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OU sucks


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My Ducks suck a fat one [Mad][Mad][Mad]

I guess the COugs deserve a win every now and then since they hadn't won one in the last 4 years- three of those being in Pullman. Gesser sucked but damn can those receivers (I mean Basketball players)sky. And WSU's running game ain't bad after you get past the hype given to Gesser. His heisman candidacy is over after his performance. All I hope for now is that Ohio ST. or Miami looses. Actually, I hope Tech wins against Miami, b/c I don't think WSU has a chance against the 'Canes, but I think could take Ohio St.!

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Oh yeah? My alma mater Central Washington is whuppin' up on everybody, too. Division II, I think. Beat up on D I-AA Montana State earlier this year.


I gotta say, will somebody please beat Ohio State. They gotta be the worst undefeated team since BYU several years ago. Iowa would kick their ass, too bad they don't play this year.

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OSU the worst undefeated team? Hmm.... guess you haven't been watching the tube much.


They destroyed TTech. Which beat UTx. just today. They beat the number 3 team in the country WSU and kept Gusser to only one TD. They have one of the best kicking and special teams in the country. They have one of the best Ds too. Their rushing game is tough. And their QB was rated sixth best in passing efficiency.


yeah they suck.


Oh by the way. Iowa was offered a a chance to play OSU and they passed (scheduling problem, offer was made to Iowa and they passed...so OSU picked up what could, San Jose State). Remember Iowa lost to an unranked and in any league weak Iowa State. Als Iowa's media was sooo glad not to have to play OSU at the beginning of this season. Did you bother to read any of that?


Sure Iowa is tough. But hey, lost to IU, OSU didn't.


[ 11-16-2002, 11:45 PM: Message edited by: Rodchester ]

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Originally posted by Dave Schuldt:


I assume you prefer what the rest of the world refers to as football. Yes, soccer has continuous action....90 minutes of continuous running and possession changes, followed by a realization that with a final score of 1-1, some kind of shoot-out must occur. This "action" is sometimes eclipsed by the drama of growing grass and drying billboard paint.


At least in "American football", when there is action it is real action, complex action in which an enormous amount of analyzing and odds weighing is put into every play called. In soccer, a bunch of 75-pound Limies run around and wait for a lucky bounce, only to be called "off-sides" (we wouldn't want a game with too much offense, would we now).


The breaks in American football allow me to view commercials of busty supermodels selling watery beer. Soccer is so dull you can get a beer at any point and not miss a damn thing.


Fun to play, though. And that's my analysis.

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Originally posted by trask:

Roger that JCassidy. The Cougs suck hind teat. Dawgs will gnaw their scroads and serve up little Cougar testes as halftime appetizers. Apple Cup: Dawgs 31 - Cougs 17

The Cougs will roll up 50 points on that sieve of a defense. The dogs will end up with negative rushing yards for the game.

Cougs 50 - Fuskies 17

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I beg to differ. Iowa and Ohio St. don't play because the Big 10 Conference isn't smart enough to have everybody play everybody else each year so they can settle it on the field (kinda like the Pac 10). Iowa didn't opt out of anything, it was league scheduling. Ohio St. has barely beaten Purdue and Illinois in the last 2 weeks, 2 very mediocre teams. I have been watching the tube lately. Right back atcha.

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