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Colorado Springs - thanks Grover Norquist


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I hear colorado springs has a lot of minerals, though. true?

Assintake is most definitely missing them. looks he is suffering from constant period mood swings 365 days a year. feel sorry for his constantly hurting snatch.


Real internet tough guy. I will be in Washington next week, just saying...

yeah, look me up in whistler or squamish, because now i spend more time there.

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As Rob already showed, the budget cuts made no difference.


To be fair, that was a joke. Didn't it seem satirical enough? :)


I'm sure that having even one less firefighter makes SOME kind of difference, unless they are all worthless. The fire chief kind of sounded like an idiot with his "we couldn't have done anything even with all the people in the world" -- in that case, why bother having a fire department at all?


Not sure why the pole thinks this is your fault, though. Did you campaign to get rid of the fire department, or something? :crazy:

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No source provided so I assume this is someone's opinion.


Mine is I would rather have had 39 more firefighters in my town if it were burning - Colorado Springs made a clear choice - cut and cut public services.


It's a choice - live in a fire prone area and - shock!! - you might get scorched!!


And ironic that the folks wanting to get government small enough to drown in the bathtub now come running to it with hands out.


Colorado Springs chose to cut staff and reform public sector service delivery instead of raising taxes. There are hundreds of other local governments that have cut police and fire staffing for the same reason.


The only consequential difference that I can see is that the residents of Colorado Springs had the opportunity to vote on the matter directly - whereas the residents of places like Stockton, San Bernardino, Detroit, etc, etc, etc, etc, may not have - presumably because the political leaders there didn't think that such a vote would pass.


Or they voted for tax increases and the cost of maintaining existing employees plus retirees *still* exceeded tax revenues and they had to make cuts anyway. Seems like the end result is the same - the only difference is how they got there. I'm not sure the path matters to the people who have to deal with a diminished police presence, longer response times, closed parks, closed libraries, etc, etc...unless there's a kind of existential satisfaction that comes from knowing that unlike the suckers in Colorado Springs, you get reduced services *and* higher taxes.


In an ideal world it would be possible for public administrators to modify pay, benefits, and staffing in order to minimize or prevent service cuts in response to budget shortfalls - but collective bargaining with public sector unions make that nearly impossible. Given that reality - it looks like all roads lead to Colorado Springs one way or another - either by vote or by default.







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I want to get in on this minerals thing.


Who do I have to talk to?


Also - giant pictures of yourself in your signature for the win

Hey douchey, just posting pics on of climbing on tr kind of shows lack of mineral, don't you think?


I don't even know what mineral means yet, so I think I'll agree with you.


I forgot that we aren't allowed to TR on CC. Do you have any pictures of yourself being a waste of carbon? Toss that in your french-canadian signature. Ahhhhh Oui!

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Why are you dudes getting all aggro with each other when, as JayB pointed out, it's really those greedy over-compensated public employees we should be pissed at? I mean.... pensions and health care and all that. What do they think this is, Soviet Russia?

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Why are you dudes getting all aggro with each other when, as JayB pointed out, it's really those greedy over-compensated public employees we should be pissed at? I mean.... pensions and health care and all that. What do they think this is, Soviet Russia?

Hahaha, too funny! Most of you probably didn't even know, that till about a few days ago, people working on fire crews were considered "seasonal employees" and had zero benefits, I mean zero! No health insurance, no retirement, no benefits whatsoever. Obama just signed executive order to change that (he is such a commie), I am sure Romney would try to void that first thing at the office.

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I want to get in on this minerals thing.


Who do I have to talk to?


Also - giant pictures of yourself in your signature for the win

Hey douchey, just posting pics on of climbing on tr kind of shows lack of mineral, don't you think?


I don't even know what mineral means yet, so I think I'll agree with you.


I forgot that we aren't allowed to TR on CC. Do you have any pictures of yourself being a waste of carbon? Toss that in your french-canadian signature. Ahhhhh Oui!

I have pics with your mom, does it count?

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I want to get in on this minerals thing.


Who do I have to talk to?


Also - giant pictures of yourself in your signature for the win



* Son. We were hiking together last week. Don't see him much any more since he moved on. I'll take it off in a bit. Too big. He hooked me up with the bro deal on some helium cams, maybe I'll change the photo to those.


* Have some pictures of an old mine I crawled into on that trip last week I can up load, but the minerals may or may not be there. Nice looking cliff next to a mine, literally there were deer walking through the campsite, Mt goats, wolves, moose and wolverines in the vicinity (didn't see a one of any, but there were various sign).....if there were trout in the stream, it might be a good retirement spot:-)


edit -someone already took it off, just noticed.

