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Mitt's M&M's?


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Best sci-fi movie EVUH!

But I thought the original was better.

Do not concur. Much more shooting and killing of aliens in the second incarnation.

Especially if you watch the Director's Cut... :tup:


The guns and effects were cool in II--and who can forget Bill Paxton's famous "game over" speech. But the Gothic scenes and pure suspense in the original is tops, IMO.

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Best sci-fi movie EVUH!
But I thought the original was better.
Do not concur. Much more shooting and killing of aliens in the second incarnation.

Especially if you watch the Director's Cut... :tup:

The guns and effects were cool in II--and who can forget Bill Paxton's famous "game over" speech. But the Gothic scenes and pure suspense in the original is tops, IMO.
Oh, the "game over" speech - that was priceless! He even had slobber drooling out of his mouth during the delivery. Perfect! :laf:


But I'm a fan of temporal paradoxes, so I liked the whole "57 years" time-lapse thing. Kinda cool that a young-ish mother "returns from the grave" to see a pic of her dead daughter as a sexagenarian, no?

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Great flick! And Madeleine Stowe... :)...


Other good'ns from the genre...



Terminator (original) w/Linda Hamilton... :)...

Stargate (movie)


Final Countdown (Kathryn Ross... :)... )

several of the Star Trek movies

some of the Star Trek TNG episodes

some of the Planet of the Apes movies



and though not technically temporal paradox movies, these come to mind...


Silent Running

Event Horizon



I could prolly come up with more, but I gotta work tomorrow...

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Are the American people really that stupid to think Newt or Mitt is going to be any different that the last 4 presidents or the current one? Come on folks wake up. Don't vote more of the same into office.

i'm planning on writing in fred beckey - maybe ron paul would agree to be his vp? :)

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While not a Repub fan, I gotta say the hub-bub about how much Federal tax Mitt pays is BS. The vast majority of Americans don't pay 15% of their AGI in Federal Tax. With all the deductions for houses, kids, whatever, most Americans are below this rate. http://www.taxfoundation.org/news/show/250.html#table8


Yea, yea, theres SS/Medicare but that was not caluclated in Mitt's returns either. So as ususal Americans are :snugtop: about their high taxes. Not!


You are never going to get what is needed to get a more balanced budget by trying to milk the top 2%. A more reasonable approach would be to let ALL Bush era tax cuts expire, bump up the capital gains tax, and remove the SS cap on taxes.

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You're still pondering that?


Personally, I would love to see Paul get the nomination. The quality of the debate would certainly go way up, and the GOP could certainly use some of his principles, even if shoved down their throats.


Romney's just another wealth concentrator...nothing to see there. Refer to history for what his presidency would bring. He's a type.


From a cynical viewpoint, Gingrich is the clear choice for CERTAIN LOSER, of course, but I don't think the nation needs even more Train Wreck than it already enjoys. If there's a subfloor to our culture, Gingrich will undoubtedly find it. Just hearing his name makes me want to take a shower, and not with Callista.



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You are never going to get what is needed to get a more balanced budget by trying to milk the top 2%. A more reasonable approach would be to let ALL Bush era tax cuts expire, bump up the capital gains tax, and remove the SS cap on taxes.




Except that no one ever argued that just taxing the rich was the solution. Total straw man. We've argued that, to be just (at all), it NEEDS TO BE part of the solution.

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yeah, when they vote like you they are smart - otherwise they are dumb. :rolleyes:


"for such is the nature of men that how so ever they may acknowledge many others to be more witty, or more eloquent or more learned, yet they will hardly believe there be many so wise as themselves; for they see their own wit at hand, and other men's at a distance."


course, thomas hobbes, for all of that, was convinced khaddafi n' mubarak n' louis xiv, etc., etc. represented the finest form of government, so clearly he was a pogue.

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You are never going to get what is needed to get a more balanced budget by trying to milk the top 2%. A more reasonable approach would be to let ALL Bush era tax cuts expire, bump up the capital gains tax, and remove the SS cap on taxes.




Except that no one ever argued that just taxing the rich was the solution. Total straw man. We've argued that, to be just (at all), it NEEDS TO BE part of the solution.


Don't know how wide the "we" can stretch. But most of the Dems are avoiding issue like the plague.

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"we" refers to my people. The royal "we", if you will.


I just parachuted into an Dem LD monthly meeting to give my rousing call to arms regarding weed.


Those folks could bicker about simultaneous double orgasm. Sheesh. I had to interrupt their heated argument regarding parliamentary procedure so I could deliver my 'let's change history together' address. It was like slow mo chest bumpin' mosh pit for geriatric roosters.


I'd love to attend a GOP meeting so I could induce a similar global opinion based on a single data point. Somehow...I don't think they'd care to here my message, though.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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While not a Repub fan, I gotta say the hub-bub about how much Federal tax Mitt pays is BS. The vast majority of Americans don't pay 15% of their AGI in Federal Tax. With all the deductions for houses, kids, whatever, most Americans are below this rate. http://www.taxfoundation.org/news/show/250.html#table8


Yea, yea, theres SS/Medicare but that was not caluclated in Mitt's returns either. So as ususal Americans are :snugtop: about their high taxes. Not!


You are never going to get what is needed to get a more balanced budget by trying to milk the top 2%. A more reasonable approach would be to let ALL Bush era tax cuts expire, bump up the capital gains tax, and remove the SS cap on taxes.


Good post. Not sure we'd want to raise the CGT too much higher than its present level. Punishing investment seems like bad mojo, but the 15% that risk-takers pony up now could probably go to 20 or 25%. Letting the Bush cuts expire is a good idea too--as we've agreed in the past--and ditto the Social Security cap. Hell, I'd even support a temporary VAT--if it were constitutionally assigned to debt reduction and had an expiration mechanism. 28th Amendment, anyone?

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Unfortunately I'd have more confidence of the inhabitants of this asylum than those in the one in D.C.


Huh? We don't have TRILLIONS of dollars to spend!


Speaking of which Newt's new moon station will be english speaking only, hate to think what the restrooms will look like tho......

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