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Ivan: I 1240...GO


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The more I think about it, the more I'm against this. Public services are public services -- if you don't like them, then pay for them yourselves.


If a public service sucks, then we should fix it, not undermine the very public service itself by allowing people to abandon it and take their tax dollars elsewhere. That sounds like an oblique method for achieving privatization in the public sector. :tdown:


But I do think that public school districts should be able to setup schools that are different than others -- for example, maybe there should be a middle school that specializes in math and technology -- to cater to those students. And another one for art. Etc. Are these charter schools, or just a different way of organizing public schools? Do we need legislation for that? I'd pay higher taxes to support something like that -- one-size-fits-all ends up fitting everybody poorly.


But I wouldn't want money to leave one school to go to another -- and that's what charter schools sound like, to me.

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But I do think that public school districts should be able to setup schools that are different than others -- for example, maybe there should be a middle school that specializes in math and technology -- to cater to those students. And another one for art. Etc. Are these charter schools, or just a different way of organizing public schools? Do we need legislation for that? I'd pay higher taxes to support something like that -- one-size-fits-all ends up fitting everybody poorly.

my public school district has some of those things like:

- a skill center (for learning firefighting, nursing, automotive tech, catering and a # of other trades)

- an engineering magnet school

- an alternative high school (for kids who really just don't fit into the mainstream and need a light touch)

- a branch of a local credit union manned by students

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Somalia's for hire.


Given our really shitty ranking in the world regarding life expectancy (which has fallen for Pink's blue color Patriot buddies by 4 years), average adult height (3" shorter than Europe), infant mortality (rising), number of folks who have no health care, obesity, and rising alcoholism (see first category), we shouldn't notice too much difference at a greatly reduced rate.


We're number 30!

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Fucking magnet schools, how do they work?

like a school w/n a school - they have a focus (engineering at my current, i went to a chemistry/biology one as a kid) and an application process (they're run basically like college classes so you need the skills and grades to make it worthwhile), and they usually only are for a portion of the school day, after which you take regular classes like art n' history n' whatnot.


kids in this district also can do "running start," where they spned much of their day taking classes at a local community college

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