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Everything posted by goatboy

  1. Perhap some organized carpooling for seattle-ites would be in order. Please post here if you can offer or are seeking a ride. Might I also suggest some pre-show consumption at the Skagit River Brewery? Let me be the first to respond to my suggestions: 1) I can either offer or am happy to accept a ride 2) Yes, please (for the brewpub)!
  2. Cinnamon Slab has 2 pitches, as I recall...so simuling with 100 feet of rope between the two climbers would work just fine, if you like that style of climbing... What's the nature of your question, backclipped???
  3. "Giving Thanks Falls?" "Climb it Before it Falls???"
  4. How does Hubba Hubba look?
  5. I just had a bunch of t-shirts custom-made by Seattle Shirt Company (located in the Convention Center). They did a nice job. Printed front and back was 18.00 each, using a color photo transfer. I'm sure they'd be cheaped if one sided, no photo, etc....or if you buy in bulk (I only bought 7).
  6. I think there's a story in Kearney's guidebook about a winter ATTEMPT on Liberty Ridge. You might read that for some perspective.
  7. Why don't you be more specific as to who, where, and what you're offering -- or a website with the details -- rather than being so cryptic and convoluted?
  8. When opposing two pieces of gear, a good thing to be aware of and avoid is the idea of increasing the forces on the pieces by making a pulley-like rigging (i.e clipping into the bottom piece, then running both strands of the sling up through the top piece and straight down to the rope)....
  9. In reading your post, it sounds like you're planning to spend a night (or two?) on the summit of Mt Rainier??? Please discuss your trip objectives and how this itinerary will help you meet them. Also, I am curious as to how this Cascade Climb will constitute a "Himalayan" Seminar??? Best wishes, Goatboy
  10. Alexander has had a cast on his hand for much of the season. I know he has been under-performing, but he still has high expectations of himself and I believe he is a competitor who will rebound and have some big games yet. I am disappointed in his performance so far this year, but the absence of our wide receivers has allowed defenses to really not worry so much about the pass, and focus on stopping Alexander, which has frustrated Hasselback and everyone else.... In short, wait till Deion Branch and company return, and then see how Alexander does when the field is opened up by the passing game.... In any case, still leading the division coming into the bye week...
  11. ...anyplace with IPA on tap....
  12. I missed the game tonight because I was on a plane but HELL YEAH Seahawks win (finally) even if its against a winless team....no need for them to cease being winless here! http://seattletimes.nwsource.com/html/seahawks/2003965839_webhawks21.html
  13. You care enough to bother to post that you don't care.
  14. A real coach and a real quarterback? Like who, specifically?
  15. Note: The Sedona guidebook is subtitled, "A Better Way to Die" or something like that. Sounds a bit.....spicy?
  16. Mt Lemmon is about 7,000 feet above the valley floor and would likely be a poor choice if you're seeking warm, sunny winter rock.... Go to J Tree! But beware the wind there.... I lived in the NW for years and never even owned down jackets until I started climbing at J Tree.... the place can be chilly! Red Rocks is also windy, and shade is to be avoided, but there is lots to do there I am sure in the winter. Of course, there's always Cochise.... Indian Creek in UT is also kinda high and can be chilly in January. I think J Tree meets your needs the best, honestly. PM me if you'd like some specifics.
  17. I will convey your congrats -- and YOU GO GIRL!!! Also -- curious about the comments regarding camping on the West Side -- it was described as nasty, full of broken glass, and trash (in every sense of the word) a few years ago by some friends who hated it. I haven't been to that side in a long time -- but the East Side has both a forest service campground (with bathroom) and primitive camping in pullouts along dirt roads, all super close to the approach trails....so, for me, it's not a bad way to go.
  18. I read that the road is open now. Fabulous photos! What was the itinerary? Day one -- into Boston Basin? Day two -- to W Ridge notch Day three -- Over summit and off via E Ledges Out to car?
  19. No can do -- I'm off for a sunrise wedding atop Steens Mtn in E Oregon -- brrr!!!!! Can't wait to hear about your sick ascents in the Stronghold, though.... OW - I don't remember any 1/4 inch bolts...
  20. I think george and martha is one of the best routes there! Very sustained and well protected and steep and good....
  21. Hey! I recommend focusing on the East Stronghold and printing some pages such as: 1) Wasteland 2) What's My Line 3) Beeline 4) I've heard good things about Endgame but haven't done it myself. 5) I didn't really enjoy Days of Futures Passed as much as some others did. Give me a call if you'd like more info. I've been there a coupla times. Its a hell of a place.
  22. Question: Rock quality -- similar to Forbidden (Skagit Gneiss type of stuff)???
  23. I love this TR and the vision you guys had to go explore. Nice.
  24. CFCC??? Nice job enjoying a lovely route -- I love it when the weather threatens and ultimately cooperates!
  25. Hopefully no one we know! best wishes to these folks.... Seattle Times Link
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