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Everything posted by Dru

  1. Dru

    hey fatty

    i didn't have to register?
  2. Dru

    Matt Perkins

    you use the tags
  3. Dru

    hey fatty

    woman sues doctor for telling her to lose weight
  4. Dru

    Matt Perkins

    usually the adams apple is the giveaway.
  5. Sometimes when someone is "with" you they may also be "against" you. EG "Oh Dolly, you are so fleecy, I love the feel of your wooly hindquarters as I hold you tight against me and I want you always to be with me"
  6. Dru

    Matt Perkins

    Of the 150 PMs in my inbox, 148 are from girls and 2 are from metrosexuals.
  7. Dru


    My copy of Windows Liquor crashed. Fuck you Bill Gates and your stupid blue screen of death!
  8. maybe a Yomango franchise. all the cool Euros are doing it.
  9. Dru

    Matt Perkins

    "Allan Halsey" was banned by the moderators immediately after I sent him a PM that read "Hi Necro". I've just sent Dru a PM that read "Hi Necro" But it bounced, because I filled my PM inbox specifically as a defense against such nefarious shenanigans.
  10. Yahoo mailboxes
  11. Dru

    spray ain't much fun

    is the format of this page all fucked up or am i just stoned
  12. I don't know about that, I think there is no way I would buy those tools if I couldn't replace the pick. At certain point they are a throw away tool, seems sort of wasteful. Everything else seem really cool. for all that I use my Pulsars now I could throw them away. i think that'sa the idea here. by the time you wear the pick out there will be a new super cooler tool with a velcro shaft to match your velcro gloves and with a biomorphic design that flicks itself at the ice like a striking cobra so you don't get so pumped with stupid arm whaling away at dinner plates
  13. Dru

    Matt Perkins

    "Allan Halsey" was banned by the moderators immediately after I sent him a PM that read "Hi Necro".
  14. All the more reason to do it without the heli... FIRST HELI-FREE WINTER ASCENT! it might have been so they could get their 8 days of supplies and recreational chemicals in to the base of the route. since you'll be sending it free in a day you won't have that problem.
  15. Oh wait that DID flop. Whew.
  16. Sport bras for men?
  17. Dru


    you've climbed and drank many of the people on this board!
  18. Dru


    It's hard to go car-to-car when you're living hand-to-mouth.
  19. you can always snowshoe. avalanches are like in the picture
  20. I need a new Toyota. If I find the car opener, where do you live?
  21. Pat Robertson's baloney spin denial and then eventual embarassed capitulation and apology today were things of beauty to behold. Gotta wonder what drugs the fellow is on, or is he just becoming senile.
  22. Botox Polo shirts
  23. Saw it on the tube Bought it on the phone Now you're home alone With a piece of crap. Went back to the store They gave me four more Guy told me at the door It's a piece of crap
  24. Floppy she isn't. Possibly the firmness is artificial.
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