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Will Jesus make me a better climber if I pray?


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i don't think the distinction between "bastardized" and "syncretic" is entirely relevant to me, since they both indicate a change from the original teachings and ideas (which was my point).


and i'm not sure what you mean in your second paragraph; i was simply paraphrasing something the buddha supposedly said. did what he say exist in a broader context, one that may have shifted the meaning in a different direction? sure, but i'm not sure that shift would occur with the introduction of the three jewels as context-broadeners, would it? i'm not terribly literate in buddhist texts, and it sounds like you might be, so share with me any theistic tendencies of the buddha, since i'm not aware of any.


Your original assertion was that orthodox Buddhists are atheists. I disagreed and provided my simple definition of an atheist as a materialist with no belief in the supernatural. Then I stated that Buddhism has a large quantity of supernatural beliefs incorporated within its doctrine.


As far as theism, I don't believe I'd equate Buddhism with Theism, that is, theism with the element of a belief in God or gods. So again, I'm refuting that Buddhists are atheists regardless of whether some Buddhists are also theists.


Further, take a look at the notions of karma and rebirth that figure prominently in Siddharta Buddha's teachings. Karma is not attributed to God or gods but it is seen as a cosmic force, a sort of cosmic justice. So here, you have something relatively omnipresent but impersonal, godlike in quality but not god. Do you get what I'm getting at?


As far as the pure, uncorrupted sayings of the Buddha concerning the way, recall that he said something along the lines of, "It cannot be taught, only realized." Since it might also even be beyond formal logic, that's another indicator that it's a religion and not simply ethics or philosophy.

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It just seems pretty arrogant (IM0) for anyone to think they know enough about the entire universe to state as fact that god does not exist.


One could say that about believers too.

Yes, but that does not make your statement "there is no god" any truer.


(Que trashie's all-knowing wisdom for the next 50 pages of drivel.)


Dood, WTF did I ever do to you to put so much sand in your coochie? Jesus....




Well, since you ask, mr. know it all. It was probably a gradual process of reading 3 years of your supreme knowledge on any given topic here. I love your pics, and we all know how smart you are, but you sure know how to keep spray'n and spray'n. I presume this is so you can eventually prove you are right. I would like to think you are not as arrogant in person, but the other sprayers here have left that idea in question too. Maybe I've got the wrong impression of you over the years... I'm sure you are extremely talented, smart and artistic, but from my point of view, you come across like the guy with a monster truck on this here super highway. Gotta make sure everyone knows how big your rig is... metaphorically speaking. I've read many of your beat-down posts to anyone that would question your auth-or-et-i. Like I said last time, I just like picking on the bully once in a while. (Not that you seem to bully me)... Sorry for dragging you into this thread but figured you'd hi-jack it soon enough anyway. Cheers.


Now, back on topic, what the hell were talking about anyway.

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Please define god.


An organizing force in the universe.


god is not an office manager.


So what is god?


Choada asked a question that is impossible to answer objectively, since practically by definition god is going to be subjectively defined by individuals differently. As such I responded with a somewhat odd definition of god. Keep in mind I'm agnostic in the sense that I do not believe in god, but I do not believe that it is impossible for something god'ish to exist. There could be a god, but I've yet to see proof of it. However, I recognize the impossibility of disproving god. One simple reason you cannot disprove god is because since everyone has their own definition of god, there are bound to be definitions, like the one I gave, that defy being disproved. Do not confuse disproving acts of god with the existence of god.


I also like how everyone complained about my definition, but gave no real serious alternative.


So choada, still waiting on your objective proof disproving the existence of my version of god. Or we can all just agree that it can't be proven, empirically, one way or another.

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First you must prove he/she/it does exist.


Hey Kevbone, Head on out to the coast. The next wave you see coming in, try to stop it. Better yet, try to start one. Better yet, come up with something more spectacular than nature. That's pretty much all the proof I need. Call me stupid, but it works for me.


I agree nature is amazing. Still does not prove anything, to me at least.


If you have a daughter you probably love her right? you would have a relationship with her right? Christians have a relationship with god. It's an expierience in one's life that is as real as anything else. theres no need to prove it. you have a relationship and you know it. You can't put a relationship or love in a picture frame and physicly set it on display. im horrible with analogies. but I hope poeple know what im trying to say. But as much as you know your hair is black, brown, or blue- I know that I have a relationship with a real, loving and powerful god. sorry if you haven't experienced it yet, truly. I believe that god does make things happen on his own time and will, so if he has not grabbed you yet, well then thats the way its supposed to be I suppose. ain't nothing wrong with that. Also one thing I think people get confused about... God finds YOU. You don't find god. I really can understand how many people want nothing to do with "Jesus", having it beat into their head with families and perhaps school etc... I feel thats unfortunate. I personaly never grew up with that kind of family, and perhaps I would feel the same way that a lot of you do if I did grow up in a church. who knows. quote me, tell me how my examples suck, how i have bad grammer, and that i can't spell, and that I still haven't proved anything. Cause I don't need to! I'm just fine with knowing that theres a god, and im happy that he has never stopped me from climbin 5.12. Oh wait- I probably need to prove that too eh? but what if I have no photos or video? If i cant track down a photo of myself climbig one of those 12's I should probably start convinsing myself that it didn't happen. I mean, what's my experience worth? talking about my "experience" climbing 12's doesn't really prove anything. shit. nobody will ever believe me, ahhhhhhhh!! Ya go ahead and pick that one apart too. im sure your eager to. I can already see it.......

something like this.


"well climbing 5.12 is someting that has been done by many people and there is physical proof and facts that shows it has been done. So theres no real reason for somebody to not believe you if you were talking about a route you climbed"

endless endless endless blah blah blah, blah blah, blah. this thread should go into the dumpster.

Edited by Frankazoid
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If you have a daughter you probably love her right? you would have a relationship with her right? Christians have a relationship with god. It's an expierience in one's life that is as real as anything else. theres no need to prove it. you have a relationship and you know it.


Yeah, but you can introduce your daughter to people, she likely goes to school, and can be visibly seen and physically interacted with. Not so with god. Look, you can believe anything you want. But without proof, tangible proof that can be experienced by everyone, don't expect people to just nod their head when you assert the reality of your god. Especially considering the climate around the more fundamentalist sects trying to force their dogma on the rest of the world. It doesn't make for great relations with non-christians.


As far as climbing a 5.12, that is something you can take a picture of, whether you have one of it or not. Can you take a picture of god, and if so, how much for your camera?

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Proof there is no god? Give science some more time.... or go to Haiti.


That God allows suffering to exist is an intellectually lazy argument. Did you think of this all by yourself, Nietzsche? Do you think believers have not grappled with this observation? There are volumes of theology and philosphy on this subject that spans recorded history, including the Bible itself. Your assertion greatly oversimplifies the matter.

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