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Summitpost vs CC.Com?


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Too slow and too boring. Well, maybe it's not actually boring, but fuck, it's slow

trust your instincts, doc... it's actually boring AND slow. I'm still laughing about the image of scot'sport manning the hamsterwheel/sunflower seed operation.

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Summitpost is such a great site! Check out my cool page over <a href=http://www.summitpost.com/mountains/user_link.pl/user_id/1986>there</a>. I've even submitted 15 sweet photos. Of course, I suck as a climber but doesn't SP rule.


If you don't agree with me, please let me know. Email me at mailto:geoffcasey@hotmail.com . Thanks.

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i say let them be who they want to be...it is not like it detracts from this site....


who cares if they toot their own horn, plenty of people do it here in the same way and in different ways....


there are better things to fret over...like what i am going to climb the next few days, and should i buy budwiser or pabst blue ribbon, did i get all my biners back from danaimal??


maybe summitpost.com has or doesnt have more class then cc.com, but i get what i come for here and that is what makes this site good for me....



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For the record I never said anything bad about SP (except for the atari comment, but that's true), my only point is that some people have commented about more activity on the site, so I thought hey, why not take some of the discussion over there.


It's also a good place to store photos, and post them here. All the other stupid wed photo things suck.

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