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Everything posted by Dru

  1. and catch what they got
  2. i hope you grammarians, liked my gratuitous, commas in these posts.
  3. don't say anything, just shoot them! that will make the rest of the herd, even more scared and they will avoid any transgressions.
  4. Its never hot in the mountains
  5. Dru

    New to PNW

    The opening sequence of K2 in the 'Kichatna Spires" was shot on Steinbok.
  6. (o)(o)
  7. I got a pair of Boreal Diablos on closeout, they are the same size(9) as my Aces but for some reason way more comfy to wear all day long and have become exclusive mountain shoes.
  8. Green cheese is White? WTF?
  9. but even they use one, not two, ropes for sport climbing.
  10. What if we send a team of snafflehounds to the moon and they nibble away enough green cheese to make the Moon into a giant Powerball to advertise for the lottery? Is the Moon public or private property? I know Mars is public property, that's because its Red.
  11. Dru

    only 2 more hours

    shouldn't you have posted that at 2:20?
  12. Well - free speech does not aply to grafitti either, does it? You got some Amendment Right to tag buildings or rocks? What about on your own property if your neighbours can see it?
  13. Yeah cause a purple PT Cruiser is even more of a girly car than a yellow Jeep Wrangler convertible.
  14. It's weird there's been no mention of it on any of the UK climbing boards. http://www.ukclimbing.com/forums/t.php?n=142593
  15. In many areas of the planet it is the women who spend several hours a day gathering and carying water from the nearest source to the home. Not that a straw will help with that - more plumbing will.
  16. Free speech is freedom to advertise.
  17. It says they found the Nodder!
  18. Dru


    No, I had enough extras that the only size I ended up missing was #2 Rock
  19. and outside in the darkness a wild cat did growl two riders were approaching and the wind began to howl
  20. Shouldn't this be in the Lost and Found forum
  21. A friend of mine who was hiking thru the Stein said that she saw wasps attacking and eating horseflies and mosquitoes in mid-air.
  22. Just file the corners on another nut. Takes 5 minutes and you can customize each nut as you see fit.
  23. Dru


    So, on the other hand I dropped a biner full of wired nuts off the South Face of Gladsheim last week, rapped the pitch, looked for it on the ledge below, couldn't find it. Basically I've now abandoned those nuts because I couldn't find them. They belong to whoever DOES find them. The same goes for any gear I have to retreat from. It belongs to whoever finds it. Likewise if the Quark had taken the big plunge and landed at the base of the face, none of us would have been able to retrieve it, I would have had to buy a new one when we got back to Vancouver, and 20 years later when someone makes the 3rd ascent of Quartz they might discover a historical relic... in none of these cases would I expect any gear back. However if somebody does find those nuts on Gladsheim, say this week, and feels kind hearted to mail them to me, I'd be happy to accept them cause I haven't bought replacements yet - and I've got a bottle of wine here that would go back the other way. Comprende?
  24. I'm probably not up to that one yet. That's got some 5.11 in it, does it not? nope.
  25. Dru


    the cost of the replacing the rack should be a small price to pay, then
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