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Everything posted by Charlie

  1. The 10 year note is 100.19, up .31. This will have a positive effect on mortgage rates- I would float, leaning towards a lock on Friday or possibly Monday, depending on where we're at Friday. This morning I'm wearing my favorite underwear- red and blue boxers, made by polo. I just made myself a fried egg, covered in melted cheese, served on an english muffin.
  2. How dare you leave out DonkeyPunch & Amber
  3. Not too sure Gene Simmons would be the ideal mentor for my young sister, but thanks.
  4. I'm looking for an instructer for my 14yo sister. She's not a beginner, but still needs instruction. Know of anybody cool? We live in West Seattle.
  5. I'm such a pussy- I backed off the second pitch yesterday (after sending it several times in the past) I was shaking and sweating- it was pathetic.
  6. You climbed somebody's rear? Seriously- Castle Rock!!!!!
  7. What about Royal Flush???
  8. Never mind that, how about that 5.2 slab traverse at the end -GRIPPED!-
  9. I'm going to start by scoring a few ecctacy pills and about an eightball of coke. Then I'll probably rent a limo and order a couple of transexual escorts.
  10. Ray and Dru had sex Urinate in his butt hole Fecal bivy sack
  11. Lap dance from stripper You think she really likes you You wear tapered jeans
  12. Lame Cascade Climbers No real pun tang for you guys Boner from Amber
  13. Charlie

    they honked and

  14. I've learned that a lot of people on here are dorks (when I finally met them in person).
  15. Get a room, pole smokers! Ray- do you still carry the costco-sized tube of Astroglide in your alpine pack?
  16. Has anyone done Hood & Adams in a day? I tried it- have not been back to try again.
  17. Charlie

    I Saw You

    ( o Y o )
  18. I've been there. Lots of bolts. There's a 6 pitch 5.8 that's pretty good. It's being kept a secret for now because of access issues.
  19. Fuck you for leaving me and DonkeyPunch off of your list.
  20. "Today's word is L-E-G-S.......spread the word..."
  21. To get on the Cascadian for descent- There were cairns (2 weeks ago) marking the whole thing out for you. Scramble off the east side of the summit- go back up, to the base of the false summit, then descend. Again, the whole thing should be clearly marked. I brought a photocopy of the the page from the brown Becky book, showing the entire south side of the mountain- this should be helpful.
  22. Tell it to DonkeyPunch, not me
  23. If you have to explain it- it's not funny
  24. I'm upset that you are about to pass me in post #s in only a matter of a couple of monthes as I have been working on it for a couple of years now.
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