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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. See, I like it when big black men go #2 on my face. And make a note to your smart self: Don't fuck DFA unless you damn sure brought a ribbed sheepskin and a quart of motor oil for lube. Toodles!
  2. i dont swing that way...but if you are lonely...DFA's number is 1-88-lycra-boy or i herd earlier that Charlies sister goes for 29 Pesos.... hope that helps The only problem with that...getting your dick sucked won't be that fun after I've ripped your head off and shoved it up your ass.
  3. I don't think this is really Ray- (when good moderators turn bad... )
  4. Great work folks- now it's time to work on the liberation of DonkeyPunch- viva el DonkeyPunch!!!! Fight the power!!!! Time for a revolution!!!! Capt- I'll ask my 14 yo sister about that one- have you registered with your nieghborhood yet?
  5. Just booked my flight ($102!!!). How is it? I heard they just opened acces to a new area.
  6. Huh? I thought that blowjob was free?
  7. it was a movie- it won't let it attach.
  8. see attachment (careful)- it's pretty disturbing.
  9. btw, Erik (speaking of bare backin')- you never told me where you saw VP-
  10. FUCK did everyone else get 10 minutes of popups? Ever since I installed Kazaa, I've been getting popups like fucking crazy spyware? I guess that's the price to pay for free music.
  11. Bare backin's the way to go- just ask Erik.
  12. Charlie

    Hydrophobic chalk

    This whole thread is Bizarre.
  13. Quote from Training Day- "you ever had yo sheet pushed in, holmes?"
  14. you're sick, Feces. Haven't seen you hanging around volunteer park lately, where ya been?
  15. yeah- that's the spirit!!!! Talk about my Mom, tell everyone how gay I am- I'm fat- I suck at climbing- my penis is small--- that type of shit- that's what I'm looking for here
  16. You're talking shit to people over the internet, time to reevaulate your life, tough-guy. "Hi pot? yeah, this is kettle. Just thought I'd give you a call to tell you how black you are" Riiighht...I do a lot of shit talking around here for no reason. If it makes you feel better to get on my case, feel free to, I could really care less. JoshK to Charlie: "...you suck...you look like a fucking poser..." Why are you taking this so personally, anyway? You're no fun to play with.
  17. You're talking shit to people over the internet, time to reevaulate your life, tough-guy. "Hi pot? yeah, this is kettle. Just thought I'd give you a call to tell you how black you are"
  18. Just got out of the bathroom- noticed several chunks of vegetablebelay in my fejas.
  19. You entered the BattleCage- fair game- what happens in the BattleCage, stays in the BattleCage- so bring it!!!!
  20. OK, back from lunch- gonna drop some Fejas in the JoshK, then use 5 or 6 sheets of DFA to wipe my Trask, before I flush the whole mess.
  21. You are a dork with a new avatar who thinks he is funny - is a balding guy who lied Crusty Climber is has been known to pee in people's butts SpecialEd spent the night with my Mom, apperently; As I have been salami plunging his girlfriend lately, and my Mom is old and overwieght, I feel I am coming out ahead on this one. JoshK you are a little boyband bitch- I would tell you what I plan on doing to you, but then I'd be bothered by Erik sending me PMs about not using violence.
  22. Mom? Is that you?
  23. Fejas-Fejas- suck thejas nuts I'm Donkeypunchin suckas, puttin boots in butts Steppin to me? Testin' my spray? I'll crap on your head- both you and JoshK
  24. No, I just have no respect for you.
  25. Well bring it- guzzlertimmy!!!!
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