say this week, and feels kind hearted to mail them to me, I'd be happy to accept them cause I haven't bought replacements yet - and I've got a bottle of wine here that would go back the other way. Comprende?