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26 dead in Connecticut elementary school


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It's a good thing the NRA is protecting the right to buy guns without permits or background checks.


And is that what happened in this case?


Who knows but it makes a pretty good argument for not letting psychotics and felons buy guns, doesn't it? But for some reason the NRA seems to be against background checks and gun registrations, something that even Switzerland has. Actually, Switzerland registers ammunition sales, too. Good idea.

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It's a good thing the NRA is protecting the right to buy guns without permits or background checks.


And is that what happened in this case?


Who knows but it makes a pretty good argument for not letting psychotics and felons buy guns, doesn't it? But for some reason the NRA seems to be against background checks and gun registrations, something that even Switzerland has. Actually, Switzerland registers ammunition sales, too. Good idea.


Au contraire, it makes no argument. If this guy got the guns illegally there is no new law that would help.

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I hope you love your guns this much Republicans.


Classy, utilize a horrible tragedy as a political tool; despite the fact that you know nothing about the manner in which this individual obtained his firearms. How did I know I would find this filth on this website? You too Rob. Classless.


You're right, after a tragedy like this is no time to discuss gun control. Lol! Tool. Do you actually believe the shit that come out of your mouth? Cause I sure don't.


Let me guess, fuck me in my ass, right?

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You're right, after a tragedy like this is no time to discuss gun control. Lol! Tool. Do you actually believe the shit that come out of your mouth? Cause I sure don't.


Let me guess, fuck me in my ass, right?



How dare you write that. You probably dont support the troops either.

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I hope you love your guns this much Republicans.


Classy, utilize a horrible tragedy as a political tool; despite the fact that you know nothing about the manner in which this individual obtained his firearms. How did I know I would find this filth on this website? You too Rob. Classless.


You're right, after a tragedy like this is no time to discuss gun control. Lol! Tool. Do you actually believe the shit that come out of your mouth? Cause I sure don't.


Let me guess, fuck me in my ass, right?


Or improve identification of those who are unstable and put them into custody/treatment before they do harm.


You should talk to your ACLU buddy about how that'd go over with his organization. Wait, never mind, it's all the gun lobby's fault that crazy people walk the streets. :rolleyes:

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It's a good thing the NRA is protecting the right to buy guns without permits or background checks.


And is that what happened in this case?


Who knows but it makes a pretty good argument for not letting psychotics and felons buy guns, doesn't it? But for some reason the NRA seems to be against background checks and gun registrations, something that even Switzerland has. Actually, Switzerland registers ammunition sales, too. Good idea.


Au contraire, it makes no argument. If this guy got the guns illegally there is no new law that would help.


The suspected shooter, 24, was armed with four weapons and wearing a bullet-proof vest, WABC reported.


You're saying that if he got those illegally, there is nothing we can do about it? Just, "oh well, let's move on?"


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I hope you love your guns this much Republicans.


Classy, utilize a horrible tragedy as a political tool; despite the fact that you know nothing about the manner in which this individual obtained his firearms. How did I know I would find this filth on this website? You too Rob. Classless.


Ignoring the glaring fact that America has a gun violence problem due to its practically non existent gun control policies, then trying to shame those who raise the issue into shutting up.





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I hope you love your guns this much Republicans.


Classy, utilize a horrible tragedy as a political tool; despite the fact that you know nothing about the manner in which this individual obtained his firearms. How did I know I would find this filth on this website? You too Rob. Classless.


You're right, after a tragedy like this is no time to discuss gun control. Lol! Tool. Do you actually believe the shit that come out of your mouth? Cause I sure don't.


Let me guess, fuck me in my ass, right?


I guess that is your prerogative. You can call me a tool all you want but you are being classless and I think you know it.


I'm done here.

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I hope you love your guns this much Republicans.


Classy, utilize a horrible tragedy as a political tool; despite the fact that you know nothing about the manner in which this individual obtained his firearms. How did I know I would find this filth on this website? You too Rob. Classless.


You're right, after a tragedy like this is no time to discuss gun control. Lol! Tool. Do you actually believe the shit that come out of your mouth? Cause I sure don't.


Let me guess, fuck me in my ass, right?


Or improve identification of those who are unstable and put them into custody/treatment before they do harm.


You should talk to your ACLU buddy about how that'd go over with his organization. Wait, never mind, it's all the gun lobby's fault that crazy people walk the streets. :rolleyes:


Or just improve identification of the insane and prevent them from buying guns, but this is clearly an objectionable idea to you :(

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The suspected shooter, 24, was armed with four weapons and wearing a bullet-proof vest, WABC reported.


You're saying that if he got those illegally, there is nothing we can do about it? Just, "oh well, let's move on?"


Does he have a history of mental health problems? Has he committed violent crime in the past? If he obtained the weapons legally and has none of the above in his history, then, no there is nothing we can do about it.

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heard a story about a dude going nuts in china today and stabbing 9 kids in a school - maybe its something in the air today? the mayan gods on their descent?


they say soldiers die for our freedom, but maybe that platitude would be more meaningful if it included the kids too, since a lot more than just soldiers die for the 2nd amendment


i'm for enforcing the 2nd amendment, just as it was concieved of (as of december 15, 1791 - now many kindergartners can you take down w/ a musket, after all?)

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