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Libtards on Parade: Alcoholism, Corruption, Murder

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No Fairweather, it's just that most folks with the opinions expressed on the back of that Jeep are too ashamed to show them to the public, being somewhat aware of just how their selfish/racist/fascist/theocratic posture makes them appear to reasonable human beings.


It doesn't prevent them from acting out their shameful beliefs in the privacy of the voting booth though.


But what horrible opinions on the back of the libtard mobile, eh? Which opposite positions do you embrace from the back of the Prius?


  • Hell yes, more war
  • Burn more gasoline to make the world better
  • Health care only for the special
  • Trains are for losers and the poor
  • Women are lesser, Ginger Rogers deserved second billing
  • Your body, my choice
  • Fun is determined by your ability to buy stuff
  • Screw coexistence, I'll kill you if you don't agree
  • Anti Family, Pro Male
  • A Woman's Place is on the Bottom


Sounds like a fine list of values for anyone willing to be certified as a worthless asshole. Is this your tribe? Do you want to step up to the plate and own these positions? That's what I hear you saying.



secrecy is anathema to a democracy


if you can w/ alacrity concede snowden's value in this debate, we can have an accord :)


Then why is your libtard el presidente so pissed off about the delay?


i see little that's libtarded about obama's takes on national security - the only recent libtard on that subject that might qualify for the distinction is carter, and i can't say you 'd have kind words for him?

buckley'd been cooler if he wasn't a bitter bastard


always saw him as a pompous ass.


Always saw him as both.


Which kind of reminds me of.....

Oh, never mind.




Libtard mystery quote:


"(I)t occurs to some of us that perhaps ever-continuing industrial and population growth is not the true road to human happiness, that simple gross quantitative increase of this kind creates only more pain, dislocation, confusion and misery. In which case it might be wise for us as American citizens to consider calling a halt to the mass influx of even more millions of hungry, ignorant, unskilled, and culturally-morally-generically impoverished people. At least until we have brought our own affairs into order. Especially when these uninvited millions bring with them an alien mode of life which—let us be honest about this—is not appealing to the majority of Americans. Why not? Because we prefer democratic government, for one thing; because we still hope for an open, spacious, uncrowded, and beautiful—yes, beautiful!—society, for another. The alternative, in the squalor, cruelty, and corruption of Latin America, is plain for all to see."

secrecy is anathema to a democracy


if you can w/ alacrity concede snowden's value in this debate, we can have an accord :)


Then why is your libtard el presidente so pissed off about the delay?


Obama is no liberal, he's a corporate fascist. He's to the right of Reagan. You really need to stop falling for that Faux News shtick.



Libtard mystery quote:


"(I)t occurs to some of us that perhaps ever-continuing industrial and population growth is not the true road to human happiness, that simple gross quantitative increase of this kind creates only more pain, dislocation, confusion and misery. In which case it might be wise for us as American citizens to consider calling a halt to the mass influx of even more millions of hungry, ignorant, unskilled, and culturally-morally-generically impoverished people. At least until we have brought our own affairs into order. Especially when these uninvited millions bring with them an alien mode of life which—let us be honest about this—is not appealing to the majority of Americans. Why not? Because we prefer democratic government, for one thing; because we still hope for an open, spacious, uncrowded, and beautiful—yes, beautiful!—society, for another. The alternative, in the squalor, cruelty, and corruption of Latin America, is plain for all to see."


Is this another one that Snopes will say is false?

secrecy is anathema to a democracy


if you can w/ alacrity concede snowden's value in this debate, we can have an accord :)


Then why is your libtard el presidente so pissed off about the delay?


Obama is no liberal, he's a corporate fascist. He's to the right of Reagan.


Then why did you vote for him, conspiratard? I mean, like, we can't all be as smart as 9/11 truth, eh?

secrecy is anathema to a democracy


if you can w/ alacrity concede snowden's value in this debate, we can have an accord :)


Then why is your libtard el presidente so pissed off about the delay?


Obama is no liberal, he's a corporate fascist. He's to the right of Reagan.


Then why did you vote for him, conspiratard? I mean, like, we can't all be as smart as 9/11 truth, eh?


Voted for him the first time because thought that maybe like Kennedy he would go left after being elected, instead he went right. Didn't vote for him the 2nd time.


Republicans have no sense of humor or political satire. No wonder everyone thinks their born with a piece of lumber of their ass.


I know libtards have repeated that oft enough that they now believe it true. For a great sample of lib humor you need only go to cc.com's search feature and type in the "n" word. Lots of hits. Always in jest. Always a joke. Always a lib like you. Hi-larious! Libtard free pass. Only a joke!


And Ivan, yes, that nazi SS emblem you have on the front of your climbing helmet? Now that's cutting-edge funny shit right there, yo.


Libtards just aren't as funny as they think they are.



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