Edited by billcoe
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I hear colorado springs has a lot of minerals, though. true?

Assintake is most definitely missing them. looks he is suffering from constant period mood swings 365 days a year. feel sorry for his constantly hurting snatch.


Real internet tough guy. I will be in Washington next week, just saying...

yeah, look me up in whistler or squamish, because now i spend more time there.



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Why are you dudes getting all aggro with each other when, as JayB pointed out, it's really those greedy over-compensated public employees we should be pissed at? I mean.... pensions and health care and all that. What do they think this is, Soviet Russia?

Hahaha, too funny! Most of you probably didn't even know, that till about a few days ago, people working on fire crews were considered "seasonal employees" and had zero benefits, I mean zero! No health insurance, no retirement, no benefits whatsoever. Obama just signed executive order to change that (he is such a commie), I am sure Romney would try to void that first thing at the office.



let's all work for the government ;)

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I hear colorado springs has a lot of minerals, though. true?

Assintake is most definitely missing them. looks he is suffering from constant period mood swings 365 days a year. feel sorry for his constantly hurting snatch.


Real internet tough guy. I will be in Washington next week, just saying...

yeah, look me up in whistler or squamish, because now i spend more time there.


And the winner of the 2012-person-I-fear-a-physical-confrontation-with-the-least-award goes to...........assholepiss.


Are you sure you aren't in Tadoussac more often?

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Peoples, offering to beat each other up will get you the heave-ho from this site. Threats and physical altercations will not be tolerated. That sort of thing discourages the folks we actually want to post here, not to mention its a violation of your user agreement.

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douchey, can you create your own insults or are you a total total dumb fucking clowpunch incapable of any creative process? so far: reposts: 2, creativity:0. looks like one sided game. I was going to post pic of your mom, but you beat me to it. good job salty breath.


Are you genuinely this dumb? Almost every post you put up is just a string of unrelated misspelled words and junior-high jokes. You do realize that this kind of nonsense does nothing to anyone except reinforce your obvious lack of capacity for adult conversation and ideas.


The post of mine you quoted was hi-lighting your attempt to modify that other guy's name the same way I did yours, an example I'm sure was lost on you. Who's the uncreative piece of shit now?



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Peoples, offering to beat each other up will get you the heave-ho from this site. Threats and physical altercations will not be tolerated. That sort of thing discourages the folks we actually want to post here, not to mention its a violation of your user agreement.


And post after post of this, is OK? :rolleyes:


"douchey, can you create your own insults or are you a total total dumb fucking clowpunch incapable of any creative process? so far: reposts: 2, creativity:0. looks like one sided game. I was going to post pic of your mom, but you beat me to it. good job salty breath."


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Well, glassgowkiss knows damn well what would happen if we met in person. He would keep his goddamn mouth shut and I would probably be pretty nice to him.


There is no way in hell he talks to people like that in person. I have only met one guy who did and he was bigger than a house and still go beat silly regularly. In my line of work, you would never say the shit he says unless you wanted to get hit in the mouth repeatedly.


I will say that I will just leave this thread alone as it is full of so much bravado and chestbeating by people who are pretty mellow in person. I just think that being inflammatory for the sake of making other people's suffering worse is chickenshit; especially from behind a monitor.


So, with that, I will bid adieu to this thread and hope that people can keep their shit talking within the realm of reality.


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Peoples, offering to beat each other up will get you the heave-ho from this site. Threats and physical altercations will not be tolerated. That sort of thing discourages the folks we actually want to post here, not to mention its a violation of your user agreement.


And post after post of this, is OK? :rolleyes:


"douchey, can you create your own insults or are you a total total dumb fucking clowpunch incapable of any creative process? so far: reposts: 2, creativity:0. looks like one sided game. I was going to post pic of your mom, but you beat me to it. good job salty breath."


i was thinking the same thing!

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Hey, that kind of crap is perceived by many as being "business as usual" and you two jokers have contributed your fair share of verbal diarrhea slathered over other posters. It would get kind of lonely in here if I had to boot everyone for being a rude asshole, not to mention that I wouldn't be here either using that standard.


Assholery is a fuzzy boundary, offers and implications of physical violence is a really clear line that I find easy to discern regardless of where my personal sympathies lie. That's the line I choose to enforce, but other Spray mods are fully empowered to act on their own limits.


In any case, that particular freak show has been asked to STFU, and a continuation of hostilities is likely to cause (metaphoric) heads to roll. Peanut gallery monkeys are not immune to blowback consequences.

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