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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. The point being I'm mental exausted and want to engage in mindless spew!!!!
  2. Dear AlpineKunt, "I don't remember asking you a goddamn thing..." I think you guys are missing the point.
  3. Hi everybody- I just wanted you all to know how special I think you are, and how much you mean to me.
  4. I think you guys climbed the Frostbite Ridge route. I was wondering about that (as you were describing a steep headwall below the summit to me) the other day
  5. Yeah, and if anyone needs a loan to buy it with, let me know
  6. Who'da thought "Wack M.C." would have made it into everyday CC vocab- anyone want a "Whack M.C." history lesson?
  7. Charlie

    First Lead

  8. Charlie

    F A Y

    I really don't understand your immature behavior, guys. Now that I'm in my 30s I don't have time for such. I'm busy focusing on my portfolio and net worth, along with physical fitness.
  9. Charlie

    F A Y

    As it is 2:30am, and I get up when ever I damn well please, because I work my own hours- and I turn 30 tommorow (today)- I would like to take a moment to say.... FUCK ALL Y'ALL!!!!
  10. Clearly you haven't had a run-in with a Ring-Tail cat. I haven't. Do they have those in the mountains? I thought they were mostly down by the Mexican border. I don't think I would count those as snaffles either, related to raccoons aren't they? Anybody who's ever bivied on Dinner Ledge has probably gotten well aquainted with the ringtail
  11. "pressure breath- rest step- eat a little- drink a little- come on gang-positive mental attitude- keep goin' till there aint no more"
  12. Do you want to become a climber, or do you just want to climb Rainer? I got in to climbing(7 years ago, shit I'm getting old) by taking a class with some friends. The class emphasized glacier climbing with the graduation being a summit attempt of the big R. We (me and my buddies) completed the class and all summited Rainer. After the climb none of them ever climbed again. I however, was hooked. The rest is history. So- if you just want to knock off Rainer, I would recomend RMI (save you the time and $ of buying all the gear). If you want to get into climbing- start hooking up with people- meet people on this sight- climb something every weekend- Rainer isn't really that great of a climb.
  13. Nope, it was Dan- you know the guy. Where did you see VP? I haven't seen him in a year- the nightmares have stopped and I've gotten off the meds.
  14. Damnation Crack- I was climbing with a cocky guy who was way better than me- he started up it- got really sketched when he reached the chimney and lowered down I tied in and sent it! not really that hard technically, but felt good to sandbag him.
  15. Must have been rough- sitting at your computer-waiting all weekend for everyone to get back from climbing- so you'd have some human interaction-huh!!??
  16. This is funny- definitely a whack m.c.!! I found this while doing a search to see what those pants look like. http://www.larsonweb.com/Bctry/Gear/Lists/PetitGear.htm Change my GODDAMN TITLE (If anyone is thinking about donating, this is the appreciation you will get in return)
  17. This is entrapment- you are forcing me to threaten the use of violence so that you can ban me like Ray. Well, it's not going to work- peace and love to you all.
  18. Come on!!! take it off!!! I promise I'll never mention DonkeyPunch again!!!! Take it off!!! Take it off!!!!
  19. ....Jon.....Tim......come on......gimmee a break.........
  20. check out #2- musta made somebody proud- probably just got off a bigwall!
  21. I want my twenty bucks back
  22. Piss Drunk by 8:00- not bad.
  23. DONE! $20 in the pizy pizzle-- Just so you guys get the spelling right: D-O-N-K-E-Y-P-U-N-C-H-E-R
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