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Marymoor Parking Fees


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The voters of this region approved the RTA mass transit in (?) 1996, and then effectively stripped it of its funding in 2002.


Ahem, I think you are perhaps leaving out some pertinent details. Specifically: In those SIX years, how much money was spent by RTA and what, precisely, did they accomplish, other than a bunch of monkey spanking?


Any entity that throws away as much taxpayer money as RTA did should be stripped of funding.


In the same amout of time, Portland tripled the size of Max and rebuilt their airport.


This is not about lack of money, it is about complete incompetence and lack of accountability. That is why I've voted for lower taxes.


Grumble, grumble, grumble...

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I choose to blame tim eyman and the morons that vote for his idiotic bills for most of this shit. CC is right, however, when faced with less money I dont think they always make the right decisions on what to cut and what not to cut.


Sorry Josh, that was me. Offer to let me keep more of my hard earned money and I'll vote for your bills every time.


Your friend,



Terminal Libertarian


PS - Don't you guys have anything better to talk about? Like CLIMBING STUFF!


How bout those Raiders! Some of thier fans are neato!




there we go!

Edited by Bronco
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Well, bronco, why don't we just say screw roads and public services all together and pay realllly low taxes? Cars pollute, cause damage to raods and that requires money to fix. Why the fuck shouldn't the people driving the cars pay for it?



ahhh a classic liberal debate....good one!!


rta..doesnt pay for roads, it pays for a regional transit system..buses, trains and other stuff like that...



you can build it but with no proof that anyone will actually use it...makes it kinda a joke. the only place i commute to is to the crag and other climbing areas...i walk or ride my bike when chillin in town...so why should i be forced to pay for it??? i already pay for the roads through my .10$ per gallon gas tax....and you want more???




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Thay aren't shuttering the State Capital dining room with it's french chef, ..........How about Gary Locke and the rest of the schmucks take it in the shorts, too? Maybe a nice fat paycut, or maybe cut the size of the State House in half ...


Strom Thurman was once quoted as saying "It is impossible to get a pig to butcher itself" ..... about the only intelligent thing he ever said

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I was thinking that in Washington there is a commission to set pay raises for state legislators, so the legislators can avoid voting for their own pay raises. A little search turned up this editorial from the right against the commission: The Suppressed News


And a newspaper article suggesting that at least a few elected officials are embarrassed about getting a raise in the current situation:

Some lawmakers will donate their pay raises


I do think if the legislature is going to axe the pay raises for teachers they need to axe their own, as well as take some percentage of cut in their perks and support systems, just as they are asking other segments of state government to reduce. The dollar figure we're talking about is not that much in terms of the total red ink, but leaders have to be out front.

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Oh, right Caveman: I screwed up in the search terms, "washington" pulled up the bit about "like they do in washington" so perhaps that guy is talking about Alabama. I'm pretty sure we have a comparable commission here, but it seems to me that all they do is hand out fat raises at the drop of a hat.


The other was just an FYI, not a solution. I thought it was interesting that Locke and a few legislators from both parties thought they should not keep their raises from this September. Personally, I think it should go back into the state's general fund, not to the charity of their choice. Otherwise you're still just getting your raise and spending it as you wish.


thanks for the fact check bigdrink.gif

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erik and co, to directly answer your question, yes, I agree it's more fair that those who use should pay whenever possible. That's why I fully support a big ass gas tax. I'd much rather pay for roads, etc. via a gas tax than general taxes. In fact, if I had my way, the moron who drives a hummer/suburban/expedition to and from work with only him or herself in the car would pay more per gallon than the person who drives the 70mpg honda insight. Why? Because they cause more damage to the roads, cause more accidents and damage to other cars, pollute more, require more resources build, and just generally piss me off when they drive slow and get in my way. grin.gif You can call me liberal and dumb all you want, but there's my opinion...

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Josh is right... But it totaly depends on where the funds go I don't want my gas tax going to some shit heads pocket who happends to go by the name gary locke.. If the goverment comes out with a plan that the money would go just to the roads, I would vote for it too but the goverment can give a honest to God plan. No that have to do some sort of study out in bumfuck washington to see if they need to put roads new through forest

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It's funny because what I said is exactly what all you right wingers always call for...taxes paid by the people who use the services. Typical right wing hypocracy. After all, why try to improve life for everybody when we can instead rip down forests, build roads through them and pass laws getting more assault weapons on the streets!

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It's funny because what I said is exactly what all you right wingers always call for...taxes paid by the people who use the services. Typical right wing hypocracy. After all, why try to improve life for everybody when we can instead rip down forests, build roads through them and pass laws getting more assault weapons on the streets!


Congratulations, JoshK, with this post you have proven that you are an idiotic, clueless, wannabe liberal. You are probably 18 and have never held a serious job and are "in school" (wink, wink) but think you know it all. We "rightwingers", as you call us, don't want taxes paid by those that use those services, we want the COSTS paid by the user. Let the ferry riders bear the cost, let the bus riders pay the cost. Why should such a disproportionate percentage of our state transportation budget go towards ferries and buses when a small percentage of citizens use these services?

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If we take greg's point-of-view to the extreme, we should require drivers to pay for their road usage by tolls on all roads, and the toll amount based on the cost of building the roadway and the weight of the vehicle. Without toll booths, gas taxes are the closest approximation to achieve this.


Another point of view is that of a transportation system, where roads, bridges, ferries, buses, trains, etc. are all lumped together as a transportation system and we all share the cost.

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erik and co, to directly answer your question, yes, I agree it's more fair that those who use should pay whenever possible. That's why I fully support a big ass gas tax. I'd much rather pay for roads, etc. via a gas tax than general taxes. In fact, if I had my way, the moron who drives a hummer/suburban/expedition to and from work with only him or herself in the car would pay more per gallon than the person who drives the 70mpg honda insight. Why? Because they cause more damage to the roads, cause more accidents and damage to other cars, pollute more, require more resources build, and just generally piss me off when they drive slow and get in my way. grin.gif You can call me liberal and dumb all you want, but there's my opinion...


How bout the "morons" who live around seattle and congested areas pay for it and not have the rest of the state pay for your traffic woes. And I can tell you that ignorantly giving the government more money is not the answer.


Not too long ago, the state was in need of replacing the HWY 2 trestle. It was an old wooden 2 lane road handling way more traffic than it could handle. 10 years and several million dollars later we have a new 2 lane concrete structure that is still handling more traffice than it should. Why didn't the state build a wider bridge with more capacity? I don't know the aswer. I do know they choose to spend a lot of the money we give them for wasteful, short sighted projects.


I'd just as soon keep more of my money until they come up with a real plan, instead of just a plan to get more money to "fix the traffic problems" with more silly projects.

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