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I've only been skiing a few years and exclusively telemark with a few failed attempts at AT (only downhill I've ever done has been on Tele or AT gear). It was about my second year that I finally swallowed my aesthetic pride and ventured forth on the groomers. Even then, I rarely encountered the steeps, instead favoring the gentler "bunny" slopes and their emasculating names. Soon, I found my ego spitting me onto steeper terrain where I encountered a strange phenomenon (and a plethora of injuries and broken ski poles).


I am not completely familiar with skiing etiquette but a friend well versed in the subject told me that the downhill skier generally has the right of way and that you should remain in control at all times. Admittedly I failed miserably at the latter point. However, mostly out of fear I always remained conscious of my position relative to those above me so as to not get creamed by someone as shitty as me barreling downwards.


I've noticed a strange phenomenon though. I've been to Meadows, Timberline, Nelson, Manning, Whistler and Vail and I've seen it in all these places: snowboarders lounging in the middle of the slope. Now, I don't have anything against snowboarders at all. I'm just curious as to the reasoning behind this. Often it has happened where I have crested a hill, schussing downward in my not-so-elegant arcs and having to resort to "survival turns" to avoid these folks sitting on the slopes. And its almost never just one.


So what gives?

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they're snowboarders. they think it's cool to be rude to rest of the world. that's why they call them snowboarders.


my advice is to head to the backcountry. even if i go to a super popular bc area the worst i've encountered is the occaisional boarder sitting up to his waist in snow 200' past the trailhead smoking a fag and saying something about how he needs a splitboard or verts or a helicopter or something.


disclaimer: some boarders are cool.


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Regarding lounging snowboarders: Fuck em. It's their problem if they are sittin there and they get plowed into. And all the yahoos waitin at jumps? Just snake em. I hate that shit and I hate stoppin 50 times before I get to the bottom. These boarders are wankers and deserve a big roostertail of snow on them.


PS I ride snowboards, in the past mostly at baker where this happens a lot. and people lounge around to go off some crap jump with a flat landing and shit. That's why I want to earn my turns this year.

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ah hahaha! A friend and I were running a terrain park at Timberline awhile back and we were stopped after a rail slide to check the base damage. We got yelled at for loitering in the SNOWBOARD park! Are you gonna huck or what dude?


The worst about those campers on runs is that they are usually in packs of 50 or more. They also tend to hang out right below kickers.

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as to why they do this, it's probably because on steeper runs it's hard to hang out on a board standing up. I wouldn't mind trying snowboarding but I don't want to put up with the 1 year of hard biffs to get good enough to do the stuff that is fun on a snowboard.

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Yeah, ALL snowboarders are dicks, because they're snowboarders. Fuck, this has gotta be the dumbest attitude ever. As Dr. Flash Amazing recalls, all types of idiots park themselves all over the place, despite what happens to be strapped to their feet. Gaper snowboarders sitting at the top of good kickers, snowplowing gumby skiers capriciously veering from side to side, telemarkers cutting wide turns across the runs.


Whatever, tools.

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all types of idiots park themselves all over the place, despite what happens to be strapped to their feet.

maybe, but it seems like 8 times out of 10 it's a band of boarders on their asses, in a straight line across the slope. But I think the issue is mostly age, not snowboarding itself - most of the annoying boarders tend to be teenagers who are clueless about their actions simply because they're clueless teenagers. Some of my best friends are 30+ year-old boarders, and they don't piss people off on the hill.

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Gaper snowboarders sitting at the top of good kickers, snowplowing gumby skiers capriciously veering from side to side, telemarkers cutting wide turns across the runs.


The original question referred to boarders squatting on the hill. Whats so wrong about someone snowplowing down a hill or moving side to side in wide arcs? At least they are making downward progress and not loitering on the hill. Its the squatting mid-hill I was wondering about.

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What I find annoying is the snoplowers (is it called a stem-christy) that do big turns; they are like horses with blinders on. This is annying as shit on skiis or a snowboard. Now, i know they are learning and all, but my passing commands seem to evokes all sorts of crazy reactions.


"passing on your left" all to often is followed by a big left turn from the snowplow with blinders.



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Just tryin' to get y'all to look at things differently. The problem on the hill is gaping and/or inconsiderate idiots. When you say "oh, those snowboarders suck blah blah blah," it's pretty narrow-minded, and an affront to those of us who prefer to carry great speed down the hill and not stop until the lift lines demand that we do so.



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A friend of mine had her back broken when someone snaked a jump and landed on her back. She had taken the jump, fallen, and the 'snaker' landed on her before she could get up. And yes, she was on a snowboard.


Don't compound the situation by being a dick.



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