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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. Thank you- for reminding me of how important a good poo can be!
  2. How much to get "DonkeyPuncher" under my name? I'm being totally serious here.
  3. Yes!! just noticed JayB's custom title!! How does one get a custom title?
  4. I think I'm going to sign up for the basic course next year..."hey baby, wanna get together later and practice our knots"
  5. Great news!! Shortly after lunch, I felt a sumpin' seriously intense coming. The pipes are clean. I actually wiped and went to leave 3 times, only to sit down for another purge. I'm feeling light as a feather right now!!
  6. just went...pretty meager- I think I've been eating too much cheese lately.
  7. What about their entertainment value? I love walking up to solo Mountie Butt in shorts and flipflops and seeing them in full shells, plastics, gators, baclavas, and glacier glasses! (true story btw)
  8. Are there any real estate attorney's out there? What about buying it as a co-op? Where everybody buys a "share". This would be an excellent investment. Might be kinda tough logistically. You could count me in. Buying a share of something that would actually appreciate-imagine that.
  9. And let me know if you need any help with financing. (seriously) I would do it for free- (as long as I could climb on it).
  10. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Or, better yet, my personal collection--- http://scabbyhands.tripod.com/scab/id3.html
  11. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

    This thing's still going? Maybe this will help-- http://www.flashyourrack.com
  12. Charlie

    Being a Guide

    Read Big Lou's "memiors of a mountain guide"
  13. Charlie


    topic for friday morning freestylehorsecockthe end of winter, start of rockclimbing seasonamberdriving an suv
  14. Charlie


    i like chunky chicks chunky like the jiffy peanut butter i put em on a plater and i spread em Oooy Gooy Thick and chewy Smooth, chunky, or creamy I Likesta spread it on my celery stock Just lick the Oooy Gooy thick and chewy no nuts, just juicy butts finger lickin' good, straight out tha' jar in tha' livin' room, or the back seat of my car creamy and brown, chunky and smooth thick o' mama gonna busta move Pop the toast cover it with that chunky flavior I'm gonna jump down on it like the jelly I stole from ya niegbor buyin' it in a store but wich one do I choose any kind, I just can't stand to loose so many lables so many brands am I the only one that stands Stands here a cravin' that chunky funkin' flavior Now whats this I feel A growin' in my throte is this a bein' whats that you say, I needs the beer for my fear pass that pale stale ale down here yeh, now Iz gots somtin to quench my thirst thats two chunky sensations that make me want to burst Now I gots the sloshy slosh and the chunky chunk they both be sleepin' in my bunk Nookie nookie any body got a cookie I needs somtin to feed these Ho or i'll have to call my bookie Olde is a goldy no questionin' that and chunky in my bunky is where its at Do the Phat chicks thats what I say cuzz when I be done with em there's still enough to pass your way Chunky on da bottom, oily on da top shake it up, twist da lid, here that pop ready to plunge, poppin that seal dippin in the butter, diggin deep fo' real
  15. Charlie


    That's 'monogamous' -this is the relationship with your hand.
  16. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

  17. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

  18. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

    Post deleted by Charlie
  19. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

    jay - you know as well as I do that the "more fuel energy efficient" SUV's are also the most dangerous. Light SUV's have little payload capability; fact usually unknown to their owners which leads to many accidents. SUVs suck because they use up to much fuel...SUVs that don't use too much fuel still suck because...because....because, well, just because Good thing opinions are free. Otherwise you guys would be bashing the people who could afford them, calling them an unnecessary luxury item
  20. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

    I saw some sunovabitch driving down I5 today in a convertable with his top up!!!!! I'll bet that bastard rarely drives with his top down!!! What a waste of hinges and cloth!!! I can't believe the nerve of these people, not constantly using their vehicles to the full capability. And...I'm guilty myself...I just looked in my closet, and realized I own a down jacket!!! Here's the clincher..I only wear it when it's cold, not every day! I hate myself for my wastefulness.
  21. Lummox = Trask = Sphinxter
  22. Charlie


    i like chunky chicks chunky like the jiffy peanut butter i put em on a plater and i spread em Oooy Gooy Thick and chewy Smooth, chunky, or creamy I Likesta spread it on my celery stock Just lick the Oooy Gooy thick and chewy no nuts, just juicy butts finger lickin' good, straight out tha' jar in tha' livin' room, or the back seat of my car creamy and brown, chunky and smooth thick o' mama gonna busta move
  23. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

    You guys still suck; all of you.
  24. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

    wow- that was a thought-provoking post
  25. Charlie

    Which 4WD SUV?

    It's lonely being the only fat bully around here. I miss Ray.
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